40 DAYS for Life . . .

Lots of people love the peaceful approach of 40 Days for Life and see how God has used this effort.

BUT ... it comes as no surprise to find out that not everybody is a fan.

There are people in the abortion industry who call this campaign “40 Days of Harassment.” No one is being harassed, of course (except maybe the prayer volunteers).

The truth is that peaceful prayer on the sidewalk is bad for business. So the pro-abortion side is doing whatever it can to minimize the impact … by twisting the truth.


There are a number of pro-abortion backlash efforts that have adopted the “40 days” theme. The worst of the lot is jointly sponsored by “Clergy for Choice” and the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Eureka, California.

This effort, “40 Days of Prayer to Keep Abortion Safe and Legal,” is really a mockery of 40 Days for Life – and frankly, of God. They use a collection of 40 daily prayer intentions – sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

But listen to some of the "Clergy for Choice" intentions:

Day 5: Today we pray for medical students who want to include abortion care in their practice.
Day 18: Today we pray for all the staff at abortion clinics around the nation. May they be daily confirmed in the sacred care that they offer women.
Day 27: Today we give thanks for abortion providers around the nation whose concern for women is the driving force in their lives.
Day 40: Today we give thanks and celebrate that abortion is still safe and legal.
To respond to each of those “prayer” intentions:

Day 5: Fewer and fewer medical students are interested in abortion. Aging abortionists are retiring and not being replaced.
Day 18: Abortion -- the destruction of innocent children -- is considered "sacred care"? Unbelievable!
Day 27: The “driving force” for Planned Parenthood is money. There is no prestige in the abortion trade.
Day 40: Safe and legal? Based on numerous ambulance calls at abortion facilities, “safe” couldn’t be any farther from the truth. And of course, abortion is never “safe” for the baby.
Let’s all pray for all of those who’ve convinced themselves that abortion is a moral “choice” – and for all who are deluded into believing that lie.
Lots of people love the peaceful approach of 40 Days for Life and see how God has used this effort.

BUT ... it comes as no surprise to find out that not everybody is a fan.

There are people in the abortion industry who call this campaign “40 Days of Harassment.” No one is being harassed, of course (except maybe the prayer volunteers).

The truth is that peaceful prayer on the sidewalk is bad for business. So the pro-abortion side is doing whatever it can to minimize the impact … by twisting the truth.


There are a number of pro-abortion backlash efforts that have adopted the “40 days” theme. The worst of the lot is jointly sponsored by “Clergy for Choice” and the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Eureka, California.

This effort, “40 Days of Prayer to Keep Abortion Safe and Legal,” is really a mockery of 40 Days for Life – and frankly, of God. They use a collection of 40 daily prayer intentions – sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

But listen to some of the "Clergy for Choice" intentions:

Day 5: Today we pray for medical students who want to include abortion care in their practice.
Day 18: Today we pray for all the staff at abortion clinics around the nation. May they be daily confirmed in the sacred care that they offer women.
Day 27: Today we give thanks for abortion providers around the nation whose concern for women is the driving force in their lives.
Day 40: Today we give thanks and celebrate that abortion is still safe and legal.
To respond to each of those “prayer” intentions:

Day 5: Fewer and fewer medical students are interested in abortion. Aging abortionists are retiring and not being replaced.
Day 18: Abortion -- the destruction of innocent children -- is considered "sacred care"? Unbelievable!
Day 27: The “driving force” for Planned Parenthood is money. There is no prestige in the abortion trade.
Day 40: Safe and legal? Based on numerous ambulance calls at abortion facilities, “safe” couldn’t be any farther from the truth. And of course, abortion is never “safe” for the baby.
Let’s all pray for all of those who’ve convinced themselves that abortion is a moral “choice” – and for all who are deluded into believing that lie.

Praise God for this :-)
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Pray that volunteers will replace exhaustion or discouragement with rejoicing over the miracles we have seen thus far, and enthusiastic service as God takes us on to victory!


In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

-- 1 Peter 1:6-7

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

We have reason to rejoice when we consider the many babies whose lives have been saved during the 40 Days for Life campaign.

Add to those lives, the women and men who have been spared from a devastating decision and now have opportunity to make a plan for their baby that is both life affirming and God honoring.

Whether directly, or indirectly, you have contributed to these testimonies of praise with your sacrificial service.

Perhaps you have been grieved by various trials during your commitment to 40 days.

