6 Month Ayurveda Challenge

can I do a tea rinse with just heenara? All I have here at school is Maka, Heenara, and Bringraj. I want to use up all these powders but I don' know a good combo to make a tea rinse.

Of course you can, heenara is more of a cleanser, so be sure to not leave it on long. Maka and Bhringraj powders are the same thing. Bhringraj powder cleanses, but it mostly stops hair fall and strengthens and can be left on longer, like 30 minutes. You can mix the two with no problem, but I would not leave anything with heenara in it on too long. HTH!
I am going to have to try to bar again due to a mishap with a protein DC and an accidental 3.5 hour nap. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: To make a really short story, I ended up using CSB and the Ayurveda butter to repair. Right now my hair feels very soft. Hopefully I have reversed the immediate effects of the protein. I will most likely hold off on the powders until my balance is back.

Will let you know how the shampoo bar worked during next shampoo.

You don't have to actually do that, just use moisturizing conds. with no protein. And only use Bhrami and Bhringraj, believe me your hair will feel like butter.:yep:
48 weeks in to my transition, a month to go will continue to nip until relaxer is gone praying for miracle growth spur, I'm slow grower even with protective styleing. I was mixing powders with conditioner but after 8 months finally got tired of the drippy messy mix. I pre oil with amla/jasmine,shikaki mix, wash with shikaki, amla, brahmi shampoo bar, tea rinse with horsetail, nettle,green tea. Applied cantu leave in. Moisturize with shealoe mix, oil with afroveda shikaki oil and vatika oil.

It sounds like you didn't have your mixtures thick enough, I never have drips, that's how I knew something was wrong when I added the Hibiscus powder. It made my cond. mix suuuper runny.
Of course you can, heenara is more of a cleanser, so be sure to not leave it on long. Maka and Bhringraj powders are the same thing. Bhringraj powder cleanses, but it mostly stops hair fall and strengthens and can be left on longer, like 30 minutes. You can mix the two with no problem, but I would not leave anything with heenara in it on too long. HTH!

I wish I knew Maka and Bringaj were the same thing before I ordered!!!! ugg.

Thanks for the help. I will just use Maka/Bringraj for now.
Pre-poo with vatika frosting. Made a paste with shikakai, kalpi tone, amla and one scoop of brahmi. Left that on longer than I planned 'cause I fell asleep on the couch, lol. No detriment as far as I could fell. Hair felt stronger when I rinsed it out. I am DCing now with HairVeda Sitrinillah with a little bit of VF mixed in. When I rinse this out I'll put in some two strand flat twists and let it air dry.
Pre-poo with vatika frosting. Made a paste with shikakai, kalpi tone, amla and one scoop of brahmi. Left that on longer than I planned 'cause I fell asleep on the couch, lol. No detriment as far as I could fell. Hair felt stronger when I rinsed it out. I am DCing now with HairVeda Sitrinillah with a little bit of VF mixed in. When I rinse this out I'll put in some two strand flat twists and let it air dry.

I like the new siggy, your hair looks cute.
Hi guys thought I would share an entry to my personal blog, I set myself a challenge.

Ayurvedic Challenge

I have decided to set myself a challenge to only use natural Ayurvedic products until the end of the year.

The rules are as follows:

1. Only Inecto 100%coconut oil conditioner maybe used to compliment powders during rinsing and conditioner washes.

2. To compliment deep conditioning regimens Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle rose or GPB maybe used in combination with chosen powder.

3. Neither of these products can be used alone, they must only be used to aid in the use of Ayurvedic powders. This is because I do not want to be able to lay any positive results at the feet of either product.

4. Regimen

* Cowash with amla and bhrami (in conditioner) daily.
* Experiment with cowashing with fenugreek or adding fenugreek to henna and clays for slip.
* Use mahabringrah OIL to massage scalp at night.
* Use vatika oil or amla oil (once infused) to steam hair as needed.
* Deep condition with caramel treatment or Aubrey organics condition plus Amla or Brahmi.
* As needed scrub scalp with Shikakai coconut oil.
* Seal with vatika oil/grapeseed oil/jojoba grapseed eo mix. Switch to keep it interesting.
* Use a clay to cleanse weekly.
* Use henna weekly.
* For an itchy scalp, add rose petal powder.

