40 DAYS for Life . . .


May the Lord of Light and Life unite us, shine in us and through us to make a difference in the darkness.

For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

-- Ephesians 5:8-13

REFLECTION by Dr. James I. Lamb, Lutherans for Life

For centuries physicists debated the nature of light. Two theories surfaced. The "corpuscular theory" maintained that light consisted of particles emitted from a light source. This explained some properties of light, but not all. The "wave theory" stated that light emitted from its source as waves. Again, this explained some properties of light but not all. So, the debate continued. Did light consist of particles or waves?

In the early twentieth century, Albert Einstein answered the question-"Yes!" (And you thought Einstein was complicated!) He showed that light consists of "particles," little bundles of energy called "photons." However, when all of these photons zip along together, they behave as a wave.

Sometimes pro-life Christians can feel like a photon, a little particle of light, and we wonder if we can possibly make a difference in a world of darkness and death. The Bible, however, never talks about a "child of light" only "children of light." When Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world," "You" is plural. When you and I shine in the darkness, others shine with us. We are pro-life "photons" that form a wave of light that can and does make a difference in the darkness.

We are compelled to do so. Jesus hung and suffered on the darkness of the cross and paid the bloody price for our sins. Now the light of His empty tomb shines upon us through His Spirit cleansing us and declaring us "children of light." But we are called to be more than "glow in the dark" children of light. We are to "walk as children of light" and take no part in the "unfruitful works of darkness." But it does not stop with passive restraint. We "photons" are called to action, to "expose" the works of darkness.

40 Days for Life epitomizes this. Our prayer, witness, and truth spoken in love seeks to expose the darkness of death and bring others into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ. When we stand and pray, we never stand alone. The Light of the World is there and He joins you with your fellow "lights of the world." The wave of light He produces shatters the darkness. It changes and saves lives. Shine on fellow photons!


Shine Jesus, shine in us and through us into the darkness and upon those struggling in the darkness that they might be drawn to the Light of Life. Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day17print.pdf
I enjoyed reading today's preface:

Dear ,

Just one item today – a report from Brad Taylor, the 40 Days for Life leader in Perth, on Australia’s west coast. Brad’s words show the challenges posed by abortion are worldwide; but so is Christ’s love and mercy.


It’s been an amazing start to this 40 Days for Life in Perth. Sometimes when we are on the very frontlines of the battle, we don’t hear all the encouraging news, or really comprehend the tremendous impact of our actions.

Many of us are aware of the strident opposition we have faced, not only to the conduct of the 40-day vigil at all (especially the first time), but in particular to the display of any sort of signage at the vigil site.

This is not surprising given how effective such signs are in conveying the truth about abortion and the alternatives available, and in dissuading women from making a choice they will later regret, at the last possible moment to do so. The signs we use are of course not gratuitous, but life affirming, offering real hope and free help to anyone who wants it.

The battle of the signs is one it seems we have to have - and win - every year, and this year has been no exception. Once again, senior police have stepped in to rule that we do in fact have the right to display life-affirming images and slogans outside a place of death.

The fact that this is so offensive to some in the community speaks much more to their values and agendas, than it does to any innate offensiveness contained in our G-rated images. How else could someone take offense at a sign offering free medical and financial assistance, crisis accommodation and other help to those members of our society who may be at that moment most in need?

Opposition comes in many forms. The opposition I personally hate the most is that passive, apathetic spirit that manifests itself so frequently in the Church in relation to critical issues such as abortion.

By contrast, copping some abuse yelled out the window of a passing car is a positive encouragement. I personally experienced no less than six such occurrences in one morning this week; the best one being a young man who stopped to berate me: “Why don’t you go and do something productive with your time instead of making young girls upset and stuff.”

I can’t say how encouraging this was for me, expletives and all, because this young man understood something that most of our fellow Christians have not: women are being hurt in that place, and it is our responsibility as fellow citizens to address the injustice. Sure, the young man hadn’t figured out the real nature of the injustice or the damage being done, but after allowing for that, his response was awesome. When the blinkers come off these men they will be powerful advocates for life.

As Jesus said in Revelation, I would rather you were hot or cold. It is a tremendous privilege to work with a team of prayer volunteers who truly are “hot” – moved by the things that move the heart of God, willing to put their own comfort and reputation at stake, and to take a stand in the public square. No matter the cost. It is a privilege to stand with you in prayer, and before the throne of God.

