I got my first relaxer at 18 because I like to wear my hair straight and everyone else was getting one. Before the relaxer I was getting a press and curl at the salon since I was about 8 or 9 because my mom thought my natural type 4 fine hair was the worst hair in the world and hard to manage. It was dry looking and hard to manage because she didn't know how to properly care for it. I am transitioning thanks to LHCF. I know how to care for my hair and realize I don't need a relaxer to get my hair straight. With the right products and technique, my natural hair is not hard to manage at all. I wear a bun majority of the time and can get it straight air drying with a scarf and when I want to wear it out I rollerset, blow dry or flat iron. I will be 1 yr post relaxer next month and I love my hair.