My henna mix 100g of Body art quality Henna, 50g Amla, table spoon of Fenugreek, juice of one lemon. I mixed this with water until it was the consistency of yogurt then covered with cling film and put it in the cupboard. Its Saturday night and I plan to Henna my hair on Sunday night.

Infusing coconut oil with Shikakai and Amla.

I bought whole dry Shikakai and Amla and a 500g tub of Coconut oil. In the past I ordered very high quality coconut oil from wholesalers. However now my hair is no longer chemically treated it does not respond to this oil in the same way. Instead I use grapeseed or jojoba oil to seal daily gylcerin and water misting. I now by cocnut oil from the Indian grocery store, its thick and creamy and only two pounds, bargain!

Method one speed up the infusion with heat

I had a glass jar with coconut oil in it I added four Shikakai fruits and filled up the rest of the jar with oil. I then sat the jar in hot water. I intend to continue to do this over the next few days. I may or may not remove the fruit once it is infused, we will see.

Method two infusion by sunlight.

This process involves leaving a jar of oil, with the dry herbs immersed inside, on a window sill in direct sunlight for about two weeks. I chose to do this with the Amla as I do not need this oil right away as I need to finish my Vatika oil first. I only had a plastic jar so I did not want to immerse it in water. It will be interesting watching this long infusion process.

Finally I made a fenugreek rinse; Inecto conditioners come a white bottles which are great for using for storage once the conditioner is finished. I added Fenugreek to warm water and swished it around, at first it smelled like curry but then it cleared to a more lemony smell, at a later date I may add honey but for this first bottle I want to experience it on its own. I may also add it as a base to clays, henna and powders.

Well its been quite a day, I have many other herbs to try but the final rule is that I stick to this regimen until the items are finished before I add something new. I have been a bit of a herbivore but its okay, it will pay off in the end. Oh and did you notice that there is no shampoo, I am going to be depending completely on the herbs to keep my scalp clean. Wow I am excited, I will keep you posted and perhaps vlog it.
I think it's great you have it all planned out! It really helps when you put stuff in writing. And then when you put it on your blog, you have the people who read it, helping to keep you accountable. :)
It sounds like you didn't have your mixtures thick enough, I never have drips, that's how I knew something was wrong when I added the Hibiscus powder. It made my cond. mix suuuper runny.
I should of ask long time ago, heck I've been in this challenge now 9 months:nono:. I just deal with it and assume it was the norm, I probably don't use enough powder either. I'll just have to step it up. Flowin, thanks
as usual you are on target.
I bought shikakai bar at the indian store. I plan to use it tomorrow then co-wash. I have cornrows so, i can't use the powders.

I also saw that they sell amla powder to be taken orally. :eek: dunno about that so i just passed.
I bought shikakai bar at the indian store. I plan to use it tomorrow then co-wash. I have cornrows so, i can't use the powders.

I also saw that they sell amla powder to be taken orally. :eek: dunno about that so i just passed.
Yes! The woman at the store I go to here in Charlotte, she showed me some Amla in a small bottle, almost like a pill bottle. She said it was the same thing. I was thinking, who is eating this? But I guess if you mix it in with other things...
Yes! The woman at the store I go to here in Charlotte, she showed me some Amla in a small bottle, almost like a pill bottle. She said it was the same thing. I was thinking, who is eating this? But I guess if you mix it in with other things...

this one was in bottles and in powder form, i guess you have to take it by the teaspoon full. So now i wonder... is the hair amla different from the eating alma?
I made a tea rinse out of the Kalpi tone and let it sit about 15 minutes and deep conditioned (moisturizing) and my hair was hard. Any suggestions?

I oiled scalp w/ vatika oil and hair strands, let it sit about 2 hours-
applied the rinse- let it sit
rinsed my hair and Dc'd
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I made a tea rinse out of the Kalpi tone and let it sit about 15 minutes and deep conditioned (moisturizing) and my hair was hard. Any suggestions?

