~~6 months APL challenge - Jan - Jun 07~~

RabiaElaine and Den1!!! :eek: :notworthy

You ladies are part of the reason why I am determined to stick with this challenge. Welcome, along with bajanplums1. :kiss:
I`m in...i want to be APL by the middle of june because my birthday is July 1st.

My action plan

1-Take my vitamins 7 days instead of 5
3-Pre-poo, wash, and deep condition every week.
4-Moisturize with aloe vera, castor oil, and surge
5-Light protein treatment every week
6-Up my water intake from 2 to 3 liters a day
7-Cut out soda and seltzer water from my diet
8-Cover my hair every night before bed...wear my hair in a bun or claw clip during the day
9-More fiber in my diet
10-Get a photo account so i can post pics

Ummm, I guess you can take me out of this challenge..my hair is about 1" from APL so there's no point. I'll be there before Jun...probably Feb/Mar. Unless that doesn't matter?
Ummm, I guess you can take me out of this challenge..my hair is about 1" from APL so there's no point. I'll be there before Jun...probably Feb/Mar. Unless that doesn't matter?

Girl, stay with us. :D If you achieve your goal sooner - all power to you. You'll be an encouragement to the rest of us taking the challenge. ;)

ETA - correct spelling
michc said:
RabiaElaine and Den1!!! :eek: :notworthy

You ladies are part of the reason why I am determined to stick with this challenge. Welcome, along with bajanplums1. :kiss:

O wow!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!! I'll do whatever I can to encourage you to stay with it.
Hi, I am a newbie to posting on the board, but I've been a lurker forever. :D I would love to join in this challenge. My hair is currently shoulder length. Its 4a or 4b, I am not really sure. I have a Mizani Mild w/lye relaxer, and I have a cornrowed weave. My hair was previously on its way to bsl, but I had a baby 2.5 years ago, and all my hair came out once those pregnancy hormones went bye bye. I'm taking 1sp twice a day of MSM. I was taking the GNC hair, nails, and skin vitamin, but my breakouts are so bad, I stopped taking it a few days ago. I was a flat iron queen, but since the weather has gotten colder, I noticed my ends snapping off. So I got a hood dryer on a stand as a Christmas gift, and I did my first flexirod set with it. I plan to use the hood dryer instead of the blow dryer, and (gulp) cut out the flat iron. I gave myself a serious protein treatment with Aphoghee, and I use a mixture of jojoba oil and shea butter on my hair. I've looked at some of the other challenges on the board, and I would be like, no way am I going to achieve this length in a year let alone six months. I need baby steps. :grin:
This is my own hair right now, excuse the weave pinned up in the top!
Sure, I'll stick with this challenge if you all don't mind...lol.
I'll try and take more pics this Friday then nothing again until March.
michc said:
RabiaElaine and Den1!!! :eek: :notworthy

You ladies are part of the reason why I am determined to stick with this challenge. Welcome, along with bajanplums1. :kiss:
Thank-you!!! i'll try to complete this challenge, i hope you remain determined. good luck
Count me in too

I will be taking extra protein
No heat
Using various growth stimulants
I'm in. To reach my goal I'll be:

-Moisturizing daily
-Washing Weekly
-CoWashing 2-3 times per week
-Taking my vits
-Working out and drinking more water
-Stretching relaxers
OKay I'm in !
So, I will be :
-Washing 2 times a week
-Taking my vits regularly
-Working out more and eating healthy (high protein diet)
-on the hide you hair until april challenge (braids, buns)
-Moisturizing twice/day
-Using WGO
-Using new styling method (rollerset, flexi, ...)

Wish me luck !
I have a few strands already touching armpit but I didn't make my full armpit goal for '06 :mad: so I'll get in this too. I'm in the pop your brastrap challenge but I probably won't be making that until the end of 07. I'm very ambitious I guess but it's probably more like unrealistic :confused: . Anyway, I'm going to keep up my bunning and wearing falls. I never use heat other than to deep condition and I'm waiting for my henna to come in the mail. I'm taking viviscal and a bunch of other stuff so we'll see. I think I may go back to the stinky MTG because I had a forest when I used it.
I wanna get down on this challenge too!
I hope I can keep up. LOL.
I will be wearing braids and keeping them in for a LONG time (not the same braids LOL).I might switch to weaves eventually, though.
I'll join.

I saw minimal length this year and would like more. I don't think I'll be adding much besides more frequent wetting in the shower.
I'm in!

I already have a personal goal of reaching APL by May, my 49th birthday! So I should be on track to have reached this by June.

