Am I Overreacting?

Peace in Prose

New Member
Last night around 8pm, my husband steps outside the house. Does not tell me where, just leaves. Me and my child go to sleep and I wake up at 12 and my door is unlocked. I am mad. It is not a bad neighborhood by any means, but things happen in far better ones, why chance it. I lock the door.

He comes in around 3 oclock and I let him know he could have told me where he was. I say do not even bother coming to bed with me. He's livid saying I could have popped my head out the door and saw he was at the neighbor's house.

I tell him it not my job to go looking for you. If I did he would accuse me of being insecure, which he does anyway. I am not understanding. I told him about anyone could stroll in the house, and you expect me to believe you had your eye on the door the whole time.

He goes off on me, telling me he is a grown arse man:look: and he does not need my permission. I said I did not ask him to get any, just simply inform me if he was going to be out late.

Now the part that really stuck with me. He says sarcastically, or maybe not, he was down the street at some females house? I am like what?! He says that is what I want to hear. I said no, that was not even the suggestion. At this point, I tell him to leave me alone, I am through for the night. And he goes on and on about permission, I said if you are going to misrepresent my motives leave me alone, I told you what it was. He goes on to the point I say "Leave Me the Fcuk Alone!!!" and he goes upstairs.

See, a couple a weeks ago, he tells me some lady needed a ride to the university, (he did not even offer for me to take her like what happened in a past situation at a different place) I tell him to go ahead and give it. The university is seven minutes down the street but it takes him a hell of alot longer. So he comes back and he's telling me about the girl working at the theatre and already graduated. I say really, who is she? Wouldn't tell me. I am listing off neighbors and all he does is tell me no. So after listing off a few, I drop it and every neighbor I know has transportation.

Am I overthinking?

Anywho, a soon as I finish university and have a stable enough career, I will be reevaluating my marriage. So for now, I am stashing my cash and working parttime jobs.
I don't think you are overreacting because this seems to be repeated behaviour. I think you are doing the right thing by pushing some money aside, and making sure that you are financially stable.DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ABOUT THE MONEY YOU HAVE PUT ASIDE!! Don't make any rash decisions and is marriage counselling an option?
I don't think you are overreacting because this seems to be repeated behaviour. I think you are doing the right thing by pushing some money aside, and making sure that you are financially stable.DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ABOUT THE MONEY YOU HAVE PUT ASIDE!! Don't make any rash decisions and is marriage counselling an option?

We been to marriage counseling before. Right now, like I told my personal counselor, I trying to provide stability for my son, so I will reevaluate once I get a stable career to sustain a life on my own. I love him, but after six years and you still have that independent mentality, something has got to give.
I don't think you are over reacting.....he should have had the courtesy to tell you where he was going. IDK but it does seem like odd behavior.
It's not odd behavior hon. It's rude behavior. IMHO, when a person cannot answer a question, it's because they are being deceitful. If you ask me where I was last night, I can answer honestly and quickly. When people start getting into, "I'm a grown arse man/woman," spiel it's because they have something to hide.

Keep ya head up, continue to make moves toward situating yourself and keep mental notes of what is going on. Your intuition will not lie to you. I am really sorry you are going through this. (((HUGS)))
You are not overreacting at all. Your hubby is doing a great diservice to your level of trust, and your safety by 1. leaving the house unnanounced, and 2. leaving the front door unlocked.

This is really a matter of respect or the lack thereof. He seems unsympathetic to you and your point of view which is a HUGE red flag.
I agree u are smart for putting money aside, he seems pretty bold though so u might want to look into a quicker plan pf action as far as leaving him.

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When it comes to safety, one can never overreact. I see nothing wrong with him telling you he's leaving out AND locking the darn door.
I agree u are smart for putting money aside, he seems pretty bold though so u might want to look into a quicker plan of action as far as leaving him.

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Gone till 3am with no explanation? He is immature, rude, disrespectful, and some other things I won't say. I hope you will be finished with school soon. And to answer your question, no, you are not overreacting.
Last night around 8pm, my husband steps outside the house. Does not tell me where, just leaves. Me and my child go to sleep and I wake up at 12 and my door is unlocked. I am mad. It is not a bad neighborhood by any means, but things happen in far better ones, why chance it. I lock the door.

He comes in around 3 oclock and I let him know he could have told me where he was. I say do not even bother coming to bed with me. He's livid saying I could have popped my head out the door and saw he was at the neighbor's house.

I tell him it not my job to go looking for you. If I did he would accuse me of being insecure, which he does anyway. I am not understanding. I told him about anyone could stroll in the house, and you expect me to believe you had your eye on the door the whole time.

