Any Embarrassing Stories From Your Past That You Can Now Laugh At?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Sometimes laughing at yourself can help you get past difficult times, embarrassing moments, help you forgive yourself and not take life or any situation too seriously. Why? Because in the end, we all end up in one of two places....10 feet under or in an oven (at least for most people lol)

So here's my story and I still can't believe this happened to me.

A guy I dated for 7 years and I decided to go on a date to see the hot new movie Avatar. Needless to say we were both excited to go and drove about an hour to catch it on iMAX.

While he went to secure the seats, I went to get the food. I don't even like movie theater food but probably got wrapped up in going to see the movie. Chiiiiile, I bought two GIANT sodas and 2 bags of popcorns. The line was ridiculously long and by the time I walked in to the theater balancing a tray that seemed to weigh half my weight, the movie had started. It was pitch black and I couldn't find him for the life of me. I made all kinds of motions with my body to distract the whole audience. I couldn't call him because there was no reception in the theater. I left the room several times to call but either his phone was off or it never went through. TEN minutes past, TWENTY minutes and THIRTY minutes. By now I'm thinking why isn't he even coming to look for me? Fast forward I had to find my own seat, mad close to the screen with the two GIANT gulps and popcorn on my lap fuming the whole time.

Movie ends, lights come on and this **** is sitting about 5 rows up in the isle seat on the same side as the door I entered the movie theater through. *DEAD*

When we left, I think I had the biggest melt down in my life. I felt humiliated, stupid and just ANGRY FUMING and FOAMING at the mouth for how he just left me there. I was sooooo hurt. I screamed, punched the dashboard and cried probably the whole way. I mean what could he say? He was the most socially awkward person I had ever dated but the most brilliant. The emotional IQ was ZERO.

When my friend and I talk about this we just laugh and laugh....Like, it's a scene from a movie.

Your turn.
In my late 20's, met a guy in a club and we hit it off. At the time I lived in NJ and he lived in Brooklyn. Planned to meet in the city for a date. Date went well, extremely well. He came on the subway so I offered him a ride to the closest stop.

We decided to pull up in an alley so we can talk more since we were enjoying each other's company; talking led to making out, which led to way more than I planned. Windows fogged , car rocking, etc. My heart stopped when I heard a knock on the window. Lean over to unfog the window, and made eye contact with a cop gesturing to roll down the window. Officer, I would love to, but my pants are no where to be found :oops:

Cop knocks again, more insistently. In a panic, I go back to the driver's seat and put a coat over my lap in a pretense of modesty. I asked the officer what the issue was; he asked for my license and registration. After providing both, he explained the he was making sure I wasn't a hooker turning tricks in a car. No Mr. officer, just a black girl making poor decisions in the heat of passion :lachen:

Officer hands me my stuff, my date hands me my pants and we call it a night. Dated for another five months or so:)
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In my late 20's, met a guy in a club and we hit it off. At the time I lived in NJ and he lived in Brooklyn. Planned to meet in the city for a date. Date went well, extremely well. He came on the subway so I offered him a ride to the closest stop.

We decided to pull up in an alley so we can talk more since we were enjoying each others company; talking led to making out, which led to way more than I planned. Windows fogged , car rocking, etc. my heart stopped when I heard a knock on the window. Lean over to unfog the window, and made eye contact with a cop gesturing to roll down the window. Officer, I would love to, but my pants are no where to be found :oops:

Cop knocks again, more insistently. In a panic, I go back to the drivers seat and put a coat over my lap in a pretense of modesty. I asked the office what the issue was, he asked for my license and registration. After providing both, he explained the he was making sure I wasn't a hooker turning tricks in a car. No Mr. officer, just a black girl making poor decisions in the heat of passion :lachen:

Officer hands me my stuff, my date hands me my pants and we call it a night. Dated for another five months or so:)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
When I was in college I had a FWB, but we were more than friends (if that even makes sense). We cared for each other, but it was clear that I would never marry someone like him and he wasn't going to marry someone like me. Anyway, in addition to his full-time job he had a part-time job that he worked on the weekends. One night at around 3am he called wanting me to pick him up from work because he didn't have a car. So, I got out of my warm bed to pick this sorry dude up. Only thing is, I couldn't find the place where he wanted me to meet him. I'm out in the middle of the night in a shady part of town driving in circles for about half an hour. Eventually, I get to the right place, I drive him back to my apartment and we do what fwb do. Looking back I can't believe I was so dumb.
Years ago I met this fine *** dude at a New Year's Eve party. We exchanged numbers and started talking over text. A couple of days later we decide to go on a "date". So a few hours before we were supposed to go out, he decides he wants to text me and let me know that he did not have a car. I rolled my eyes a little, but I just thought 'whatever' and said I would pick him up. Then, the next message he sends is "Can we go to Buffalo Wild Wings instead of Yard House?" I again said "Ok" (Y'all, I don't know WHAT I was thinking). So I pick him up and we go to Buffalo Wild Wings. At different times throughout the date, he would rub on my legs under the table. I would have told any other dude to stop, but from him I liked it so, I just let it continue. So we talked, drank and finished our food (he at least had the decency to pay for everything without me having to pretend to reach for my wallet). Our "date" came to an end and as I'm driving him home I'm thinking "He ain't getting a kiss". Tell me why 10 minutes later I'm parked in front of his house (where he lived with his mom AND grandparents) straddling him in the passenger's seat and making out with him?! :lachen:

After about a month of us talking and texting back and forth, we basically just became f-buddies. It was fun, the sex was good. At first, it operated like a normal f-buddy situation. I would show up at 10:30-11:00, when everyone else in the house was sleep and we'd go upstairs to his room to have sex and I'd leave after.

But, after a few months things started getting weird. After a while, he only wanted to go and have sex in the sun room that faced the backyard (it was like an enclosed patio area with like floor to ceiling windows and a clear roof) and I was down for it like a dumb***! Talmbout "It's nice, I can see the stars" :rolleyes: And to make it worse, when we finished having sex in the sun room he wouldn't even walk me through the house and out through the front door. He would boost me over the backyard fence to the front yard and then hop over himself and walk to me to my car.

Then, that wasn't enough. They had a camper/RV that was parked in their driveway. We went from having sex in the sun room to having sex in the damn RV. At the time, I really didn't care. The D was good :lol:. But now that I look back at that, not only am I embarrassed, but I also wonder if he started having us go to the sun room and RV because he had a girlfriend who was possibly sleeping in his room at the time that I would come over. If he was doing that, that's a whole 'nother level of trifling.
But, after a few months things started getting weird. After a while, he only wanted to go and have sex in the sun room that faced the backyard (it was like an enclosed patio area with like floor to ceiling windows and a clear roof) and I was down for it like a dumb***! Talmbout "It's nice, I can see the stars" :rolleyes: And to make it worse, when we finished having sex in the sun room he wouldn't even walk me through the house and out through the front door. He would boost me over the backyard fence to the front yard and then hop over himself and walk to me to my car.


Girl, that must have been some d@amn good D! :yep:
After my first boyfriend dumped me, I was distraught. I couldn't sleep and I've lost a lot of weight.

A few weeks later, I randomly decided that I needed to go and stalk him. I took my mothers car and drove across town to his parents house. Mind you I have no license and no insurance. I sat at the end of the block crying and happen to catch a glance of myself with rollers in my hair and Noxema on my face. I Looked like a melted version of that clown It.

That image snapped me out of my insanity and I burst out laughing started the car and went home

I told my mother what I did years later and she still didn't believe me initially That would be extremely out of character for me.