First, did you make your tea too strong? How much water did you use? Second some ppl can't handle Shikakai for longer than a few minutes. I'm one of them. Last, what kind of cond. did you use? Did you rinse out the tea first?
Ladies I have a question. I'm not in the challenge but I figured that you all would be the right group to ask as opposed to starting a whole new thread.
I have been only using ayurvedic stuff made commercially (meaning HairVeda and AfroVeda). Am I going to get the same results as someone who mixes/makes their own stuff at home?
I really only use oil mixes, but every now and again I'll use a DC or a moisturizer with ayurvedic ingredients too. Am I good or do I REALLY need to go out and get my own powders?
Hi LaidBak. I think if you want to "up your game" so to speak I think it would be great to incorporate some powders & oils. That's how I started. Using Hairveda then I moved on to using the powders & oils. They are inexpensive and easy to make a part of your regimen. So currently I use powders, oils, Hairveda & Afroveda. I think some of the other ladies do combos too. I will give you an example below.

Prepoo--(I'm always changing this up so I will list some of my options)Amla oil, Shikakai oil, Hairveda's Vatika Frosting, Afroveda's Shikakai Growth Elixir oil, coconut oil, or a mix of a bunch of different oils
Shampoo-- Hairveda's Shikakai Bar or Hairveda's Amala Shampoo
Tea Rinses--
Conditioning Mix (brahmi, amla, maka, hibiscus)
Strengthening Mix (fenugreek, kalpi tone)
Cleansing Mix (shikakai, neem, amla)
Sealant--Hairveda's Cocasta & Shikakai Oil
Protein Treatment--Hairveda's Methi Sativa Recovery System

Some people tea rinse, some make pastes, and some add powders to their cowashes and/or dc's. Some do a combination of all. So ultimately the answer is no you don't have to but it's easy.
Hi LaidBak. I think if you want to "up your game" so to speak I think it would be great to incorporate some powders & oils. That's how I started. Using Hairveda then I moved on to using the powders & oils. They are inexpensive and easy to make a part of your regimen. So currently I use powders, oils, Hairveda & Afroveda. I think some of the other ladies do combos too. I will give you an example below.

Prepoo--(I'm always changing this up so I will list some of my options)Amla oil, Shikakai oil, Hairveda's Vatika Frosting, Afroveda's Shikakai Growth Elixir oil, coconut oil, or a mix of a bunch of different oils
Shampoo-- Hairveda's Shikakai Bar or Hairveda's Amala Shampoo
Tea Rinses--
Conditioning Mix (brahmi, amla, maka, hibiscus)
Strengthening Mix (fenugreek, kalpi tone)
Cleansing Mix (shikakai, neem, amla)
Sealant--Hairveda's Cocasta & Shikakai Oil
Protein Treatment--Hairveda's Methi Sativa Recovery System

Some people tea rinse, some make pastes, and some add powders to their cowashes and/or dc's. Some do a combination of all. So ultimately the answer is no you don't have to but it's easy.

Excellent answers.
Hi LaidBak. I think if you want to "up your game" so to speak I think it would be great to incorporate some powders & oils. That's how I started. Using Hairveda then I moved on to using the powders & oils. They are inexpensive and easy to make a part of your regimen. So currently I use powders, oils, Hairveda & Afroveda. I think some of the other ladies do combos too. I will give you an example below.

Prepoo--(I'm always changing this up so I will list some of my options)Amla oil, Shikakai oil, Hairveda's Vatika Frosting, Afroveda's Shikakai Growth Elixir oil, coconut oil, or a mix of a bunch of different oils
Shampoo-- Hairveda's Shikakai Bar or Hairveda's Amala Shampoo
Tea Rinses--
Conditioning Mix (brahmi, amla, maka, hibiscus)
Strengthening Mix (fenugreek, kalpi tone)
Cleansing Mix (shikakai, neem, amla)
Sealant--Hairveda's Cocasta & Shikakai Oil
Protein Treatment--Hairveda's Methi Sativa Recovery System

Some people tea rinse, some make pastes, and some add powders to their cowashes and/or dc's. Some do a combination of all. So ultimately the answer is no you don't have to but it's easy.

She's absolutely right. :yep: Since I have been on a no-buy hiadus, I haven't invested in any afroveda or hairveda products.

I just use the powders and herbs to make teas and oils for my deep conditioners and cowashes. It's VERY easy.

Oh...and since I'm here, today I...