He goes off on me, telling me he is a grown arse man:look: and he does not need my permission. I said I did not ask him to get any, just simply inform me if he was going to be out late.

Now the part that really stuck with me. He says sarcastically, or maybe not, he was down the street at some females house? I am like what?! He says that is what I want to hear. I said no, that was not even the suggestion. At this point, I tell him to leave me alone, I am through for the night. And he goes on and on about permission, I said if you are going to misrepresent my motives leave me alone, I told you what it was. He goes on to the point I say "Leave Me the Fcuk Alone!!!" and he goes upstairs.

See, a couple a weeks ago, he tells me some lady needed a ride to the university, (he did not even offer for me to take her like what happened in a past situation at a different place) I tell him to go ahead and give it. The university is seven minutes down the street but it takes him a hell of alot longer. So he comes back and he's telling me about the girl working at the theatre and already graduated. I say really, who is she? Wouldn't tell me. I am listing off neighbors and all he does is tell me no. So after listing off a few, I drop it and every neighbor I know has transportation.

Am I overthinking?

Anywho, a soon as I finish university and have a stable enough career, I will be reevaluating my marriage. So for now, I am stashing my cash and working parttime jobs.

NOT in the least. For reasons already mentioned in this thread.
So you mean to tell me he was gone for 7 hours? That's da#$ near a whole work day. Unless he was making money (legally) then that's a problem. Suspect.
So you mean to tell me he was gone for 7 hours? That's da#$ near a whole work day. Unless he was making money (legally) then that's a problem. Suspect.

When we first got married, he would do that and I told him how I felt about it. I felt if I wanted to sleep in an unoccupied bed at 3 o'clock, I would have remained single, and his response was the same. This was compounded with the fact that I did not know any of his friends.

Then one day he did not come back until 1 oclock the following afternoon, claiming he got hungover and crashed on Ruiz's couch. I did not yell, I did nothing, and he quit going out, but every once and awhile he would mention I made him give up his friends. That I was so insecure, he did not want to argue... extreme, I tell him I did not ask for that, I just wanted to know who they were because I was never invited, he said there were no girls there, yet one picked up his phone-- the homeowner's wife. But she was hanging around, sooo, why couldn't I.

Flash forward six years later. It was not about that. I know the neighbors I was just too concentrated on my paper to go party, if that is where he went. What would I look like just going over there to check up on him and not visit, which I did not feel like doing. All he had to say was I going over to Rosalee and Ruben's...

Also, syht that don't make sense to me. We moved in March. I took his car one day and did realize this shoebox we have of condoms were in the car, not he house. In addition I found some hidden pornos. I did not say anything, but I would get the notion to go count them and never follow through. I counted them initially, but where in the hell would he watch the pornos at, unless he sneaks them in the house when everyone is sleep.
Us and Pornos

I never had a problem with pornography, never understood if you have flesh in the house, why self gratification, but at the same time I acknowledge I was sexually oppressed due to past experiences.

Anywho, I would ask him to *you know* and he would say he was tired, but I would wake up and there would be things to suggest he masturbated. It got to the point we would have sex once a month but the signs of masturbation would show up more frequently, even on nights I would ask.

This made me increasingly insecure. I would go to him with tears in my eyes and tell him how neglected I felt and he would say nothing was wrong. He would do things like say he was running to the store for 3 items and would be gone for hours. So I started to keylog he personal computer and put tracking on his phone. There were pictures of girls from myspace and the likes. The last straw was Mothers' Day and he wishing all his "Mobsters" friends Happy Mothers' Day and had not said a word to me.

I pack my bags and arrange to go to a friend's, but he stops me at the door and I ask him why? The pornos, the pictures, the girls, the inappropriate text, and he tells me because I do not clean the house like he wants and I made him give up his friends. I am hurt and floored that THIS is his payback?!

So marriage counseling we go. My personal counselor says start developing exit strategies and have a plan in case I get enough or he leaves. That he is afraid of the change in me. But the marital counselor. It was a Veteran counselor and she was more focus on him being deployed several times and said the reactions were symptoms. So he made me choose the vet counselor.

I tell you, I will not go through that syht again. And right now I am numb in my marriage. Yep, there are good times, but I am not willing to compromise the little sanity I have developed to play games. No, no. So then I say, I cannot sustain currently, we moved to a different city and I invested alot of my savings in new furnishings, I have no job and I am going to school. So education, career, then reevaluation.
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Get out while you can. You have been accepting bad behavior for too long. You are not responsible for his behavior but you are responsible for what you put up with. Start planning to get out and away ASAP. You know you should know his friends. You know he should invite you to hang out. You know he is cheating. You know he is disrespectful. You got yourself a bad apple. Ain't nothing you can do with this man. Child or not, you cannot save this marriage. I'm sorry.
I sooo feel for you.

