Adorable: A White Man's Opinion of His Wife's Natural Journey

I could only make it to like 4 minutes....I guess I just don't find anything cute/adorable about it. But I'm happy if they're happy!
It's cute! :yep: He really loves her and he adores her hair. He has a sense of humor and some good insight. Very interesting points towards the end.
I liked the video. Thanks for sharing it. I wish more men were supportive of their wife's/girlfriend's healthy hair journey.
Why the emphasis on the man's race? Couldn't the title of this thread just as easily been "A Man's Opinion of His Wife's Natural Journey"? Is his race relevant in any way to discussion of her natural hair?
Why the emphasis on the man's race? Couldn't the title of this thread just as easily been "A Man's Opinion of His Wife's Natural Journey"? Is his race relevant in any way to discussion of her natural hair?

In a way it is. My boyfriend happens to be white, and I was worried that he was not going to like me with straight hair and I cut my hair to about an inch and my bf happened to be crazy supportive and even wanted to learn more and more about black hair...he found it fascinating. This video could possibly be encouragement to others to take the step-- of course this would only matter to people who have the same situation as them. Hell, the first question my mom asked was "Do you think S will freak out?" It is what it is.
In a way it is. My boyfriend happens to be white, and I was worried that he was not going to like me with straight hair and I cut my hair to about an inch and my bf happened to be crazy supportive and even wanted to learn more and more about black hair...he found it fascinating. This video could possibly be encouragement to others to take the step-- of course this would only matter to people who have the same situation as them. Hell, the first question my mom asked was "Do you think S will freak out?" It is what it is.

Thanks for sharing your experience, GP. I'm glad your BF was supportive of your hair choices. But I guess I'm still at a loss about the relevance of race. A woman may be concerned that her boyfriend/SO/hubby- whatever his race/ethnicity may be- would not like her to make any drastic changes to her hair, esp. cutting it very short or going natural.

In fact, in my many, many years on LHCF I've observed that people are more likely to claim that people of color are less likely to be supportive of natural, highly-textured hair. As in, "When I went natural, black people were like "When are you going to get a perm?" and white people were like, "Oh, I LOVE your hair like that!"

So it seems like the man's race would be of greater importance if the title were "A Black Man's Opinion of His Wife's Natural Journey".

Shrug. I'm not trying to start a debate but sometimes I just wonder why race pops up SO often in questionable context.
Thanks for sharing your experience, GP. I'm glad your BF was supportive of your hair choices. But I guess I'm still at a loss about the relevance of race. A woman may be concerned that her boyfriend/SO/hubby- whatever his race/ethnicity may be- would not like her to make any drastic changes to her hair, esp. cutting it very short or going natural.

In fact, in my many, many years on LHCF I've observed that people are more likely to claim that people of color are less likely to be supportive of natural, highly-textured hair. As in, "When I went natural, black people were like "When are you going to get a perm?" and white people were like, "Oh, I LOVE your hair like that!"

So it seems like the man's race would be of greater importance if the title were "A Black Man's Opinion of His Wife's Natural Journey".

Shrug. I'm not trying to start a debate but sometimes I just wonder why race pops up SO often in questionable context.

Really, I can appreciate the historical ramifications of euro-centric pressure imposed upon black people to look more white. What I think people on this board are finding refreshing is that a new generation of non-blacks are embracing our texture (not all but quite a lot as evidenced on what we see in the media, which we all know is dominated primarily by the erm...mainstream.) What is ironic, however, is now black folks seem to have more of a problem with textured hair to the point of finding it offensive.
I love 8:18: "I like the afro...I like the poof." He seems to be well veresed in hair lingo, I noticed that throughout :) - but I don't think that the conversation would have been much different if this were my SO (black) and I in the video. Most men who are with a woman they love - love her hair when she's happy with it, because she's happy with it. In that sense they are quite ordinary - cute, but ordinary.
Awwww!!! They are so cute together, and she is just gorgeous! I love her skin. I think they are cute because you can see that they really LIKE and respect one another. He accepts her and wants her to be happy; that's nothing but love.

