40 Days For Life 2016


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Good day all...

The 40 Days for Life campaign against abortion kicks off tomorrow in 273 cities and ends March 20.

Psalm 127 says children are a heritage from the Lord! Not sure to what extent I'll participate this year but the campaign will be in my heart/mind. But I'm posting this here, for awareness, and as a reminder to anyone interested in participating in some way.

To find the 40 Days for Life location nearest you.
Sharing some statistics

@Laela, thank you so much. I am in full support of the "40 Days for Life campaign against abortion and day 41 and beyond.

God bless you so much for sharing this. It's for the 'babies'. :love3:
Here's today's devotional from Rev. Ben Sheldon, president emeritus of Presbyterians Pro-Life...

Day 5 intention
May the truth of the final judgment shape our thoughts, priorities, and choices here on earth.

Scripture The King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me." — Matthew 25:31-46

Reflection from Rev. Ben Sheldon

Caring for others is not optional.

Jesus' picture of the final judgment concludes with this sobering word: the wicked, who failed to care for others in their various needs (e.g., the hungry, the thirsty, the aliens, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned) will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous who did seek to meet those needs will end up with him, enjoying eternal life.

We know that this was no parable! Jesus has given us fair warning! Everything in God's Word points to the truth that compassionate concern and practical care for all people, especially for the poor, the destitute, the weak and needy is required of us, if indeed we hope to escape the punishment of the fire of hell.

And who are the poor and needy, if not helpless, unborn babies, as well as the aged and infirm at the other end of life? Surely the "least of these" embraces not only those at both ends of the continuum of life, but all others in between.

Just how we, as Christ's true followers, respond to his admonition "inasmuch as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me" will determine whether we enjoy eternal bliss in his presence or the bleak and dreadful reality of eternal punishment in hell. Nothing in God's Word could be clearer!

Gracious and merciful Father, we gladly embrace your Word that counsels us to care for the least of your children, and we renew our dedication to defending the unborn and all whose right to life is compromised by our godless society's selfish lack of concern. Free us from our own failures and sins so that we will be truly pro-life in every area of our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Here’s today’s devotional from Fr. Terry Gensemer, the National Director of the Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life.

Day 7 intention
May we have a heart and a zeal to save the poor and release the oppressed.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. — Luke 4:18-19


This passage is a very familiar one. It has been preached on many occasions, even made popular in books and songs. Though the quote is about Jesus, all Christians take this commission seriously as a directive on how to reach the world with the gospel.

We, like our Savior, are to bring the good news to the poor, the brokenhearted, those in captivity, those who cannot see, and the oppressed.

The commission given to us in this passage is clearly a charge to care for those for whom God cares the most. I wonder though, whom do we look for to be touched by the Holy Spirit as we go out into the world?

Who are the poor, if not those unborn children who have been abandoned by their parents before they ever leave the womb?

Who are the brokenhearted, if not those unborn children whose only example of love is having their mother take them to an abortion clinic to be destroyed, or the mother of a child who has been deceived by everyone around her into believing that what she is doing is best for her and her child?

Who are the captives, if not those unborn children who are bound over to death by the "choice" of abortion?

Who is more blind than an unborn child in the darkness of a womb that has become a waiting room for their death?

And who is more oppressed than those unborn children whose oppression has been legitimized by their government, their church and even their family and loved ones?

Lord, You empower us with Your Spirit to do your will in the earth. Send us to the poorest, the most broken, the most captive, the most blind and the most oppressed in the world, the innocent pre-born children in their mother's wombs that are scheduled for destruction. Help us to bring them healing, liberty, sight and justice through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Day 14 :yep: // Today’s devotional is from Carmen Pate of Alliance Ministries.

Day 14 intention

Pray that the abortionists and all workers in abortion facilities would be troubled in their souls regarding their work and would seek truth.

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. — Ephesians 4:31-32

Reflection by Carmen Pate

We see the evil and oppression in the world, the arrogance of those who mock God, the millions of innocent lives destroyed because of the greed of a few.

