New Member
I'm laughing right now.
My friends are all girly-girls and into their hair so I don;'t get on their nerves.
But I've never 'volunteered' info to anyone.
I give when asked and even them it's almost pointless.
They nod as you go into your hair schpeal. You can actually see their eyes glaze over.
Then they usually dismiss everything you said.
Which makes no sense because if you can't grow any hair and your hair is all chewed up then obviously your methods ain't working or your stylist doesn't know what their doing. Why not listen to someone who has a decent head of hair.
But ppl will do what they want. Ppl are ignorant. Some are stuck in their ways. Some ppl are just plain lazy. I run into a lotta females who have to be weaved up at all times because their hair looks a HAM. Then they ask you what you do to maintain your hair.
Try to tell them about hairwashing and DC-in and they tune you out because apparently 'you got good hair'--- which totally explains why your hair looks nice and theirs doesn't.

They don't know how to do their own hair but they also ain't interested in learning either.
Oh well....of course I will always tell ppl what I do.But, it ain't like half of them listen anyway...
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