type 4A&B relaxed.. how long do u normally stretch??

4 A&B relaxed, how long do you normally stretch

  • 6-8 weeks

    Votes: 58 13.1%
  • 8-10 weeks

    Votes: 106 23.9%
  • 11-12 weeks

    Votes: 139 31.3%
  • 13-16 weeks

    Votes: 74 16.7%
  • 16+ (specified)

    Votes: 67 15.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How, exactly, do you do it? I need help! :grin:

I dont know.. First i am lazy so I dont manipulate my hair. I only comb my hair on wash days which is once a week... right now I'm washing once every 2 weeks because it is too much work detangling etc. And I moisturize my hair with BB moisturizing lotion (the only good moisturizer i've ever used) I make sure i get the roots very moisturized
My hair is always in a bun (99.9% of the time)
And I think that's all I do.
No breakage and not much shedding.
I have 4b hair and can only go 9 weeks. I've tried going past that and experienced so much breakage. Not worth it for me unless I am in a sewin.
I'm a mix of 3C - 4A and my last stretch was 7 months. All I did (and do) is bun and put Shea Butter in it and very low manipulation during the last 2 months of the stretch. I also up the DC treaments to every wash day.
I'm 4b and scheduled for a texlax touchup this coming weekend, at 15 weeks post, which is my longest stretch ever. From now on, though, my normal stretch will be 13 weeks (3 months).
Im a mix of 3C, 4A and 4B and I'm almost 19 weeks post now. I normally stretch until 14-16 weeks but I'm going for 20 weeks this time.
I was natural with very kinky 4B hair until a few years ago when I started texlaxing. Since I didn't grow up with relaxers the idea of going to the salon more than once every few months (other than special occasion dos) was weird to me. I usually go 3-4 months, last time was 6+ months by accident :ohwell:

I can definitely say if my hair was bone straight relaxed I wouldn't be able to keep up with either touching up that regularly or babying the demarcation line.
Im a 4b I did two-12 week stretches. I looked like a ham, and it was to much for me. Especially the last two weeks. I was cowashing every other day. I didn't get alot of breakage, it was just getting difficult, to keep the NG to lay down. Also I workout everyday, then went to work, so my hair was looking horrible.
I'm new to this relaxer stretching thing. This is my second attempt. The first stretch lasted 13 weeks, and I'm currently at 14 weeks for this stretch, but I'll be relaxing tomorrow.
I new to stretching as well. I usually relax around 6 weeks post because I could not manage the NG in the middle. I'm currently a little over 8 weeks post and still going.
As of today I am 17 weeks post relaxer. It is time for a relaxer I am getting one right before the 4th of July. I usually perm my hair every four months. So that is three times a year. To help with my strectches i primarily wear wigs. But i personally deep condition my hair every week.and of course take my biotin. BElieve me Biotin helps with hair growth.
Even before LHCF, stretching was probably one of the ONLY good things I was doing for my hair. My last stretch was eight months, this time around I am only going to do four months. Going on 14 weeks in....20 should be soon
I'm really new to the whole stretching process and typically texlaxed every 8 weeks. I saw a post on here about stretching longer and was motivated to give it a shot and go 6 months. I was a little intimidated because I had no idea what I was in store for. I'm 4a/b and going strong in week 17. I haven't had a lot of breakage because I do low manipulation and detangle with conditioner and moisturize my hair daily. I did a big detangle a few days ago and was very happy with the results. Although I lost a lot of hair shedding I didn't have as much breakage as I thought I would. so i've been pleasantly surprised throughout my stretch and have earned a greater appreciation for my new growth in the process. It's a great experiance getting to see all that natural hair for a change. It's takin me back to my roots ;)
I'll be 18 weeks post tomorrow and was debating when to end my stretch. If I wait til the end of the month that will be 20 weeks :woot: Then I can stretch until mid December for my brother's wedding.
10-12 weeks is about right for me. I'm trying to work my way back up to stretching for 16wks.
My hair is weird though so I have to really pay attention to shedding vs. tangling vs. breakage.

I am not trying to go backwards now that I have my Pibbs.
I usually stretch for about 10 to 12 weeks. Right now I'm 9 weeks. My longest stretch was four months, but I doubt I'll ever stretch that long again...it just ain't worth all the breakage!
Awesome that's good. In the beginning i used to only be able to stetch only 12 wks.. But right now i am almost 15wks post.. with at least another 15 more wks to go before i end my stretch. And my hair is treating me really well.
I'm 13 weeks post, my longest stretch ever!! But I'm going to relax next week because I lost too much hair. I washed today and it wasn't pretty! I was trying to make it until 16 weeks but it's not going to happen. I do not want to suffer a setback. So going forward, I'm going to stretch 12 weeks.
i usually wait between 10-12 weeks between relaxers. I try to go as long as possible without suffering from tangles and breakage. anything past 14 weeks spells disaster for my hair.
I think i am reaching way too high.. but i was thinking to relax beginning of April 2010, after a 42 weeks stretch. I dont think i can make it, but i will see how close i can get to it.
Im 14 weeks. Ill be 15 weeks on Saturday. Well, I don't normally stretch my relaxers this long but I'm going to go relax in April. I going to see what this fool (that man) is going to do then I'm going to relax. I have cut manipulation down to 1 day a week. I detangle my hair my hair on wash day and I only wash on Saturday. This is very easy and I am not having any breakage. If I had only known. I should be about 18 weeks when I do decide to relax.
I usually stretch for 16-20 weeks, but I am currently on my longest stretch ever - 41 weeks. I will end on Tuesday.
I usually stretch for 3-6 months depending on what's going on with my hair. I use henna to keep it manageable and I mostly wear my hair up so there isn't much of a difference.