I do want to remind you that you're stronger than you think.

I think it's SMART to have an exit strategy, however, there's going to be a time that comes when you'll have to choose stick to the strategy or save your sanity before then.

YOU ARE STRONGER AND MORE CAPABLE THAN YOU THINK. Never forget that. God does not want us here to endure and tolerate. We are meant to experience joy in life. Know that!
Peace in Prose It is not my place to say get out of this marriage but I will say that when someone shows you themselves BELIEVE THEM. He is proving himself to be a liar as well as having no respect for your as his wife. I don't understand GROWN ask men that act a fool because their wives want to know where they are. You are not single anymore dude AND you have a child. BTW I agree with hopeful you should definitely know these "friends". He is a married man that wants to live like a single fella. I'd give him just want he wanted. I wish you the best.
The fact that he rather masturbate than sleep with you, maybe he's gay?

was the sex like this in the beginning/when did it start to wean?
The fact that he rather masturbate than sleep with you, maybe he's gay?

was the sex like this in the beginning/when did it start to wean?


I think it was more of an issue of control. He used it as a weapon in order for me to clean the house as he wanted and anger over his friends. So he denied me the intimacy, which sucked because it was something I though should have been given freely without conditions.

It used to be frequent. Like seven times a day when we were in the barracks... it weaned after he got out ( I got out months before).
When you start hearing lame excuses like "I don't like the way you clean the house" to rationalize bizarre behavior, you know you're not over reacting.

The Vet counselor has a point. He may be suffering with some form of PTSD and in need of therapy. Multiple deployments really do cause serious stress that often shows up in the marriage

That said, unless he's in therapy to deal with his issues they're not going to go away and it doesn't sound like he is. And personally, I can't live in misery so I would be planning and plotting my exit just as you are.
Wait a minute... I thought you posted a while back that you had left him already? Maybe I am just confused.

:bighug: Peace in Prose... this man is too damaged for you to make a marriage work with. Therapy might not even help him. It would be like putting Humpty Dumpty back together again- how long would that take? How long will you continue to live like this?

You know you need to leave, but please consider that waiting until graduation might not be the only way. Go to your school, tell them you need to leave your husband ASAP and that you have a child. Can they arrange for you to live in student housing? Can they get you a job on campus, maybe as a residence hall advisor? These are choices that will no longer be available after you graduate!
REAL Eyes.....REALize....REAL Lies...Open Yours REAL Wide!!! When Someone Shows You Who They Are.....Believe Them!!!

I am amazed at what you have put up with so far. This man has been abusive and has not laid one finger on you. He was gone way before you saw it. Disconnect yourself from him, focus on YOU and finish your education. That is most important for you to move forward to support yourself and your child.

Freedom is near :bighug:
^^^i agree there are alotta things that were put up with for ofcourse dude is seasoned in being a complete douche bag hubby...i would have a solid exit strategy going because its obvious to me that he just dont give an ***--manipulating..leaving for hrs on end---who does that...

wish OP all the best...
Wow....girl you are living my marriage. From the porn, to the women, to the're just blessed that you don't have to deal with the lunatic MIL:look:
And yes, I heard the you don't clean the house although I cleaned, cooked, worked fulltime, and did everything for our child by myself.
He would even say you spend too much money when I barely bought anything for myself. I couldn't even buy pampers without hearing his mouth. He didn't do ish for me for x-mas, my bday, our anniversary. I felt the worse I'd ever felt in my life when I was with him. LEAVE!!!! You can do better!

Things I wish I knew to do before my divorce:
Stack your money and not in your name, put it on your momma's name. Don't transfer the money electronically because they can see where it went. Withdraw it and then put it in a different account. You can always say you spent it.
Finish your education if you can. If not, find a way to secure that GI bill even if you divorce (I'm assuming you're military)
If there's a way that you can get a lawyer without getting a job, do it.
The more money you make, the less he has to pay (in child support and spousal support). Once you start'll be harder for you to get spousal support.
Even if you all go to counseling and somehow things start to magically work itself out......still stack that paper. And not in your name.
Oh continue to stack paper...and not in your name. Did I say to stack that paper and not in your name? I'm just sayin:look:
If there's a way that you can get a lawyer without getting a job, do it.
She can get a lawyer regardless and he would have to pay. My former SIL didn't work, but she retained an attorney and my brother had to pay for his and her attorney. Now this is in PA, she may have to check the laws in her state.