6 week Picture of mtg


Well-Known Member
THe first pic was taken on the 28/march/2005. The second pic was taken on the 06/ June/2005. I had no new growth until I started on the 23/April/2005. You be the judge. Please see the link. pw hair
:shocked: Great growing gurl!!! You know they're gonna ask so let's get it out early in the post: how did YOU use it?!

Congratulations on the growth, keep up the good work! :yep:
Holy Hair Growth!

That's some great progress. It's only been three weeks for me, but I can see the difference and I'm definitely sticking with my MTG!
I apply it every day with an applicator bottle after condition washing my hair. I part the hair and apply it section by section. Then I put it in a bun, baggie and phony phony.I wash with shampoo once a week. My hair has gotten so thick.
Tamika---WOW --your hair is really growing and it is soooo thick !! I am happy for you ! Keep up the good work ! :)
Tamika said:
I apply it every day with an applicator bottle after condition washing my hair. I part the hair and apply it section by section. Then I put it in a bun, baggie and phony phony.I wash with shampoo once a week. My hair has gotten so thick.

:shocked:That is amazing growth!!!:clap:
I just took my braids out today, I hope I have your type of results! :D
Congratulations your hair looks beautiful. I am glad to see people having good progress with MTG. I am three into using mine and I see a big difference.