Our flesh tells us that we should take justice in our own hands, but instead of vengeance, the Lord calls us to love our enemy, to forgive others as we have been forgiven.

God loves the abortionist and the Planned Parenthood advocate just as much as He loves you.

It breaks His heart to see them in bondage to sin and He is giving you this opportunity to introduce them to the Savior who sets the captive free.

Though you may not experience direct interaction with these souls, your presence will not go unnoticed. Your non-verbal communications speak volumes about the God you serve.[powerful!]

Forgiveness is an act of obedience to God (Colossians 3:13). Forgiveness is not condoning or overlooking the wrong behavior of others, but rather it is freeing ourselves so that God can work mightily through us to touch their hearts for Him.

Let's join our hearts with His in recognizing that those in the abortion industry are not the enemy, but rather they are blinded by the enemy.

God desires that we bring them the message of truth and hope found in Christ, but the messengers He will use are those willing to forgive.

Prayer :pray:

Dearest God, You tell us in Proverbs that the foolish and the wicked lack wisdom and understanding. I pray you will trouble the souls of those in the abortion industry so that they hunger for truth and cry out for freedom.
I pray that my life would reflect my redemption so others may see it and trust in You. In obedience to You, and by your grace, I choose to forgive others as you have forgiven me. In the name of Christ my Redeemer I pray, Amen.
I know abortion is not a popular topic on this forum; but I'm sure God know who you are who are keeping participants and pregnant women in their daily prayers... It is beyond the 40 days.

Here's today's devotional from Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life.

Day 22 intention

May those who hold life as trivial realize that we live because God wills it so.

Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. — Job 12:9-10

Reflection from Georgette Forney

Job was a man acquainted with grief, trials and tribulation. He had everything taken from him, including his family. He endured sickness, ridicule and judgment from his friends. Everyone gave him advice about his situation, questioning his spirituality and his God.

Job's circumstances were bad but he never loses faith. Why? Because "the hand of the Lord has made all life." Created by God, he knows his life has meaning and purpose, regardless of the circumstances.

In our present culture, we've lost that basic truth; every life is made and allowed to live by God's sovereign authority. As people who pride ourselves on our independence, we have a hard time acknowledging our dependence on God.

From our creation, when we were knit together in our mother's womb to our last breath, God's word is clear that "in His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."

It's time for us as individuals, and as a society, to recognize that we exist by God's grace and turn back to Him, honoring His word and His teachings. Why? Because our world is full of Jobs, people who are dealing with trials and tribulations and hurting desperately.

Job's response should be ours as well. Regardless of what we face (even an unplanned pregnancy) God in His wisdom and mercy will redeem it.

How do I know? Job's friends who doubted God's sovereignty cry out to God asking for help, God instructs Job to pray for his friends and after he does, God restores all that Job had lost.

In other words, because Job never lost faith and knew and trusted His Creator, the Lord blessed Job.

Thank you Father God for being the Creator of my life and every life. Please give me, and the society in which I live, an appreciation for your gift of life. Please help us set aside our pride and acknowledge that we need you.
Show me how I can honor you today in response to all the blessings you bestow so freely. In the name of Jesus, Amen. :pray:
Here’s today's devotional from Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.

Day 25 intention

We pray for the conversion of all those who refuse to acknowledge that human life belongs only to God.

Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” — Jeremiah 1:4-5

Reflection from Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh

To be or not to be? There is no question!

The question of “being” is something philosophers have long pondered.

What is the meaning of being and what is the source? In the passage before us, we have our answer. We have being because we are known by God.

For God to declare that he knows and sets apart the prophet Jeremiah even before he is conceived indicates that our being rests in God’s own being. Because He is and because He wills we, therefore, are and do.

The Apostle Paul says as much when he declares before the philosophers of his day, “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

One of the tragedies of the abortion culture is that life in the womb has been so heartbreakingly devalued. To embrace the arguments of the “pro-choice” crowd one must conclude that the child in the womb doesn't exist, isn't there, has no being.

But nothing could be further from the truth. That child is known by God and, as such, has being.