-prepooed with homemade amla oil
-did a tea rinse of brahmi, maka, rosemary, amla (hair felt VERY soft after this step)
-dcing under steamer with a mixtuer of SheaLustra DC, maka, brahmi, amla, and rosemary, peppermint oil (tingly), jason's sea kelp conditioner and honey - will sit here for about an hour
-rinse with COLD water
-rinse with nettle, horsetail, black, hibiscus tea mix-leave this in
-apply Kinky Curly Knot Today or KBB Hair Milk, Burdock Root Butter Cream, and seal with Vatika oil
Twist into Big twists, dry 50% under soft bonnet dryer , then air dry for the night

I'm already envisioning the end result! Mmmm-hmmmm.
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Here you go Flowinlocks:

Review of Hairveda's Shikakai Bar--I like the smell, cranberry, and it's not too overpowering. I like that you can see some of the herbs in the bar. Not heavily but here and there. Lathers easily. I used it after doing a hot oil treatment with coconut oil. I dampened my hair a little, lathered bar in my hand, then used the lather on my roots. Rinsed out then lathered again and put the lather down the length of my hair. Rinsed again. Hair felt soft and clean. I like it. The true test will be after my hair is airdried. I've learned my hair will tell me quick if it doesn't like something. Like it seems to hate that Afroveda Coconut Milk and sorry T but Roux Porosity Control. I'm not one to keep trying something either. I don't have time for setbacks.

Final verdict on Hairveda's Shikakai bar--My hair airdried soft so it's a keeper.
Hi ladies, It has been awhile since my last post but I am still doing the Ayurvedic reggie. My avitar pic shows my progress. I prepoo with Brahmi and Amla oil. I mix Kalpi tone and Brahmi powder in my condish. I love my progress so far. 1" from full WL.
Thanks so much Ladies!!! Looks like I have some shopping to do. I guess I will be trying my first rinse soon (or tea?). I am lucky enough to have an Indian grocery right down the street from me.
Hi ladies, It has been awhile since my last post but I am still doing the Ayurvedic reggie. My avitar pic shows my progress. I prepoo with Brahmi and Amla oil. I mix Kalpi tone and Brahmi powder in my condish. I love my progress so far. 1" from full WL.

Congratulations on your progress, your hair is beautiful.
I did my first co wash with added herbs amla and brahmi yesterday, my hair was soft, soft and moisturised all day, I added a little water/VG spritz but to be honest that is all the product I had on my hair and a teenie weenie bit of grapeseed oil, so it was the herbs. Hydrated product free natural hair! who da thunk it!

Now I am doing a henna treatment and my first indigo, so excited!
I tried something different today, I mixed Kalpi Tone,Amla,Shikakai, and Brahmi. I used a tlbs. of each in about 2 cups of boiling water to dissolve. Then I let it cool a bit and then added another cup of cold water. I poured the unstrained mixture through preoiled hair. I forgot to add I prepooed with Shikakai oil, Vatika Cocktail, and Amla oil. I let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes then rinsed. I still can't get with the grittiness of the Shikakai:wallbash: even after mixing it with boiling water. I will use it as a tea from now on. Or use the bar. Anyway after I rinsed I made an actual tea rinse from Fenugreek, Hibiscus,Bhringraj,Nettle, & Horsetail. After I rinsed with this a few times. I gently wrung out the hair and lightly towel dried. ( I didn't rinse it out) Then I slathered on AM and V05 moisture milk. I let this sit for an hour and rinsed. My hair feels suuuuper soft. I will do this one again minus the Shikakai. I'm air drying and I will seal later with my Afroveda oils. BTW,the longer I use these oils the more I'm liking them.

I did this treatment again, except with a few tweaks. I made the shikakai into a tea before I dissolved the powders in. I basically put the Shikakai in a strainer and mixed everything else in the water. I forgot about one thing.... the Shikakai in the Kalpi Tone.:wallbash: I must say even though it was still kinda gritty it rinsed really easy. After I rinsed out the first mix I applied Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor while I made my moisturizing tea. After I rinsed the Aphogee out I rinsed with the tea, and used Silk Elements Mega Silk as my base for Bhrami and Bhringraj, I put in a few squirts of AM for good measure. After I let this sit for an hour I rinsed, airdryed, and applied HH LTR leave in :lick: along with the same oils as last time. I did this at about 1pm yesterday and my hair still feels really soft and moist.
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