The attacks of the enemy come in many forms -- difficulties in relationships, finances, health.

Or maybe you are physically and mentally exhausted and have been marking off the days on your calendar, eagerly waiting for Day 40.

Consider these trials in light of God's plan for you.

The Apostle Paul understood the big picture when he said in Romans 8:18, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

This is our Hope and our victory. Let us rejoice in the opportunity to give that Hope to others in our path.


Dear Heavenly Father, we sing to You a new song, for You have done marvelous things. Forgive us when we allow circumstances to defeat us. You give power to the faint and You increase strength in those who have no might.

We rest in You, dear Lord, and ask You to empower us again for Your service as You work out Your plan for us and through us.

May You receive glory through our victory in Christ, in whose name we pray, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day39print.pdf
Laela, praise GOD I was able to go and pray outside of a clinic today! I ended up meeting up with 2 other people and we prayed a rosary. We prayed in the front of the building but there were people also praying in the back (where the actual entrance was). We had them surrounded. Hopefully, a baby's life was spared. I really like that this is such a peaceful prayerful vigil. They do this again the fall, right? I hope to do it again :yep:
I know this is just a 'story', but it is so fitting for this thread:

A baby was born in a hospital laughing instead of crying. The more the nurses beat him, the more he laughed so hard...suddenly, the doctor noticed he had something in his hands, so he pulled the tiny hands apart and discovered he was holding 3 abortion pills. The baby then turned his head looking at his mother, laughed again and said:

Yay.. I'm glad you got the chance to get out thereBolded is our prayer. Yes, it's in the fall as well. Sept. 25- November 4th, I believe... :yep:

Laela, praise GOD I was able to go and pray outside of a clinic today! I ended up meeting up with 2 other people and we prayed a rosary. We prayed in the front of the building but there were people also praying in the back (where the actual entrance was). We had them surrounded. Hopefully, a baby's life was spared. I really like that this is such a peaceful prayerful vigil. They do this again the fall, right? I hope to do it again :yep:

Let us keep our eyes fixed on the New Jerusalem, where death will be no more.


"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"

-- Revelation 21:4-5

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Every activity we undertake in defense of the sanctity of life is prophetic, inasmuch as it points to the day when "death will be no more."

Every victory we have when an act of abortion is prevented is prophetic of that day when death itself will be definitively conquered.

Every triumph of grace in this world, whereby someone is brought to see the value of life and given the strength to welcome it, is a breaking into our history of that definitive future in which the old order of things will have passed, and all things will be made new.

As pro-life warriors, we must keep our eyes fixed on heaven, and our hearts secure in the hope that the day is coming when all evil will be conquered.

It is the future that shapes the present; it is victory that informs the battle; it is the destination that determines the journey.

Daily, we are called to reflect on heaven.

When we weep, we are to think of the day when every tear will be wiped away.

When we face the destructive power of death, we are to think of the day when death is swallowed up in victory.

When we labor against abortion, we are to think of the day when we will have the rest and peace of the final triumph of life.

Heaven is as real as earth, and its joys will be as real as our present sorrows.

Father, you are the God of hope. Your word fills us with the vision of the world to come, when every tear will be wiped away, and death will be no more.

Father, how we need that hope, how we are strengthened by that vision! Keep our hearts focused on heaven, and diligent in the labors of earth.

As we struggle against the culture of death, root our souls in the assurance of victory. We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day40print.pdf
Got one last e-mail to share...

Before I take a break from email, I do want to thank you for all you’ve done the past 40 days … and to let you know that we are aware of …

554 babies spared from abortion through God’s mercy these past 40 days!

Those are 554 stories of children -- made in God's image and likeness -- who were so close to becoming another statistic. But because of your prayers, and your courage to be there for their moms, they have life.

It is in this spirit of thanksgiving -- for their lives and our lives -- that we enter into the most important week of the year. This week we hand all of our weaknesses and doubts over to Christ, who takes them to the Cross, overcomes death ... and reminds us that with Him, all things are possible -- even ending abortion.
Gerald was praying at the vigil in White Plains when somebody walked off with his backpack. But before he could get too concerned about that, he noticed two women heading his way – an older woman and a younger one.

The older woman told him they had driven two hours from upstate New York. The young woman had an abortion appointment, but now she is “probably going to have the baby.” She asked Gerald for information about pregnancy services.

