Another red head! (PICS!)

I'm really surprised that I like it. I usually hate red hair if it's not someones natural color. This looks gorgeous on you! You have such a pretty face too. I love your curly hair!!
This is the hottest red I've seen to date! Pleasantly surprised by ur results..and no ur not a Rhi wanna be..Rhi is wearing a weave... thats all u!
You just had to past that color envy on didn't you. Cause I have a serious case of it right now. Wow! Your hair really looks awesome!
you and your hair are beautiful. i wont lie i can only see the straight hair pics on this computer so i was like eh its cute whatever. but the curly hair pics (i can see from my phone) are just too beautiful for words.
and like someone else said you remind me of jill scott a little.