Speak Aloud God's Promises in your life..40 Day Challenge

Day 37

Now take a bath and put on some perfume, then dress in your best clothes.
Ruth 3
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The older men be sober, reverent,temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things--that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, Titus 2:2-4
Day 38
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine
within your house;
your sons will be like olive shoots
around your table.

4 Thus is the man blessed
who fears the LORD.
Psalm 128
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Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:4-7
Day 39
Luke 1
God has blessed you more than any other woman! He has also blessed the child you will have. 43Why should the mother of my Lord come to me? 44As soon as I heard your greeting, my baby became happy and moved within me. 45The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise.
Day 39

Psalm 45

The king is your husband,
so do what he desires.

Your bride, my king,
has inward beauty,
and her wedding gown is woven
with threads of gold.

Wearing the finest garments,
she is brought to you,
Day 40!

15 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride.
Leave Lebanon behind, and come.
Leave your high mountain hideaway.
Abandon your wilderness seclusion,
Where you keep company with lions
and panthers guard your safety.
You've captured my heart, dear friend.
You looked at me, and I fell in love.
One look my way and I was hopelessly in love!
Day 40!
Song of Solomon 6

There's no one like her on earth,
never has been, never will be.
She's a woman beyond compare.
My dove is perfection,

Behind your veil are hidden
beautiful rosy cheeks.
What if I could have
sixty queens, eighty wives,
and thousands of others!

You would be my only choice,
my flawless dove,

The Man
1 I went to my garden, dear friend, best lover! breathed the sweet fragrance.
I ate the fruit and honey,
I drank the nectar and wine.
Celebrate with me, friends!
Raise your glasses—"To life! To love!"
Day 40!
Blessings on a Marriage
May the sun of many days and years shine upon you;
May the love you have for one another grow and hold you close;
May the good true light within you guide you on your way together;
May your dreams come true, and may new dreams arise.

may you each bring more love and truth into this world,
and may your marriage be the instrument that sustains you in this task.

And long, long years from now, may you look at one another and be able to say, "Because of you, I have lived the life I always wanted to live - because of you, I have become the person I longed to be."
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Wedding Song
Peter Paul and Mary

He is now to be among you
at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour
is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits, here,
has caused Him to remain
for whenever two or more of you
are gathered in His name
there is Love, there is Love.

Well, a man shall leave his mother
and a woman leave her home
and they shall travel on to where
the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning
is now and til the end
Woman draws her life from man
and gives it back again.
And there is Love, there is Love.

Well then what's to be the reason
for becoming man and wife?
Is it love that brings you here
or love that brings you life?
And if loving is the answer,
then who's the giving for?
Do you believe in something
that you've never seen before?
Oh there is Love, there is Love.

(Short solo)

Oh the marriage of your spirits here
has caused Him to remain
for whenever two or more of you
are gathered in His name
there is Love, there is Love.


Paul Stookey wrote the “Wedding Song (There Is Love)” for Peter Yarrow’s wedding. Both artists are members of Peter, Paul and Mary.

The story goes that on the night before the wedding Paul woke up in the middle of the night with the words fresh in his mind. He got up and wrote them down as fast as he could. The first time Paul was able to play the "Wedding Song" in its entirety was at the wedding. Paul believed that the "Wedding Song" was a gift from God, so he put the song into the public domain immediately, never claiming authorship for it.

Paul Stookey set up a charitable foundation called the Public Domain Foundation in order to receive and distribute the royalties from “The Wedding Song” to charity.

In Paul’s words, “Into every songwriter’s life comes a song, the source of which cannot be explained by personal experience.”
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What a powerful thread.

God’s will for our lives is found in His word and when we speak and pray the promises of God, we are coming into agreement with Him, He hears us, and His power is released in our lives.

1 John 5:14 says "Now, this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."

I really love vs 45 of Luke 1: "God has blessed you more than any other woman! He has also blessed the child you will have. 43Why should the mother of my Lord come to me? 44As soon as I heard your greeting, my baby became happy and moved within me. 45The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise."

KJV "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a perfromance of those things which were told her from the Lord."

I know this challenge is over but I hope we continue to stand on the promises our God has given us and speak them into fruition in our lives.
I can just imagin. If I was an active member then, I definitely would've joined in. Praying the promises of God has been on my heart for a while now. I was actually going to start a thread about it at some point. Tonight, I was quietly researching further into the topic and put into google 'speaking the promises of God' and this thread was on the first page. It is a blessing and I would continue to pray and speak the promises of God in my life.
Tonight, I was quietly researching further into the topic and put into google 'speaking the promises of God' and this thread was on the first page.
Sure needed to hear this.!!
I'd like to believe it means the Lord is going to make the ladies on this board/forum thread PRIORITY in HIS Promises

Praise HIS Holy name

I was actually going to start a thread about it at some point
Oh...Please do ...
I'd join in :)
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yes.. I'd love to start again...Want to formally begin on Easter? For forty days?
Until May 21. That is Ascension Day although it is celebrated on Sunday.
To give others time to join in..I will post a join-in reminder and
if someone could bump the thread on Easter..as I will be away...
Posting right now :)
The 40 day vigil 2009 has started on a new thread
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