4a/4b how long do you stretch?


Well-Known Member
I am on week 8 and I just don't feel like getting a touch up right now. I was wondering about how long I can stretch with my hair type without seeing breakage and shedding. I can't use weaves or braids because they always take my hair out so I'll be stretching with my own hair. My hair is thick with alot of thin strands.
Without weaves I usually stretched 12 weeks. I wore half wigs and phony ponys most of the time, though. With the weaves I go much longer.
I'm currently 10 weeks post relaxed, My n'gone conditioning relaxer just came in the mail, I think I'll get my relaxer this weekend, I can go another 5 weeks but school's about to start and I want to make a good first impression on my students. The key to stretching, is to stay moisturized.
12 weeks for me. anything longer than that will lead to breakage ...... unless i wear a weave. when my hair is braided up i can go much longer also:)
I am currently 14 weeks trying to go to 20,:eek: I believe I can do it, and the key is as princesmich said, moisturize, I wear a bun or french roll, half wigs, moisture is a must,;) , I also trim my ends every 8 weeks, that is something new I have started, I dont want see through ends when I finaly do touchup,
I usually go for 8-12 but I am going for 16 weeks. Just because my hair isn't growing fast enough right now plus I don't want to overlapp. I need more newgrowth.:(

Plus I am shedding and it would break my heart to see that sheddage while I am relaxing.
14 weeks was the longest Ive tried so far. I gonna try for 16 this time but my problem isnt breakage its,the detangling process that gets me. I have to say the more I stretch the easier.
I'm doing my first stretch. I heard its best to take your hair in steps. I usually relax every 6 weeks so I am doing my first 8 weeks stretch. I'll do 8 weeks for my next 3 relaxers and then if all goes well I'll go to 9 weeks for a few relaxers and then I'll do 10. Hopefully, 10 will be the magic number for me.
I just went 14 weeks, but at 13 weeks and 1 day, I started to get major shedding and a little breakage, so from now on, I'm doing 12-13 weeks.
I will be at 12 weeks this weekend (don't mind the ticker in my siggy). The longest I've ever stretched before this was 7 weeks. I was trying to stretch until December and make it a 6 month stretch :eek: , but I'm a little skeptical now that I'm hearing about breakage and such :( .
The longest I stretched, which was the first stretch ever, was 6 months. With stretching 4a/4b hair moisturizing and low manipulation is key.
My usual time is 12 - 14 weeks, though this last time I made it 16! :yay:

My hair is doing really well right now (I'm at week #4), if it stays as healthy and moisturized yet strong, I may make it 20 weeks (in time for Christmas). Also, it depends on the speed of my new growth.
Currenly I have only made it up to 9 weeks but I am 6 weeks post now and have a nice amt of ng but I am going to try to stretch to 12 weeks this time....it seems that each time I am able to stretch farther and farther...12 weeks this time baby 12 weeks....I want ng.....kind of off topic....but since I have started mixing my mtg with a little surge and scurl, it seems like my hair has changed..I see curly waves now when my ng comes in and my hair stays so soft and moisturized...I love how it feel...anyway...hopefully mixing those products...I will be able to stretch to 12 weeks...hey maybe longer:grin: ...I'm greedy for ng...