I :lol:ed when he was talking about how he was clueless about what a relaxer even was... I suppose that's why his race was brought up. A black man would generally already know that black women's hair is naturally very curly and that a woman with straight hair who feared a splash of water was concerned that her hair might revert, etc. But because he's a white guy, he didn't know all of that. So, I can see how someone would wonder how he would react to a BC and natural hair.

It's not that deep, nobody is thinking he hung the moon or his opinion is of critical importance due to his race. People just wonder what his take on all of this was, considering his different background. Folks need to settle down sometimes, I swear.
How the hell did this turn into a race thing? Black men are raised by black women for the most part right??? So why would a black man be intrigued by the texture of a black woman's hair when the hair on his head is the same texture? I doubt anyone feels validated b/c yt likes kinky hair, yall reaching with that one. I wasn't understanding all the :look: and :rolleyes: but now I see. And it's :lachen: I wish my dh took half as much interest in my hair, but he doesn't. I doubt it has anything to do with race, he just doesn't care about my hair *shrug*
Thanks for sharing BMP. I actually think it's cute.

I wish half as many brothas would take as much interest in their partners. Maybe then we'd have fewer threads like, "My man wants me to relax my hair, what should I do?" :ohwell:
I love 8:18: "I like the afro...I like the poof." He seems to be well veresed in hair lingo, I noticed that throughout :) - but I don't think that the conversation would have been much different if this were my SO (black) and I in the video. Most men who are with a woman they love - love her hair when she's happy with it, because she's happy with it. In that sense they are quite ordinary - cute, but ordinary.

They are so cute together.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more with the bolded.
^^yall are gunna hijack BMPs thread lol

Lol. Not at all, Whimsy. This is all good discussion related to the white man's opinion :D I think most of the responses in the thread have been really thoughtful and eloquent.

But quickly @ Christelyn- I totally agree w/ you re: euro-centric pressure. Unfortunately no one is entirely immune but people of color, because they "deviate" most from Euro standards, are most susceptible to this pressure to conform. Which is why I said the man's race would have been more relevant if he were black...because he is loving how a black woman's natural, highly-textured hair looks, in spite of years of programming that straight and silky or wavy was the gold standard for a black woman.

But either way, my main point is just that his race should be irrelevant. Men and women of all races are generally programmed to appreciate straight over textured/curly. And whoever asked why it's becoming a race "thing"? Not sure about "becoming"- race was injected from the start. :)
How the hell did this turn into a race thing? Black men are raised by black women for the most part right??? So why would a black man be intrigued by the texture of a black woman's hair when the hair on his head is the same texture? I doubt anyone feels validated b/c yt likes kinky hair, yall reaching with that one. I wasn't understanding all the :look: and :rolleyes: but now I see. And it's :lachen: I wish my dh took half as much interest in my hair, but he doesn't. I doubt it has anything to do with race, he just doesn't care about my hair *shrug*

Really? Because I grew up believing that black men had kinky hair and black women had bone straight hair :look:
Her husband looks like a girl.
some of the girliest looking men can be some of thee cutest!


but back on to hair.. :lachen: I think its great that he supports her. Who care if he's black, white & blah. I'm glad that she just shared her experience of having a supportive man. I'm sure there are girls who are in interracial relationships who are scared to BC because they're afraid of what their SO will say bc hes a different race. Her video will be helpful, and very encouraging. As much as I think people like to say race is irrelevant, its very relevant and its even salient in this thread as you can see people are getting touchy about it now.
I wonder how they met, maybe one of their videos say so but I think that they make a cute couple and it's cute how clueless men are about our hair. She seems a lil bossy like she might be wearing the pants in that relationship, nonetheless, I thought the video was interesting.
ALthough I found some comments unsettling :look:, I did think the parts where he was talking about her bc and the "in-between" stage were cute. I also nodded vigorously in agreement when she was talking about her mom and grandmom being short-haired naturals but not having a "natural mentality" - I actually started a thread on a similar topic not too long ago.

It seems like he has her best interests at heart. They are a cute couple and she is quite pretty - she has gorgeous eyes.
It's not as if he has a choice, he is unfortunate looking. He is lucky to be with her, she's a pretty girl, she could could do better than him. They seem like such a boring couple, brother and sister material - where's the spark? chemistry?