Prayer :pray:
Lord God, we confess that in You we live and move and have our being. Because You are, we are. May we find grace from You to affirm the being of every human and may we labor to make this truth known to the world around us. Amen.
Here’s today’s devotional from Ernest Ohlhoff, Outreach Director for National Right to Life.

Day 27 intention
We pray for humility in our work for God’s Kingdom.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. — Philippians 2:5-8

Reflection from Ernest Ohlhoff
There is no limit to what we can accomplish when we don’t care who gets the credit.

Jesus Christ’s life on earth exemplifies a total submission to the will of the Father. His humility, compassion, gentleness and thoughtfulness are reflected over and over again in the New Testament. He was God incarnate, yet He chose to be born to a humble, working class home.

How absurd it must have seemed to the rich and powerful that the Son of God, the Messiah, the one foretold by the prophets, the “King of the Jews” was born and raised as a simple peasant.

During His thirty-three years on earth, He sought no riches, claimed no secular power and gathered no possessions. Yet, His short time on earth changed more lives, softened more hearts, and gave hope to more people, than all the rich and powerful human kings combined.

And, at the end of His life on earth, by dying on the cross, He opened the door to eternal life for those who heed his words and follow in his footsteps.

Prayer :pray:
O Lord, help us follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Let us humbly and diligently work to restore legal protection for the unborn, the disabled, the medically dependent and all innocent children of God whose lives are threatened. Let us remember the old adage that “He can never lead who has not first learned to obey.” And, Lord, grant us a peaceful heart as we labor in your name. Amen.
Sharing some news of 2 closings in Georgia!

Georgia Abortion Clinic Closes After Landlord Sued Abortionist McBrayer for Fraud
February 29, 2016 By Operation Rescue 5 Comments

By Cheryl Sullenger

Marietta, Georgia – The Alpha Gynecology and Consulting abortion clinic, which opened on Via Rica Way in Marietta, Georgia, last August, has shut down as of February 28, 2016, as part of a mediation agreement with the landlord.

Cobb Pediatrics, PC, sued the abortion facility owner and abortionist, Daniel McBrayer, for fraud and breach of contract for not disclosing that his business would conduct abortions. McBrayer’s office was not licensed to do abortions at that location.

When McBrayer moved into the former pediatric office located in a predominately residential neighborhood, it upset residents of the area, prompting frequent protests.

The website for Alpha Gynecology and Consulting indicated that the facility would be closed as of February 28, 2016.

The lawsuit was just the latest of problems for McBrayer.

In 1989, McBrayer was involved in the death of abortion patient Catherine Pierce, who went into cardiac arrest while unattended after an abortion done at Atlanta Surgi-Center where McBrayer worked at the time. It was found that she was given an overdose of anesthesia, entered a coma, and died five months later.

In 2002, McBrayer was disciplined by the Georgia Board of Medical Examiners for conducting illegal second-trimester abortions in an unlicensed facility. He was fined $5,000 and placed on probation for two years.

McBrayer was arrested in 2009 during a road rage incident. After a traffic altercation, McBrayer got out of his car, walked up to the woman involved, and slapped her in the face.

A suit was filed against him in 2014 by women whose personal information and records were illegally dumped.

Last year, McBrayer was involved in yet another lawsuit filed against him by the Governor’s Ridge office complex, which resulted in him selling his office and announcing his “retirement.” But instead of retiring, he “moonlighted” at Summit Medical Association in Atlanta, Georgia.

“I put McBrayer in the same category as criminal abortionists Steven Chase Brigham and James Scott Pendergraft. He poses a danger to the public and you never know what kind of underhanded trick he will try to pull to keep his abortion business open,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “The people of Marietta should be on alert that he will likely try to relocate to yet another office.”

Planned Parenthood Closes Abortion Clinic That Had Been Killing Unborn Babies for 35 Years
State Micaiah Bilger Feb 29, 2016 | 10:56AM Augusta, GA

Pro-life advocates in Augusta, Georgia have been praying that the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in their city would close for more than three decades. Last week, they said their prayers were answered.