I will continue to do what seems to be working so far:

:) Continue to wash and deep condition twice a week
:) Continue to limit direct heat
:) Learn to successfully roller set
:) Continue to moisturize at least twice a day
:) Continue to wear protective style: french roll or other updo so my hair doesn't touch clothing
:) Extra hair pampering if I slip up
:) Daily scalp massages
:) Continue with one or two eggs a day
:) Stretch a few more days/up to a week more each perm cycle
:) Continue to drink 64 ounces of water a day
:) Continue taking vitamins and eating well-balance meals
:) Continue to try maintaining the proper protein-moisture balance to keep breakage at bay.
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Whoo-hoo!! I'm in!

Problem is, I'm clueless as to how I'm going to get there. :confused: :confused:
Right now, I'm cowashing everyday and trying to do a deep condition once a week. I try to work out 4x a week, drink a lot of water (about 2 Nalegen bottles worth each day), and I use a leave in conditioner.

Products I'm using right now: Sunsilk TLC (pink bottle) deep conditioner and leave in; NTM deep conditioner and leave in; Suave products, VO5 milk moisture line, Dove Intensive Therapy conditioner, Tresemme conditioner, and J/A/S/O/N conditioners for cowashes.

I have been seriously slaking on my vits so I think I'll try to step it up and take 2 Nioxin a day. Also, I am thinking about deep conditioning twice a week since I plan on using heat more oftem. I am considering adding dominican conditioners to my regimine since I'll be using more heat and I've heard some great things about them.

Thoughts/ advice greatly welcomed!

Thanks for starting this thread!!
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i'm in too!!! i just planned to go for APL by June 07
i'm currently just past shoulder, long layers on top

pretreat with olive oil/sweet almond oil & EOs
shampoo & deep condition once a week
seal with coconut oil
moisturize daily with jojoba oil
protective styles
try the baggie method too(1st attempt with that:grin: )
vitamins-silica, ultra nourish hair, flax seed oil, b-complex

hopefully, i can get pics up too to show my progress. i just dont know how :(
I know I'm new but I'm in too. I'd like to reverse the damage I've done. Hopefully I can start fresh after I get a new relaxer (please pray that my hair doesn't fall out. After that I hope to:

Wear a wig regularly
Use little or no manipulation
Moisturize every other night
Take my vitamins religiously (or at least until I'm all out:p )
Maintain a healthier diet

That's it for now!!!
I'm in........I was telling my hubby last night he'd better get used to the wigs and braids as I'm not straightening my hair 'till June 07 ....so this is right on time:lol: :lol:

I'll take vits every day
continue juicing carrots, celery every day
wash every 4 days
mosturize every day
add oils castor and coconut
drink 64oz water :) :) :)
maybe do the aphogee every 6 weeks
I would like to join. I will be wearing twists until April. After that, I'll just do whatever makes me happy at the time. Washing whenever I feel the need (when I make rules, I always break them). I have purchased the Cantu line and plan on using it for a while, so far I really like it. Good Luck Ladies!!
I'll join in this challenge also. If I make it to APL by June it would be a nice birthday gift for me :) And I'd be officially done with my journey because APL is my goal. Right now I'm a lil past shoulder length and I'm 11 weeks post. Most likely I'll relax at the end of January/early February.
What I'll do:
Take 3,000 mcg biotin daily and GNC Ultra mega vits
Moisturize hair atleast 5 days out of the week
Increase my bunning, decrease wearing hair down for boyfriend,lol
I'm in! I had gotten sort of addicted to CW or just wetting my hair everyday (its like a mini vacation in the tropics :lol: ). But I'm really going to try to stick to the Cathy Howse regimen. Wash every 3 days (or 2 :look: ), pretreat with mayo or honey,coconut & castor oils, DC with protein & peppermint EO, Airdry, moisturize with braid spray & keep hair in bun with baggie to protect ends. I just figured that if Babygurl can work this regimen and end up with beautiful thick, midback/waist length hair.....why reinvent the wheel!:lol:
Just one thing to add to my to-do list...
I just began taking Super B complex vits today, so I plan on using up this whole bottle and seeing what they do for my hair. Hopefully I'll get results similar to other members
This will get me to my goal by the time TJ gets back from his deployment in August.

Count me in!

My regimen:

Crown and Glory
Wearing quick weaves and clip in weaves
Henna & Steam Treat every 2 weeks
Using MTG Replica and Miconazole on alternating days

My starting length is in my avatar.