Am I the only one......


New Member
That feels as though they can't moisturize on a regular? I am not one to get into hair types, mainly because I could never figure mine out, but if I had to guess, I'd say I'm in the 3's somewhere.

It doesn't take much for me at all. When I'm not wearing my installs, I deep con, poo, apply leave in and just roller set with water. My hair is so soft and bouncy, and that's all I do until my next poo. But get this, going into day 4 or so, my hair starts to look/feel weighed down, as if I've been putting product in it. I figure because I have a thin hair shaft and my natural scalp oils seem to be enough.

I tried to moisturize every other day and seal but my poor hair just doesn't like it. It weighs it down and is just lifeless.

Does anyone else have this problem? Everyone here always talking about moisturizing & sealing on a regular and I can barely get by with doing it once a week and very very lightly at that.
Hello :)

I used to have that problem when my hair was a bit longer. what oils, butters or moisturizers do you use? I find that when I use store bought products like ORS olive oil moisturizers or silk elements moisturizer, my hair would get clumpy and weight down like that. I had to use such a small amount that I might as well have not been using any at all :(

I just mainly use coconut oil now and I LOVE it. I don't get that weight down feeling and my hair drinks it a good way lol It feels light but still moisturized. It seems like all of my BSS products for moisture are collecting dust.

I'm not sure but I'm sure the other ladies can jump in and recommend other things to help you! :)
That feels as though they can't moisturize on a regular? I am not one to get into hair types, mainly because I could never figure mine out, but if I had to guess, I'd say I'm in the 3's somewhere.

It doesn't take much for me at all. When I'm not wearing my installs, I deep con, poo, apply leave in and just roller set with water. My hair is so soft and bouncy, and that's all I do until my next poo. But get this, going into day 4 or so, my hair starts to look/feel weighed down, as if I've been putting product in it. I figure because I have a thin hair shaft and my natural scalp oils seem to be enough.

I tried to moisturize every other day and seal but my poor hair just doesn't like it. It weighs it down and is just lifeless.

Does anyone else have this problem? Everyone here always talking about moisturizing & sealing on a regular and I can barely get by with doing it once a week and very very lightly at that.

This is me too, but I really don't care if I'm bunning or wearing a protective style. Now when it comes to wearing my hair down :nono:, I can't do all that extra for the exact same reason. I may use a light serum after I'm done rollersetting or flat ironing and that's only on the ends, never @ the root because it'll be oily in a couple days anyway. I think it does have to do w/the hair type.
trus me im having moisturizing issues as well which is why i believe my ends are suffering a lil:wallbash: for one i cant find the right moisturizer for my superfine forcetexlaxed strands:rolleyes: and since im so heavyhanded everything i use jus sits there so im almost forced to wetbun with no other styling options i definitely cant wait until my hairveda products come.......
I had the same problem and the only way to solve it is to stop sealing!!! About 80 percent of our moistuizers already have oil. There is no need to seal. I like just using butter as a moisturizer every other day and I have no issues.
what oils, butters or moisturizers do you use?

I just mainly use coconut oil now and I LOVE it.

Hey Jess, Well I am still trying to find my staples. I actually found them, I'm just a damn PJ so I can't sit still long enough to see what is working To be honest, moisturizing was never apart of my regimen before I found lhcf and I never had a problem with moisture either. I have Cantu shea butter leave in, ORS olive oil and carrot oil creams, S curl, and vitapointe.

This is me too, but I really don't care if I'm bunning or wearing a protective style. Now when it comes to wearing my hair down , I can't do all that extra for the exact same reason. I may use a light serum after I'm done rollersetting or flat ironing and that's only on the ends, never @ the root because it'll be oily in a couple days anyway. I think it does have to do w/the hair type.

OMG Eisani, you are my separated twin!! This is exactly what I am talking about. When I'm in my sew in, I squirt my mix on my cornrows like there is no tomorrow but if I am wearing my hair down, it's a no no. ITA, it has to be our hair type.

trus me im having moisturizing issues as well which is why i believe my ends are suffering a lil for one i cant find the right moisturizer for my superfine forcetexlaxed strands and since im so heavyhanded everything i use jus sits there so im almost forced to wetbun with no other styling options i definitely cant wait until my hairveda products come.......

I'm trying hariveda next. I just started using my leave in's as a moisturizer and it seems to work for me so far.