The fact is that your presence outside the abortion clinic, and your prayers, and your signs, are having a powerful effect. Pregnancy resource centres in the city are reporting significantly higher numbers of women accessing their services, and going on to choose life.

We don’t know their details; chances are as we stand outside the abortion centre through the heat of the day we are even unaware that anyone has even been affected; and yet lives are being saved through your commitment every day.

Pray that when those representing Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups see volunteers for 40 Days for Life, they see ambassadors of Christ, and may each volunteer be consciously aware at all times of Whom we represent.


I...beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness, and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love.

-- Ephesians 4:1b-2

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

When Carol Everett, a former abortionist and post-abortive woman, was asked what turned her heart from death to life in Christ, she said, "Unconditional love," shown by a man who prayed daily for her in front of the abortion clinic where she worked.

He told Carol that "God had sent him" because there was someone in there that God wanted out.

She left 27 days later and now serves as Christ's ambassador to help others.

We too have been sent by Christ as an ambassador to love unconditionally those God seeks to "get out" of their bondage and sin.

What a high calling it is -- much higher than any presidential appointment to another country.

In his book, Fishers of Men, Dr. Sumner Wemp describes what it means to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings:

* God has chosen us (John 15:16)

* We are sent into a world that is not our home (1 Peter 2:11)

* Our walk must match our talk (1 Timothy 3:7)

* We must abide in Him for daily instruction (John 15:5)

* Know our purpose -- to seek and to save that
which is lost (Luke 19:10)

* We are to reconcile others to God with His authority (Matthew 28:19-20)

* Do not let kindness and truth leave you (Proverbs 3:3-4)

* Our service is to be grounded and rooted in love (Ephesians 3:17)

Pray that we each will walk worthy of the calling with which we were called!


Dear Heavenly Father, we are humbled that you have called us and appointed us to be ambassadors of Christ in a world that is not our home.

We pray that your Holy Spirit will empower us to walk worthy of the calling. We pray that Your unconditional love will flow through us to those who desperately need Your saving Grace.

In the name of Christ who is worthy, Amen.

Printable devotion:

We pray for humility in our work for God's Kingdom.


Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

-- Philippians 2:5-8

REFLECTION by Ernest Ohlhoff, National Right to Life

There is no limit to what we can accomplish when we don't care who gets the credit.

Jesus Christ's life on earth exemplifies a total submission to the will of the Father. His humility, compassion, gentleness and thoughtfulness are reflected over and over again in the New Testament.

He was God incarnate, yet He chose to be born to a humble, working class home.

How absurd it must have seemed to the rich and powerful that the Son of God, the Messiah, the one foretold by the prophets, the 'King of the Jews' was born and raised as a simple peasant.

During His thirty-three years on earth, He sought no riches, claimed no secular power and gathered no possessions.

His short time on earth changed more lives, softened more hearts, and gave hope to more people, than all the rich and powerful human 'kings' combined.

And, at the end of His life on earth, by dying on the cross, He opened the door to eternal life for those who heed his words and follow in his footsteps.


O Lord, help us follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Let us humbly and diligently work to restore legal protection for the unborn, the disabled, the medically dependent and all innocent children of God whose lives are threatened.

Let us remember the old adage that "He can never lead who has not first learned to obey."

And, Lord, grant us a peaceful heart as we labor in your name, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day20print.pdf
Dear ,

Here we are – Day 20. I can’t believe we’re at the halfway point already! There’s still a lot of praying to be done, but it’s OK to pause briefly and count the blessings God has already provided.

As of today, we have reports of …

… 245 babies (and their mothers, of course) spared from abortion – that we know of!

Here are some of their stories.


“I finally met my match,” said Dan in Milwaukee. “I had completely dressed for the worst – but this snow came down fast and hard – and then kept coming,” he said. “At times, it seemed like it was coming down sideways! I would have understood if our vigilers had stayed home – but they kept showing up!”

Around 7:30 that evening, a woman struck up a conversation with one of the volunteers. “How many babies have you saved out here doing this?” she asked. “Are you really doing any good harassing women?”

Dan provided the answer – 294 saves in the past three years. She said, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Dan responded, “Let’s hope so.”