That information, of course, was in Gerald’s backpack. But he passed along two pro-life pregnancy hotline numbers that he knew, as well as the web address of the Sisters of Life.

The young woman was smiling and said “God bless you” as Gerald waved good-bye. He said he’d been praying about the missing backpack, but “God responded with a much greater blessing!”
Floyd in Kalispell says two babies were saved from abortion. In both cases, the mothers are 16-year-old girls.

One of these young women arrived at the abortion center with her mother, her aunt and one of her mother’s friends. Inside, the girl had an ultrasound exam.

The technician was telling her that she had a “tissue growth” that they could take care of for her. At that point, the girl’s aunt snatched the sonogram printout from the technician’s hand. “Look at this ultrasound!” She said. “It’s a baby!”

“The aunt convinced the young lady that it was in her best interest to have the baby,” said Floyd. “All the ladies left the clinic and haven't been seen since. We have heard that the young lady went to the pregnancy center with her aunt -- and all is well.”

A man stopped his car next to the prayer volunteers and asked where the abortion center was, since his wife had an appointment. One of the vigil participants talked to him, gave him some information … and convinced him to not keep the appointment.

A while later, the volunteer saw that same car, around the corner, parked off the side of the road.

The man and woman were feeling pressured and confused because the abortionist called to pressure them, asking why they had not shown up for their appointment.

The prayer volunteer assured them they were doing the right thing – that God will take care of them, to leave and not to have any second thoughts. The woman was very grateful, and told him God had sent him.

They contacted a pregnancy support center, where one of the workers confirmed that they had made a definitive choice to keep the baby.

“We at the prayer site are all rejoicing,” said one of the local leaders, “and giving thanks and praise to God for this wonderful miracle of life.”

As a bonus ... here is one final 40 Days for Life devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.
Thanks to all of you LHCF members who have been reading and to those who have been encouraging and supportive during the posting of these devotions. God surely has blessed each of you! :Rose:


Pray that the witness of 40 Days for Life bears abundant fruit, and that we begin again each day to storm the gates of hell until God welcomes us into the gates of heaven.


He will wipe every tear from their eyes. On this rock I will build my church; the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

-- Matthew 16:18

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

When we read this verse, we usually think that the Lord is promising that the church, which is His Body, will withstand all the attacks launched against it.

Of course, that is true. But when we think about it more carefully, we realize that in a battle, the gates do not run out into the battlefield to attack the enemy. Rather, they stand still to defend the city from the enemy attacking it.

So when the Lord says that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church, who is doing the attacking?

It is the church storming the gates!

The church, all of God's people in Christ, is called to take the offensive, to run into enemy territory, and to gain ground for Jesus Christ.

We do not wait for an invitation; we already have a command.

We prepare, but we do not wait for circumstances to be perfect; we already have one who has gone before us.

During these 40 days, we have stormed the gates. We have taken the offensive. We have pushed forward the boundaries of the kingdom. And we must keep doing so, in numerous ways.

Indeed, the gates of hell will not prevail. The gates of falsehood will flee in the presence of truth. The gates of sin will melt in the presence of grace. The gates of death will fall in the presence of the church, the People of Life!


Father, we praise you. We have heard the voice of your Son, and therefore we can make our voices heard.

We have done battle with the power of evil, and therefore we can have compassion on those still within its grip. We have been freed from the kingdom of darkness, and therefore we can bear witness to your Kingdom of Light.

May the witness of all your people through these 40 Days for Life bear abundant fruit, and may we begin again each day to storm the gates of hell until You welcome us into the gates of heaven.

We pray in the victorious name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day41print.pdf
Thanks for posting Belle Du Jour... there was to be a teleconference/web simulcast called BEACON OF HOPE to let people know about the latest abortion clinic shut down; but it was postponed due to the Boston bombing. They are closing down.. praise God!
You'll definitely want to attend tonight's BEACON OF
HOPE teleconference and web simulcast (participation
details below) to learn about the latest abortion
center that just closed its doors and went out of
business on FRIDAY ... less than three weeks after a
40 Days for Life campaign wrapped up outside its doors!

This makes the 32nd abortion center to shut down
following a 40 Days for Life campaign -- six this
campaign alone! Life-saving victories at the local
level continue to gain momentum, and are providing
a BEACON OF HOPE in the midst of cultural darkness.

