Relaxers, how many times did you relax this year?

Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

3 times, which is about normal for me. Once at the end of Christmas break (before heading back to school), once at the beginning of the summer, and once at the end of the summer. They aren't spaced evenly...5 months between the first two, 3 months until the next, 4 months until the next. It works out though. My hair grows faster in the summer so the shorter, 3-month wait is sufficient for me to have plenty of newgrowth. Plus I gotta look right when I head back to school
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5 or 6 times this year which is such an improvement for me. I typically relaxed every 4 weeks before I read Lisa Akbari's book and before I found the forum early this summer. A relaxer every month and I wondered why I was stuck with thin, shedding, course, brittle hair.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5X this year. The first half of the year I was relaxing every 6-8 weeks. Next year I hope to have relaxer done only 3X times.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5 times this year. I will shoot for 4 next year (January, April, July and October) - once every 13 weeks I figure. Prior to taking an interest in hair care, I was getting a touch-up every 8 weeks or so.
I've relaxed a lot less this year thanks to this board. I was going in for a touch up every six weeks, because my stylist told me that I needed to do so. However, since discovering this board, I have been extending my relaxer, and as a result, my hair is in much better condition. I now go in for touch ups every 12 weeks.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I've relaxed 4 times for the year 2003. Last one being Oct. 4. My next relaxer is supposed to be on Jan. 28 but, who knows if I'll make it, LOL...
March & August. I'm texturized. I don't plan on getting another relaxer any time soon---definitely not this year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relaxed 7 times this year aiming to only relax 4 times next year will definitely be stretching out relaxers.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Four times. If I weren't on the stretching out relaxer challenge I'd be scheduling my fifth and final touch up for the year some time this month.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I don't know never really counted. Hopefully with the help of Care Free Curl activator it will be 3-4 times per year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5 times so far, two of them an attempt to correct a failed Motions relaxer. *sigh* I should have one more sometime this week.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Four times; January, April, September and November. Before I knew about LHCF, I decided not to relax so much because my hair was breaking. I used braids to extend my touch ups. Now thanks to LHCF I know how to stretch it out without braids if I choose to.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

i usually relax 4 times a year, but since im "semi transitioning" im trying do it only once a year from now on.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I think 4 or 5 times, that's a guess.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

5 times. Feb., April, July, Aug., and Oct. I won't relax again until next year and then I'll aim for 3 times.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Hi newbie here

I relaxed my ahir times times this year since August I really think this is too much

Next year know my hair I have to get a touchup every six weeks if not my new growth in my weak spots will break of like crazy
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

i got five relaxers this year. for 2004, i will only have 4 since I know how to stretch the time now.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I think 3 times. Once in May and another in July. I'm sure that I relaxed once before May but I was planning my wedding so I'm not too sure that I did. I don't plan on relaxing again this year and am planning on holding off until June 2004 at least.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Tomorrow will be my third one for the year!! I've cut back this year from 4 times to 3!!

(That means one less trim a year as well!!
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

I relaxed 3 times this year... March, June and September. I am hoping to do the next relaxer in January. Considering I go 14-16 weeks between relaxers, I'll probably average 3 relaxers a year.
Re: Relaxers, how many times did you relax this ye

Yeah, I know. I'm considering transitioning. But if I don't, I still have to find someone that I trust to do exactly what I tell them to do and also I'm looking for another relaxer. At home I use S&B Botanicals which was my last relaxer and I grew my hair very well with it, but I'm sick and tired of doing my perms. Although I would consider it again now that I've heard people doing half the head. I wanted to try the phyto relaxer and the phyto people just emailed me the other day with 2 salons in my area that were not on their website. But I know that's an expensive relaxer. I'm giving myself time to look around.