Five minutes later, a young mom and her support person came out. She looked lost, so Dan asked her if she was going to be OK. She said, “I’ll be fine.”

Dan then asked, “Is the baby OK?” She said, “Yes – baby is good, too … yeah – I’m keeping him.”

Twenty minutes after that, a young mom came out in tears. “It’s going to be OK,” she said. “I’m keeping the baby.”

When Dan encouraged her to seek help at the pro-life pregnancy center, smiled and said, “Thank you – thank you for being out here for us.” Dan responded, “You and your baby made it all worth it – all of it!”


Monica had some terrific news to pass along from the 40 Days for Life vigil in Glendale. “Within a week we have had 10 turnarounds!”

For reasons unknown, Planned Parenthood was closed on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday of the previous week.

“They are normally open on those days,” Monica explained. Six of those turnarounds took place on those days the facility was not open. “The sidewalk counselors were able to help and give information to the local crisis pregnancy center,” she said. “I praise God and thank all the people who are praying to end abortion.”


“My family and I just witnessed a turnaround!” wrote an excited 40 Days for Life volunteer in Pensacola.

They watched as a young couple drove into the abortion center parking lot – but never got out of their car. After a while, they backed up to where the vigil participants were praying … and took their picture.

The woman rolled the window down, and announced with a big smile, “I didn’t do it! I’ll bring the baby by to show!”

“Praise almighty God!” the volunteer said. “Peaceful, prayerful witness works!”

Last edited:

We pray for the conversion of all those who refuse to acknowledge that human life belongs only to God.


Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

-- Jeremiah 1:4-5

REFLECTION by Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh

To be or not to be?

There is no question!

The question of "being" is something philosophers have long pondered.

What is the meaning of being and what is the source? In the passage before us, we have our answer.

We have being because we are known by God.

For God to declare that he knows and sets apart the prophet Jeremiah even before he is conceived indicates that our being rests in God's own being.

Because He is and because He wills we, therefore, are and do.

The Apostle Paul says as much when he declares before the philosophers of his day, "In Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).

One of the tragedies of the abortion culture is that life in the womb has been so heartbreakingly devalued.

To embrace the arguments of the "pro-choice" crowd one must conclude that the child in the womb doesn’t exist, isn't there, has no being. But nothing could be further from the truth.

That child is known by God and, as such, has being.


Lord God, we confess that in You we live and move and have our being.
Because You are, we are.
May we find grace from You to affirm the being of every human and may we labor to make this truth known to the world around us. Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day21print.pdf
Yes, and what about the fathers? Lifting up the men today...


Pray for fathers who participated in the decision to abort their child, and for those who did not have a voice, that they would find freedom and healing in Christ.


If indeed you have heard Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

-- Ephesians 4: 21-23

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

According to the Guttmacher Institute, one-third of American women will have had an abortion by age 45. Seldom reported however is the fact that an equally significant number of men have played a role in terminating a pregnancy.

Some have participated through persuasion, or by providing the financial means for the abortion. Still others were against an abortion, but had no sway in the decision to terminate their child.

Only in recent years have we realized that men suffer from their loss, as more and more seek healing.

Warren Williams, founder of Fathers and Brothers Ministries says he believes men are coming forward for help because God instilled in men a desire to be a protector of their lineage, a provider for their families, to be a husband and father.

Men are suffering and grieving the loss of their children, and though their grief may be expressed differently than that of a woman, it is grief nonetheless and they too need tender care and biblical counseling to experience forgiveness and healing.

Intervention at the appropriate time in the decision-making process may spare both the young man and woman from the lifelong pain and trauma of abortion. Biblical counseling for post-abortive men and women is essential for them to heal and begin their life anew in Christ.


Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for young men who participated in the termination of their child and are broken as You are over their loss.

Forgive their sin, Lord, and bring opportunity for healing and renewal of their minds in Christ Jesus.

For those suffering from an abortion they did not choose, restore their joy as they learn to forgive others and trust You with their future. In the name of Christ, who heals the brokenhearted, Amen.

Printable devotion:
Truly enjoyed today's reflection...


For the medical community, that the truth they know about the human body may become awe and wonder at the God who made it.


Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

--Psalm 139:16

REFLECTION by Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh

Human beings -- God's tapestries.

