AHHHHHH I can't meet a normal guy to save my life!


New Member
He was cute, but he turned out to be an ***.

He likes drama. He thinks cause he dated one black girl (for four years who dumped his *** and went home) and he's been in the Tokyo club scene for 10 years, he's an expert on all things black.

He keeps making smart *** comments. Should I deleted him from my facebook? Or just ignore the hell out of his ***? i'm bound to see him again in Tokyo.

Its sad cause he was really hot.
Fine men can be the worst. They are often the most clueless because few women check them on there mess.
You should be cordial but thats where it stops. You dont have to be rude but you can let him know you dont appreciate his behavior by pulling out of communication with him.
He was cute, but he turned out to be an ***.

He likes drama. He thinks cause he dated one black girl (for four years who dumped his *** and went home) and he's been in the Tokyo club scene for 10 years, he's an expert on all things black.

He keeps making smart *** comments. Should I deleted him from my facebook? Or just ignore the hell out of his ***? i'm bound to see him again in Tokyo.

Its sad cause he was really hot.

Out of curiosity, what did he say?
Fine or not, he sounds like he's very disrespectful by his comments, I wouldn't have to think twice about deleting him from Facebook.....but that's me.
Girl, you're all over the place. I see that you are in Japan. What city are you in? My brother may be able to help you. Most of the people in Japan are very very gay... I am being honest. That little island has over 2 million gay people.

This guy that you're mentioning is so rude and gross. Leave him alone. BTW, how in the world did you guys meet? I have so many questions for you. I'm sorry that you haven't been doing so well in this department. :(
Out of curiosity, what did he say?

He said, "It's because your competitive."

So I asked him what he meant by that and he said I don't accept others opinions and I think my idea is best.

Then I was like how can he think that through some emails and meeting 2x in a loud club? I asked him to explain but he never did, he just went on to say that I'm selfish and he knows about black girls.

I was so hot, but I was trying to keep my cool b/c I don't like to make enemies--especially if I know I will see them again.

My friend was like tell him to go F himself.

I was thinking of deleting him from my facebook, cause he said a lot of rude things and he doesn't even know me--but then if I delete him I know he will know CAUSE PLAYBOY "LIKES" EVERY PIC I POST!

I'm shocked that he's 34 and so rude in emails. But in person he's all up on me and super gentlemanly. I did let him know late last night a lil about himself. I said, "you're right I probably am competitive and selfish. You would know more about black girls than me being that the only you ever dated left your *** here in Japan after four years. Take care!"

Anyways I'm in Kanto area of Japan. My state is Kanagawa.

I see gay acting ppl everyday but I'm really not good at telling off the bat unless they are super flamin.

But you know the options here a limited:

1. Japanese
2. Black military guys (they all have asian fever and want Jgirls)
3. Nigerans (a lot of them have those illegal looking hiphop clothes stores that no one shops in...)