Accutane Users: Did you relax?


Well-Known Member
So I'm going on my third month and I'm itching to relax. I've heard that its not good to do so but heard some say they did.

Please help...I'm 12 weeks post and I'm off Accutane March 23rd. I heard this stuff doesn't completely leave your system until a month after which means that i can safely relax my hair after April 23rd (which will make it 28 wks post). I have a wedding and religious event to go to in March and my new growth is bananas! i really want to relax in March but I'm scared that i will have a set back:nono:.

So my question is...if you were on Accutane (or the generic since Accutane was discontinued)...did you relax? if so, why...if not why?
What did you do so that you didn't experience a setback.
If you did relax and experience a setback, please let me know!!!

I have been on accutane twice...the first time around I did relax because I didn't know that I shouldn't.

Looking back I remember that my hair was under-processed, also remember some burns (don't know if related to accutane, or if the stylist just kept it on too long trying to get it to "take".)

this time around I didn't relax until about six months after i finished taking it.
I have been on accutane twice...the first time around I did relax because I didn't know that I shouldn't.

Looking back I remember that my hair was under-processed, also remember some burns (don't know if related to accutane, or if the stylist just kept it on too long trying to get it to "take".)

this time around I didn't relax until about six months after i finished taking it.

:shocked: did your stylist base your scalp? how did you deal with the new growth the second time around?
Ok I was trying to remember why I didn't relax the second time makes the skin (and the scalp i guess) extra-sensitive, so I guess that's why I got the burns.

From what I can remember, she did base my scalp. The second time around i did weaves and braids. I didn't try to manage the 10 months of new growth at all
I did... i was on accutane for about 5months and did not know that i was not supposed to relax... i didn't have any issued, i based my scalp really well and made sure not to scrub my scalp when neutralizing. Nothing bad happened, ... hope this helps.
My dermatologist said I could relax and she's african american. I'm actually so close to APL and I really don't want to risk a setback.

Thanxs SO MUCH to the ladies that have responded so far.

Any more takers?
The first time I got burned on my scalp and around my hairline. The stylist couldn't find the neutralizing shampoo. The second time my hair was under-processed. I need a new stylist.

If you do decide to relax just be really kind to your scalp before and after and you should be fine.