During tonight's event, you'll also hear from 40 Days
for Life campaign leaders from Sacramento, California
and Sugar Land, Texas -- two more locations where
abortion facilities have SHUT THEIR DOORS and gone
out of business ...

... and from the 63-year old grandma who was assaulted
while praying at 40 Days for Life outside Planned
Parenthood in Wilmington, Delaware -- and transformed
national media coverage of her attack into a health
department investigation into dangerous conditions at
the abortion center ... which just SUSPENDED ABORTIONS.

You won't want to miss this one-time-only event!

Tonight's teleconference and webcast is the GOOD NEWS
we need after the steady stream of bad news every day
in newspapers, radio, television and the internet.

There IS reason for hope in what God is doing locally.
Join us tonight and hear for yourself!
I didn't want to start a new thread but do y'all know about this woman?

Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson
-First black graduate from Harvard Medical School
-First female doctor at Boston University Hospital
-First female member of the Boston Surgical Society
-Ronald Regan credited her as changing his views from pro-choice to pro-life
-Found the National Right to Life Committee

This woman (RIP) might be my new she-ro :yep:
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Thanks for this... and the updates. Great woman indeed... her words are coming to life:

“With the obstetrician and mother becoming the worst enemy of the child and the pediatrician becoming the assassin for the family, the state must be enabled to protect the life of the child, born and unborn.” - Dr. Jefferson

July 29-
North CArolina Governor signs abortion rules bill

July 12-
Texas Senate Passes Abortion bill

I didn't want to start a new thread but do y'all know about this woman?

Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson
-First black graduate from Harvard Medical School
-First female doctor at Boston University Hospital
-First female member of the Boston Surgical Society
-Ronald Regan credited her as changing his views from pro-choice to pro-life
-Found the National Right to Life Committee

This woman (RIP) might be my new she-ro :yep:
Also, the March for Life in DC will be on January 22. Although the media tries to ignore this event, it's HUGE. Hundreds of thousands will be marching for life! I am endeavoring to be there in 2014, God willing. And you don't have to be Catholic to participate ;)
Also, the March for Life in DC will be on January 22. Although the media tries to ignore this event, it's HUGE. Hundreds of thousands will be marching for life! I am endeavoring to be there in 2014, God willing. And you don't have to be Catholic to participate ;)

Just like homosexuality I don't think abortion support is as wide spread as it appears to be. And those who support it many times have not been educated fully of the natural and spiritual consequences. When you guys have a chance look into Margaret Sanger and how they began using abortion to kill off the black race. There are also more abortion clinics in black communities than anywhere else. I have been praying against this. The birth rate in the black community is equal to the abortion rate. Since this started, the black race has DECREASED from about 17% to less than 11%... That's huge. Its never discussed in most churches. And the problem is widespread but the black race is the only one declining. It breaks my heart.
@Laela - FYI

More than 50 abortion clinics across the country have closed or stopped offering the procedure since a heavy wave of legislative attacks on providers began in 2010, according to The Huffington Post's nationwide survey of state health departments, abortion clinics and local abortion-focused advocacy groups.

At least 54 abortion providers across 27 states have shut down or ended their abortion services in the past three years, and several more clinics are only still open because judges have temporarily blocked legislation that would make it difficult for them to continue to operate. Nebraska and Massachusetts have each added one clinic since 2010, and the other 21 states and the District of Columbia, most of which have not passed new anti-abortion laws since 2010, were unable to accurately count their clinics because their health departments do not license abortion providers separately from other kinds of medical providers. The Huffington Post's tally did not include hospitals that provide abortions.

"This kind of change is incredibly dramatic," said Elizabeth Nash, state issues manager at the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research organization. "What we've been seeing since 1982 was a slow decline, but this kind of change ... [is] so different from what's happened in the past."
Infographic by Jan Diehm for the Huffington Post.
A comprehensive survey by The Daily Beast found that as of January 2013, 724 abortion clinics remained operational across the U.S.
While some of the 54 closures were due to unrelated factors, the states that have lost the most clinics over the past three years are the same ones that have seen draconian new abortion restrictions and the biggest cuts to family planning funding. In Texas, which has lost nine clinics, lawmakers have slashed family planning funding in the state budget, required abortion clinics to become ambulatory surgical centers and required abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. Arizona lawmakers passed similar legislation and pushed out a total of 12 providers; the state had 18 abortion clinics in 2010 and now has only six, according to NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona.