Psalm 139 is a psalm that reveals the enormity and otherness of God. His divine attributes are on display: omniscience (2-4), omnipresence (7-12), loving-kindness (17-18), justice (19-20), righteousness (23-24), and omnipotence.

Yet, when it came to express this last attribute, what example did the psalmist use -- God's creation of mountains, seas, or far-flung galaxies? No, he used none of these.

To express the wonder of God's unparalleled creative power the writer mentions the fashioning of the human in the womb (14-16).

The Hebrew word used to express God's forming of us in the womb, raqam, is the same term for needlework or embroidery.

In other words, we are a tapestry that displays God's artistic mastery.

And, like the artist who knows his creation down to the last detail, God intimately knows us. This reality provokes the writer to awe and wonder. He proclaims, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

What is true for this psalmist is true for each human being.

Each is fashioned by God and known by him and we can proclaim on behalf of each, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."


Gracious God, help us to appreciate the wonder and beauty of Your creation.

Help us proclaim on behalf of every one of our fellow human beings, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

May the knowledge that we are intimately known by You shape our lives and actions. Amen.

Printable devotion:

Passing on this important info for anyone living in GA:

Dear 40 Days for Life Participants,
I am taking off work one the morning of March 12th to be at the sate capital for this important act. What is happening in Georgia is very disturbing and it is up to us to make sure there is a stop put to it.
I do hope you will join me. I will arrive at 10:00 AM.

Message from Michelle Wolven:

Dear Friend!
Please do all you can to join Catherine Davis, myself and citizens from all over Georgia for Women's Day at the Capital on March the 12th.This is a citizen action not a rally. Please show up at the State Capital located at:206 Washington St.Atlanta, GA 30334 anytime between 10 am and 2:45 pm . It will only take about 30 minutes of your time but has the potential to possibly shut down half the abortion clinics in our State overnight. March is Women's History month and we are believing that this day will make Georgia history. Georgia has 20 abortion clinics , but only 6 of them have any sort of oversight or licensing. Unfortunately, this makes women who seek abortions in our state very vulnerable . Many are victimized and don't even know it because they are so heavily drugged. Abortion providers are not "good" doctors they see abortion patients as numbers, for the most part they don't even see the patient till they are on the table. We are hearing horror stories coming out of these abortion facilities from ex-employees and patients. A large % of the patients at one clinic located in Marietta have gotten infections from dirty instruments, as well as botched abortions that land them in their local emergency room. ( for more info on this clinic go to : http://drdanielmcbrayerwatch.wordpress.com/ )

So please join us at the Capital on March 12. Join us in demanding that Governor Deal enforce the Rules and Regulations that are already on the books. In our State. Ga. law says that any office or part of it that is primarily dedicated to surgery MUST be licensed as an ambulatory surgical center. These facilities are only doing abortion surgeries and yet they remain unlicensed. Why is this acceptable? We have tried to meet with Governor Deal to discuss this problem that endangers 100's of GA. women every day but he won't meet with us. He took an oath of office to uphold the rules regulations and laws in our State now it is time for us to DEMAND that he do it. We will have volunteers outside the Governors office with post cards for you to sign and bring into his office. For more info go to our website : www.womentakingbackchoice.com

Thank you and God Bless you!
Michelle Wolven
P.s. Don't forget to wear something red to show our unity and please pray for God to bless our efforts and multiple them!
[USER][/USER]Laela Thank you so much for these daily reflections. I think people are numb to abortion because they use the word fetus instead of a child. I believe that if people can get in an uproar over the mistreatment of animals that they should really be upset about the killing of children(that is what they should call it instead of abortion).
[USER][/USER]Laela Thank you so much for these daily reflections. I think people are numb to abortion because they use the word fetus instead of a child. I believe that if people can get in an uproar over the mistreatment of animals that they should really be upset about the killing of children(that is what they should call it instead of abortion).

Yes, this is why we need to just call it what it is. Sugar coating only makes it easier for people to continue to do it and not bat an eye. I need to catch up on the daily reflections.

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF

Pray that we may realize the generational impact of abortion.


Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife because she was barren; and the Lord granted his prayer and Rebekah his wife conceived.

The children struggled together within her, and she said," If it is thus, why do I live?" So she went to inquire of the Lord.

And the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger."

