Another Hair Disaster!! ugh

let us know what u find that works on this problem, bc Id like a solution to my sometimes excessive shedding and Im also afraid to try the garlic shampoo. You know, some ppl have had success with that capilo cinamin conditioner for shedding and its on sale for $1.50 at sickbay.
I love the Liv hairdressing. I started using it about 2 weeks ago and my hair really drinks it up. I only use after i wash & condition my hair. I use nothing else. Irresistible, i'm sorry to hear about your mishap with the Liv hairdressing. Nay, you continue doing what you're doing. If liv is standing by you, faithfully, then you need to do the same to it. Products will not always work the same for everyone. We all know that.
Adrienne, getting a
from you is high praise. You know you are an LHCF icon!

Fancypants, thanks for the pep talk, but I'm still mad at Liv.

Irresistible, you be sure to keep us posted. I was thinking about you today, and I've decided that (A) you obviously know how to take care of your hair, because that's how you got it to grow so long and pretty in the first place. And (B) with that said, maybe your hair is trying to tell you to go back to your first loves. Stick with the tried and trues. And curb the desire to try other stuff.

I know every time I try something new, it's usally a waste of time or a disaster (like the time I tried the Suave Coconut Conditioner and it made my hair so dry I thought it was going to instantaneously combust. And, oh, I had single-strand hair knots on at least 50% of my hair!!)

Girl, go back to your O.G. products, the ones that never let you down and helped you to achieve that beautiful enviable hair
Wow, that's crazy :-( I remember using Liv as a child. I didn't know something non chemical could have that bad of an effect :-(

It will definitely get better, don't' worry.
*Checking back in*...

well the shedding from this morning combined with the shedding of tonights combing, when compared to that first pile of hair is at about half that amount, so its doing better . like i said still more than im used to. but at least its getting better.

i dont think Liv is bad, i just think its kinda gooky making the hair hard and hard to comb. and for whatever reason on my hair its drying.

im kinda frustrated cause i had big plans for Liv lol, i was just about to do my hair in two pony tails and thought i found the perfect "laying my hair down" product for that style.

Nay i know your right girl, about goin with what i know already. Its weird how all this stuff works so different on every head of hair. I just cant resist looking for product Utopia still, i shall try to curb it some though after this.

well , my hair was doing better enough tonight, that i felt content enough to wait till the weekend to wash and for now just keep it drenched in the Avacodo butter. but so far the shedding is decreasing...thank God