"This has turned into a nightmare," said Kat Sabine, executive director of NARAL's Arizona affiliate. "The kind of efforts the women have to take to get family planning or abortion services are just incredible, and you can only get care if you can get out of the community to do it. If you're on a reservation or rural part of the state, unless you have reliable transportation, you're not going to get care."

In Lake Havusu, Ariz., there are several anti-abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers and a Catholic charity hospital that does not offer abortion care, but women have to travel over 150 miles to either Phoenix or Las Vegas to find the nearest abortion or family planning clinic, Sabine said. The situation mirrors problems rural women face in other states. Mississippi, North Dakota and South Dakota have only one abortion clinic each, and the first two are hanging onto their only clinics pending court decisions. Other larger states, like Alaska and Texas, do not have nearly enough providers to respond to the needs of women in rural areas, because the clinics are concentrated in a few major cities.

Compounding the problem, 26 states require women to wait at least 24 hours between their consultation sessions and abortion procedures, making it twice as difficult for rural and low-income women to access abortion care. "These restrictions have an uneven impact," Nash said. "Women who have resources, have a car, have some money in the bank, can access childcare and take time off work can obtain an abortion, and women who are less well-off and don't have those kinds of resources are not able to access abortion services."

While states have been passing abortion restrictions since long before 2010, the recent legislative trend has been to directly target abortion providers and make it harder for them to operate. In addition to passing mandatory waiting periods and mandatory ultrasounds, states are passing so-called "TRAP" laws -- the Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers. These laws often require abortion clinics to undergo extensive and costly renovations in order to become ambulatory surgical centers, which are essentially mini-hospitals.

Anti-abortion advocates, meanwhile, argue that TRAP laws are designed to protect women's health by forcing clinics to widen their hallways, install specific ventilation systems and build locker rooms for physicians. Kristi Hamrick, a spokesperson for Americans United for Life, told HuffPost that the new restrictions are not the reason clinics are shutting down. "It was the choice of the abortion industry to locate their profitable abortion businesses in older buildings that would never pass muster for other outpatient surgical centers," she said. "It was their choice to ignore the laws of any given state on building requirements for outpatient medical facilities -- set by that state in line with a national standards board, not AUL -- and choose locations that were not as safe."

Hamrick added that the fact that most of the available information on abortion clinic closures comes from the clinics themselves is evidence of the fact that states do not regulate the clinics enough. While some state health departments have specific licenses for abortion providers, states vary widely in how they count providers. Some only license ambulatory surgical centers that provide abortions, and others have no separate category for abortion providers, making it difficult to get an accurate count of how many providers there are without thumbing through the phone book. "While the abortion industry has claimed that their businesses have suffered, we have only their word on that," she said.

The murder trial of Kermit Gosnell, the abortion provider in Pennsylvania who performed illegal, late-term abortions and allegedly "snipped" the spines of fetuses born alive, has fueled the drive to regulate abortion clinics even further. A group of House Republicans wrote letters to the health departments and attorneys general of all 50 states in May, citing the Gosnell trial and asking what exactly states are doing to "protect the civil rights of newborns and their mothers."

RH Reality Check obtained 38 states' responses to that inquiry and published them. The publication's analysis of the documents concluded that abortion clinics in most states are aggressively regulated and extremely safe. "Most states said that they conduct regular inspections of abortion clinics, or of hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, or other types of facilities where abortions can be carried out," RH Reality Check reported. "And most states said they were aware of very few — if any — incidents of patients being harmed as a result of an abortion." Still, Republicans at the state and federal level are proposing new ways to restrict abortion every time a legislative session begins, giving women in their states fewer and fewer options when faced with an unplanned or unhealthy pregnancy.

"These restrictions do nothing to reduce the need for abortion or to reduce unintended pregnancy," Nash said. "I would say that those that are promoting these very burdensome clinic regulations have as an end goal the elimination of legal abortion. They don't have women's health in mind."
N&W, thanks for those stats...they speak volumes, and even though 54 clinics nationwide may not seem like a lot, that is a major victory...

MrsHaseeb, interesting figures on the decrease of the black population...good points on support of homosexuality vs. support of abortion: homosexuality is still criminalized/ restricted in most parts of the world, whereas abortion is more common worldwide than we think. I appreciate everyone's comments, thoughts and prayers on this topic.