4a/4b how long do you stretch?

I just finished an 11 wk stretch. Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol ($3.50 w/Sally's card) reduced the bulk and decreased tangling. The only reason I did it now is I've got a trip coming up.

Next relaxer December 28th:grin:
I'm 9 months post heading for 1 year with the help of braids. In the future I'll probably only do 16-24 weeks.
9 weeks is all I can do!! If I go any longer I have to fight my new growth during my touch-up and that leads to breakage that I could of prevented.
I stretch to 12 weeks but this time I'm going for 16 weeks. The only thing I have a problem with is detangling matted new growth. DC and moisturizing is the key.
Between 8 - 10 weeks for me too. After that, I have learned that I start to shed an break. I can understand that for the life of me why I shed more when I have more new growth. I don't do anything differently. Right after I get relaxed - poof - no more shedding.
I stretch between 12-14 weeks. I've only longer twice; one was 20 weeks, the other was like 18 weeks. (I think it may have been a fluke:confused: )My growth gets so crazy now at week 12 that its a fight trying to squeak out an extra 2 weeks.

The second time that I stretched I went a little over 17 weeks and it helped me out a whole lot. I was really surprised that I could go that long and have my hair look so healthy after doing it.

Conditioning was a MAIN key for me. Using the Silk Elements Mayo treatment was great for keeping my hair soft and easy to detangle. I'm telling yall, I live by this stuff faithfully now. :lol: