Another red head! (PICS!)

Thanks so much ladies. I am so flattered from everyone's comments! Here's a real brief synopsis of my regimen.

I don't do much to my hair at all. I straighten twice per month. One week straight and one week curly, although I might decide to not straighten for weeks at a time. I wash twice a month faithfully with Suave clarifying shampoo and Tropical Coconut conditioner using the Crown & Glory method. I do an ACV rinse with cold water and then use HE LTR leave in.

If I'm going straight, then I use Paul Mitchell SS and coconut oil and use my FHI. If going curly, I part my hair in fours while still wet and use Kinky Curly Knot Today. In the morning I let it free and enjoy my Afro for a day. After that I keep my curls in a bun for the remainder of the week.

It's much more complex than this, but I can't type it all on my phone! Any more questions, feel free to ask. :)

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Your hair is absolutely astonishing..... It compliments all your features and your skin tone sooo perfectly... I have sworn off any chemical services until I reach my ultimate goal length so I have a couple years, God willing but you may have just decided the first color for me... Gorgeous!!!!
Beautiful!!!! You're wearing the heck outta that red and it looks way way way better than RiRi's
PRETTY PRETTY PERETTY!!!!!!!!!! I love the side view pic!!! I wish that my hair could handle this.....i doubt that it would. You look amazing!
I was thinking of using manic panic the same vampire red color that you have used. I'm ready to switch the hair up. After seeing your AAAmazing results with the product, I'm ready to try it.

I must say the straight hair is nice but the natural hair pics :rocker:

very very very pretty!!!!

Looks amazetastical on you! You just pooed all over Rihanna's dirty looking mop top wig.

Your hair is gorgeous!! did you say you did it yourself? If so can you walk me through the process? What brand did you use? How long did you leave it in? I would love to color my hAir but want a more muted look. But your color suits you beautifully.
Your hair looks sooooo fab!!! I wish I could color my hair and not go bald. I'm a little jealous right now. But really the color is great. It looks good both straight and curly.