The Augusta Chronicle reports the Planned Parenthood Southeast clinic on Broad Street in Augusta announced on its website that it is closing because of financial issues.

“For 35 years, Augusta Care Pregnancy Center has prayed that Augusta Planned Parenthood would close,” the pro-life group said in an e-mail to the news outlet. “Thousands of pregnant mothers have been wounded, some physically and some mentally. God has answered many prayers of the Augusta people.”

The abortion clinic has a history of health and safety violations with the state. In 2011, an investigative report revealed the state cited the Augusta Planned Parenthood for 23 violations and fined it $1,400.

In 2010, LifeNews reported the abortion clinic cut back its hours after a 40 Days for Life group began peacefully praying outside. Pro-lifers saw it as a hopeful sign that the clinic would close one day.

The pro-life pregnancy center plans to hold a news conference Monday to talk about the abortion clinic closing, according to the report.

Reports do not indicate when specifically the abortion clinic will stop doing business or if it has closed already.

Local Planned Parenthood officials said they made the decision to close the Augusta clinic because of “fiscal responsibility.”

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

“In the shifting health care landscape both locally and nationally, Planned Parenthood must constantly assess operational efficiency and identify how to remain strong, serving as many patients as possible over both the short and the long term,” according to a press release from the abortion group. “As a result, Planned Parenthood Southeast is redirecting resources to other communities within the established service area.”

The closure is part of a larger trend that LifeNews reported about last week. Abortion clinics are closing at a record pace across the country as they fail to meet new health and safety requirements and the demand for their business drops, according to a Bloomberg analysis.

While abortion activists blame the closures on laws that require basic health and safety protections for patients, the report indicates that many factors are involved, including the lack of business and fewer doctors willing to do abortions. These numbers, coupled with plunging national abortion statistics, point to the fact that fewer women actually want abortions. As modern technology shows clear pictures of unborn babies in the womb, and as more pro-life groups offer women alternatives to abortion, more women have access to the education and resources to choose life for their unborn babies.

Between 2011 and 2015, at least 162 abortion clinics have shut or stopped doing abortions; 21 new abortion clinics opened in that same time period, the report states. The top four states that saw abortion clinics close were Texas with 30-plus, Iowa with 14, Michigan with 13 and California with 12, according to the report. A report from Operation Rescue also showed 53 abortion clinics closed in 2015 alone.

Lack of business has been a major factor in the closing of abortion clinics, according to the Bloomberg report. The news group found that of the 162 abortion clinics that closed, 19 percent were in counties with fewer than 100,000 people. This seems to indicate that rural abortion clinics aren’t doing as well financially.

In February, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Blacksburg, Virginia also announced that it was closing because it was losing business, LifeNews reported. A Bridgeport, Connecticut abortion clinic also told Bloomberg it closed in 2015 because of reduced demand.

This is yesterday's devotion - Countdown to last 9 days....
Here’s today’s devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.

Day 30 intention

That those tempted to abort may understand that their child is already present, and already a real person.


And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
” — Luke 1:41-44


Jesus not only loves unborn children — He was one himself!

Think about this for a moment.

We often hear people speak of a pregnant mother by saying, “She’s expecting a child.” Now if one is expecting a package, the package is not yet there. As reflected in our verse for today, however, this is not the case with the mother.

Her gift is already there. The pregnant woman, a mother already, does not have a child “on the way,” but has a child, already present and in full possession of his or her human rights, starting with the right to life.

Jesus, open my eyes to your presence in the life of every child. Open my heart to joy in the birth of every child, a birth that reflects the joy of your own birth in Bethlehem.

As you shared life in the womb of Mary, so now send your protection upon every child still in the womb, and grant to their mothers the strength and joy that comes from welcoming the gift of life. We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Today’s devotional is from Rev. Ben Sheldon, president emeritus of Presbyterians for Life.

Day 36 intention
We pray for the gift of openness to children.

