minor album update, MTG PROGRESS

DangerouslyShy said:
Its more noticeable on the 23 pic because i put alot of grease on them because i had my hair in a baggie/ponytail...The other pic on the 10th I didnt have anything on my hair.
oh okay! congrats on your hair growth. you'll reach your hair length goals in no time! keep doin' what you're doin'! ;)
I can definitely believe the results of the MTG. My roots are CRAZY. It's unreal what that stuff does for your hair...unreal. I'm considering just transitioning "forever" as opposed to the big chop because I'd really like to see what happens in the next couple of months using this stuff.
DangerouslyShy said:
Everyother night on some parts of my hair and everynight on parts that im trying to get to catch up...

Girlllllllll you better get a clickety clack snapping, cause I wanna see some more pics in the next 13 days ya hear!

Ahem...Excuse for me getting all Dave Chappelle on ya....where are my manners...I mean DShy we'd be ever so so grateful if you could keep us updated with your MTG progress. :grin: :grin:
LondonDiva said:
Girlllllllll you better get a clickety clack snapping, cause I wanna see some more pics in the next 13 days ya hear!

Ahem...Excuse for me getting all Dave Chappelle on ya....where are my manners...I mean DShy we'd be ever so so grateful if you could keep us updated with your MTG progress. :grin: :grin:
lol no doubt chica...

but i kinda slacked off the past couple days, I have to remix my oils and stuff i ran out of my concoction and never made another batch...
Ummm.. :look: Dshy, it's been 2 days since you started this thread we are already 24 hours overdue with your next update.

Don't mind me I'm just being stooooooooooopid. But seriously girl, can we get a pick :look:

That is some AWESOME growth! I am really happy for you! Please keep us posted!

**Doing my happy dance for you**


Thanks for the pics, that LOOKS great! I got my MTG today, the sent is nothing likes these babies have been crying about. I'll be using it nightly and tying down my hair before bed. I put it on my ends too. I poured some in an empty WGO bottle to be sure it is on my scalp.
*taps fingers on table*

I'm patiently waiting for UPS to deliver my MTG at any time now.

*gets up to check the window for the UPS truck*

Dammit! Nothing yet.

*taps fingers on table*

Yep, I'm just sitting here, patiently waiting.

*big sigh* :ohwell:
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LondonDiva said:
Ummm.. :look: Dshy, it's been 2 days since you started this thread we are already 24 hours overdue with your next update.

Don't mind me I'm just being stooooooooooopid. But seriously girl, can we get a pick :look:

lmao girl you wildin...Ill see what i can do when I get home,
lol hold up you want day to day updates or something?


Thanks ladies for all the nice words.

Im glad some of you are hopping on the bandwagon.
DangerouslyShy said:
lmao girl you wildin...Ill see what i can do when I get home,
lol hold up you want day to day updates or something?


Thanks ladies for all the nice words.

Im glad some of you are hopping on the bandwagon.

Nah girl I'm just playin. As you know. I've been sippin the stooooooooopid juice :lachen:
DangerouslyShy said:
Thanks ladies!!

Im using MTG Original. I use it every other day except on my problem areas i use it everyday so it can catch up.

Get it Tonya Get it!!!:lol: Im a bad influence.

D.Shy, how often do you wash your hair since using the MTG? Also, do you simply oil your scalp with it and go to bed? WHat is your MTG regime? :look:
You convinced me when you first posted your progress. I ordered MTG the same day so it should be here soon. :grin:
missenm said:
D.Shy, how often do you wash your hair since using the MTG? Also, do you simply oil your scalp with it and go to bed? WHat is your MTG regime? :look:
You convinced me when you first posted your progress. I ordered MTG the same day so it should be here soon. :grin:

I wash my hair every saturday. co wash every wednesday. I apply the oil mixture with a color applicator to my scalp, and massage it in, spray some s-curl, and add some mango butter. Than I put my hair in a bun, put a plastic ccap around the bun, than put on my silk scarf and go to sleep.

Lodon Diva, you off the hook girl.
yokourt said:
Thanks for the pics, that LOOKS great! I got my MTG today, the scent is nothing likes these babies have been crying about. I'll be using it nightly and tying down my hair before bed. I put it on my ends too. I poured some in an empty WGO bottle to be sure it is on my scalp.

ITA...I got mine earlier this week and the scent is actually quite faint. :ohwell:
I have only been using this stuff for a week and "I got da growth fa ya"! I am just shocked at what my hair is doing. I have been wearing the bun also. I need a touch up! I normally get my hair trimmed when I get my relaxer but I think this time I won't. I just "gotta see what else it's gone do"! This stuff works ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Best, Yo
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHY DID I OPEN THIS THREAD!!??? I HAVE BEEN SO GOOD AT CONTROLLING MY PJ URGES. Now I see all that grow in such a short amount of time and that same product that haunts me!!!!! And I have to live a place where there is no horses so I cant even go to the store to pick it up. I hate shopping online...

Congrats on your growth DS. God bless you all.