ThursdayGirl said:
I saw that thread, now. Thanks. Its a behemoth.
I dunno if that's why the thread was bumped, but I really think its because Muse has a nice head of hair.
If you look at Plenty's thread from two days ago, she's interested in transitioning using pressing. Muse of Troy must press if she's not relaxing. Plenty obviously saw Muse's avatar and decided to ask her about her regime and I agree. I hope Muse will share her regime.
I really don't think anything malicious was meant by bumping this.
Maybe starting a new thread would've been better or a pm, but I doubt she really thought of it. Heck I would not have thought about the furor this would cause either.
Not everybody is trying to start something all the time guys
Thursday, thanks for that post... maybe Plenty wasn't trying to do anything malicious.
And also, I think this does reiterate the point that I was trying to make in one post... the whole thing didn't seem to be this big relaxed vs. natural war folks are making it out to be... the debate was about perm vs. straightening without a perm!!!
Now, yes, I too thought that there was a malicious intent in bumping this thread, but it appears that I might be wrong. Whether or not that's the case, I don't know, but I do wonder why folks back in 2003 and folks in 2007 automatically started to take it personal or thought the OP was trying to start something when she said she was "anti-perm."
For the record, I'm anti-perm. But guess what? All that means is that I'm anti-perm for ME because perms break off my hair. If I ever straighten again, I'm gonna press or just get Dominican blowouts all the time. It has nothing to do with looking down on anyone who perms or thinking I'm superior because I'm natural. I just don't like what perms do to my hair, and there are many people who feel that way... some of whom will never wear natural hair in their lives!
Of course, that's me! If the pro-perm people want to buy stock in Motions, that's all good too!
Maybe.... just maybe... we should not automatically assume that natural folks wanna start **** with straightened folks and vice versa on this board.
Oh and the term "evil" sounds like just an expression in this case... heck, I've called homework, school, my boss, the New England Patriots and chocolate "evil." None of these things are "evil," (well, maybe just my boss!) it's just an expression that most of us have used at some time or another to exaggerate... like it sounds like Muse was doing in this thread.