Adorable: A White Man's Opinion of His Wife's Natural Journey

Oh I just couldn' t resist this title
ANd I watched the entire 10 minute video too :woohoo:
Honestly, they're really cute together. And it is sweet that her hubster appreciates her in all forms. I just hope she doesn't go overboard with feeling validated because he's a white man (when afterall it's his group that's responsible for the whole kinky/all things black=ugly)

-flava flav- wooooooooooooooooooooooow

It's not as if he has a choice, he is unfortunate looking. He is lucky to be with her, she's a pretty girl, she could could do better than him. They seem like such a boring couple, brother and sister material - where's the spark? chemistry?

I though he was cute because he was awkward looking. She could get someone better looking, but better looking doesnt mean, more supportive or more loving :ohwell:
I don't understand why so many ladies are saying she needs a better looking man. Physical appearance don't last forever but personality does.
I don't understand why so many ladies are saying she needs a better looking man. Physical appearance don't last forever but personality does.

Agreed. Maybe if some folks on here weren't so hung up on looks they'd be married too instead of whining about not having nobody in the Relationships forum. Just sayin. :ohwell:
I thought that was really cute! I had a funny conversation with my SO yesterday (bless his heart) about hair. He has no idea what is going on. :lachen: He just knows sometimes I wear braids and sometimes I wear curls.

As far as the comments on their relationship...I don't get it. They obviously love each other and that should be all that matter.
I thought that was really cute! I had a funny conversation with my SO yesterday (bless his heart) about hair. He has no idea what is going on. :lachen: He just knows sometimes I wear braids and sometimes I wear curls.

As far as the comments on their relationship...I don't get it. They obviously love each other and that should be all that matter.

I do. I think it's subtle contempt for the fact that she's married to a white guy. Folks just aren't coming out and saying it. For the haters who want to wait around for your millionaire black man who's never been to jail, has no kids, loves his momma and looks like Denzel...ya'll go on and wait. And wait. And wait.
I do. I think it's subtle contempt for the fact that she's married to a white guy. Folks just aren't coming out and saying it. For the haters who want to wait around for your millionaire black man who's never been to jail, has no kids, loves his momma and looks like Denzel...ya'll go on and wait. And wait. And wait.
Ouch :lachen:...
I really liked the video. I always find it adorable when someone's partner supports them SO much you can tell they really love them! Too sweet :).
Nice couple. They seem happy and she has BEAUTIFUL thick lovely hair :yep:.

Tis all I can see. The rest is all semantics. Lets just celebrate the positivity for once and not get so deep bc life isn't always....
Aw, I think they're cute. They do look a little odd, but I like the fact that he seems supportive of her.
This is a great video. My boyfriend is biracial and I'm his first black girlfriend. He probably would say the same thing as this guy about me and my hair, lol.
For the haters who want to wait around for your millionaire black man who's never been to jail, has no kids, loves his momma and looks like Denzel...ya'll go on and wait. And wait. And wait.

Agreed. Maybe if some folks on here weren't so hung up on looks they'd be married too instead of whining about not having nobody in the Relationships forum. Just sayin. :ohwell:

You just made my day. Seriously.

Let's be honest, they're both pretty unfortunate looking. Although she wins on the attractiveness scale by a notch.

I think a lot of the eye-rolling and bitterness in some of the earlier comments in the thread are coming from folks who recognize this ongoing sense of "white validation" that is sometimes prevalent on the board. But after watching the video I definitely don't see that as the case, and it's clear the OP didn't start this topic with that notion in mind either. But I guess some people can't help having that knee jerk reaction.

Regardless of race, if you meet a man who truly loves you for you, he's going to love your hair no matter what you do it.
It's, not quite but, almost


up in here. :lol:
Hmm, maybe it's just me but I think that a mans opinion of black natural hair would vary depending on their upbringing, cultural differences and various things they've been exposed to in life, so it seems that a white mans opinion might be different from a black mans, and his might be different from an asian man's and so on and so forth.
(And yes, that was a long run on sentence :grin: )
The video was neat. Austin's comments about her love/hate relationship with her hair before she went natural are very similar to my husband's. It is interesting to know that we are not alone. I'm still relaxed because that's my personal preference. But I'm sure my husband would have the same attitude - you're beautiful to me no matter what babe, so just do whatever makes you happy :o)

I didn't get the comments on appearance either. What exactly are they supposed to look like to be acceptable to those of you who view the couple so negatively?
My SO is Black, and he has a preference for natural Black hair. In fact, he loves locks and thinks I would look beautiful with my hair locked. But he doesn't pressure me. He hates the fact that many Black women feel they must relax their hair to be beautiful. He says I'm beautiful no matter what I do to myself. It's one of the ways that he's so wonderful.
The video was neat. Austin's comments about her love/hate relationship with her hair before she went natural are very similar to my husband's. It is interesting to know that we are not alone. I'm still relaxed because that's my personal preference. But I'm sure my husband would have the same attitude - you're beautiful to me no matter what babe, so just do whatever makes you happy :o)

I didn't get the comments on appearance either. What exactly are they supposed to look like to be acceptable to those of you who view the couple so negatively?

On this site, like this:


:scratchch :rofl: Why does he have the face of a shy 9 year old boy? At first I thought they were Brits lol ( no offense to any Brits) I think they're cute together but wow, they make an odd couple for sure lol. I think she's the man here...
Isn't it awkward when he pats her puff? :lol:
I wonder if he can grow a beard or mustache lol.... I keep coming back in here, Im so intrigued by this lol
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Good lord, there's always some kind of global debate going on when race and the level of attractiveness of a couple is involved. This is like a football game for some women here.

BMP...Thanks for posting! I really enjoyed watching, and I appreciated a positive post on IR relationships. A woman in a supportive/caring relationship is a beautiful thing. And I hope to see more of it.

Christelyn...Thanks. Just....THANKS.:lachen:
I do. I think it's subtle contempt for the fact that she's married to a white guy. Folks just aren't coming out and saying it. For the haters who want to wait around for your millionaire black man who's never been to jail, has no kids, loves his momma and looks like Denzel...ya'll go on and wait. And wait. And wait.

Are you saying it's rare? IMO it's hard to find ANY man like that. Whether he be purple, pink, or green. But I see what you mean though. My ex had a big head and a lazy eye, but he was a nice person. True story. :giggle:
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I think that was adorable. Even though I wish she was making more eye contact with him, that was weird. He kept looking at her and she's looking everywhere but back at him. Yeah, he looked like a 13 year old, but his words showed that he was more of a man then a lot of the grown looking knuckled heads running around.

I'd love to see videos and testimonials about the husbands and boyfriends POV of transitioning and big chops.

As far as race, it just matches what my experience was, that black people seem to be a little more freaked about natural hair then white people. It's weird. Very, very weird.