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.
And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” — Genesis 1:27-28

Reflection from Rev. Ben Sheldon

God’s intention is that we multiply and fill the earth. One of the most pernicious lies that sociologists have foisted off on the public is that the earth is be-coming overpopulated.

What kind of a sadistic god would create the earth and human creatures on it, only to have them literally repro-duce themselves into oblivion?

The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is our divine Creator, has commanded us to multiply and fill the earth and far from letting the population get out of control, He has, in fact given his human creatures a dominical role over all the lesser creatures.

The “birth control” movement, which had its beginnings with Margaret Sanger in the early years of the last century, has led, in many parts of the world, to a birthrate that is drastically below the normal replacement rate.

God’s Word assures us that children are a blessing, that they are a reward of faithfully trusting and serving God and that they are the crown of their parents’ old age.

The spread of the contraception mentality that has so permeated our culture is, undoubtedly, a factor in the ready acceptance of abortion. God’s commandment to multiply and fill the earth has never been withdrawn. May

He help us to accept the gift of children and give him thanks for every baby who is born into the world.

Prayer :pray:
Father of mercy and grace, we thank you for the gift of our children. Grant that every fiber of our being may re-joice when a new baby, our own or any else’s, is born into the world. Help us to welcome them as we would welcome you, for whenever a new baby is conceived, another life to bear your image and another voice to praise and worship you, is beginning. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
Day 40 intention

Let us keep our eyes fixed on the New Jerusalem, where death will be no more.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" —Revelation 21:4-5

Reflection from Fr. Frank Pavone

Every activity we undertake in defense of the sanctity of life is prophetic, inasmuch as it points to the day when "death will be no more."

Every victory we have when an act of abortion is prevented is prophetic of that day when death itself will be definitively conquered.

Every triumph of grace in this world, whereby someone is brought to see the value of life and given the strength to welcome it, is a breaking into our history of that definitive future in which the old order of things will have passed, and all things will be made new.

As pro-life warriors, we must keep our eyes fixed on heaven, and our hearts secure in the hope that the day is coming when all evil will be conquered. It is the future that shapes the present; it is victory that informs the battle; it is the destination that determines the journey.

Daily, we are called to reflect on heaven. When we weep, we are to think of the day when every tear will be wiped away.

When we face the destructive power of death, we are to think of the day when death is swallowed up in victory.

When we labor against abortion, we are to think of the day when we will have the rest and peace of the final triumph of life.

Heaven is as real as earth, and its joys will be as real as our present sorrows.

Father, you are the God of hope. Your word fills us with the vision of the world to come, when every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more. Father, how we need that hope, how we are strengthened by that vision!
Keep our hearts focused on heaven, and diligent in the labors of earth. As we struggle against the culture of death, root our souls in the assurance of victory. We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Another Abortion Clinic Shuts Down....Guess where?

By Shawn Carney

"Another abortion facility has closed its doors ...

... and the location may surprise you.

We’ve just learned that an abortion facility in Great Britain – where the overwhelming majority of all abortions are paid for by the government has gone out of business!

The BPAS location in Leamington Spa had been the site of seven 40 Days for Life vigils …
… including the campaign that just ended last month.

This is the 71st abortion center to close its doors following a 40 Days for Life vigil in the public right-of-way outside – praise God!

But it wasn't easy.

In many 40 Days for Life locations, including England, such victories are preceded by prayer – and often persecution.

Just ask our international campaign director, Robert Colquhoun, who has seen (and heard) almost everything you can imagine – from things being thrown at vigil participants ... to an onslaught from "kamikaze cyclists."

Robert and I discuss that .. and how 40 Days for Life thrives in locations where the power of prayer overcomes the cynicism of the culture ... in this new episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast:


Robert – and Heather Gardner, the courageous leader of 40 Days for Life in Austin, Texas – share how they have overcome adversity, saved lives and seen abortion facilities close their doors ... even in pro-abortion cities.

In this podcast, Heather also addresses the need for more men in the pro-life movement ... and the important role they play:


Applications to lead the next 40 Days for Life campaign open in June ... so think about your role! And be inspired by these victories in unexpected places. "