-- Genesis 25:21-23

REFLECTION by by Rev. Ben Sheldon

What an answer to prayer!

Who dares to say that the unborn are not human, with distinct personality and character right from the moment of conception?

This account emphasizes the vitality and uniqueness of the twins who, because of Isaac's prayer for his wife, were conceived in Rebekah's womb.

When Rebekah was told by the Lord that the older would serve the younger twin, God already knew that Jacob and Esau would lead turbulent and conflicted lives.

God knows us and knows all about us, including our personality and disposition long before we are actually born, indeed, from the moment we are conceived in our mother's womb.

What a tragedy of gargantuan proportions that babies, planned and endowed by the Creator, with distinct and unique personalities and with, perhaps, a future and destiny intended for greatness, have their lives snuffed out by cruel abortionists before they ever see the light of day!

May our prayers that the dreadful scourge of abortion in our land may vanish be as fervent as Isaac's were for Rebekah.


O, God, you formed us in our mother's womb and planned a unique and special life and purpose for each of us, and we do thank you.

Grant that we may pray and work for an end to abortion, especially in these 40 days, so that no unborn baby you have made may fail to achieve your divine intention for him or her because of intentional abortion.

We pray this for the sake of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Printable devotion:

Pray that God will bless us with His gift of strength as we respond in obedience to His call.

Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.

If you say, "surely we did not know this," does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?

And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

-- Proverbs 24:11-12

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

In this age of technologically advanced communication, ignorance of human rights abuses is no excuse.

We know there are persecuted Christians in China, there is genocide in Darfur, and there are babies aborted and women and families devastated right in our own communities.

"But I can't save them all," you say.

God isn't asking you to. He has equipped each of us with time, talent, and treasure to do what we can when He provides the opportunity.

He has given us His Holy Spirit to empower us as we abide in Him. He is asking us to be on His side in speaking out and protecting those who can't protect themselves.

When we are obedient to His calling to get in on the work He is doing, we will experience intimacy with Him in a whole new way.

Our faith will increase as we see God at work! You have responded to His call during this 40 Days for Life campaign.

Let your efforts be for His pleasure and His purposes. Pray without ceasing!


God Almighty, we pray for continued guidance and strength as we intercede on behalf of the young women and their babies who are stumbling to the slaughter.

Open the eyes of the mother's heart to see her child as you do -- a precious gift to be treasured.

Let her feel Your loving arms around her and may she be assured that you have a plan and a future for her and her child.

Give her reason not to enter the abortion clinic.

Give her wisdom and discernment to find life options through a local pregnancy care center and may she boldly choose life.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer. Because of Your Son's sacrifice we pray, Amen.

Printable: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day25print.pdf

I just returned from California and am ready to start the new week by sharing great news. So far during this campaign alone, there have been 319 babies saved from abortion -- that we know of.

This means that since 40 Days for Life began as a coordinated campaign in 2007, we are now aware of …

… MORE THAN 7 THOUSAND BABIES that God has spared in answer to all of your many hours of prayer.

And this is undeniably God’s work … because sometimes, hearts and minds can be changed without anyone saying a word.

Two prayer volunteers noticed a white SUV in the abortion center’s parking lot. It had decals on the back indicating a mom, a dad and several kids. The out-of-state license suggested these people had come for a late-term abortion.

They noticed a man sitting in the parked SUV, but were never able to get his attention. So they prayed.

After some time, a woman left the building and got into the SUV. As they pulled out of the lot, said one of the vigil participants, “the driver was beaming and so was the woman sitting behind him. They had a baby who looked to be about one sitting in a car seat, which explained why he never left the vehicle. “

The volunteers asked if they’d changed their minds, and they both shouted, “Yes!” and thanked everyone for their prayerful presence outside the abortion facility.
Patti was at the 40 Days for Life vigil on what was sadly a fairly busy morning at the abortion center.

But as the volunteers stood on the sidewalk, “a car turned the corner slowly … a male driver with a young woman next to him, both watching us praying.”

They just pulled over to the curb and stayed there talking for a few minutes. After a while, they started the car, made a U-turn drove away.

“The young woman was crying and hiding her face from us as they drove past,” Patti said, “and we thanked God! A baby was saved due to peaceful prayer and witnessing!”
“I have some of the most amazing news that you will be so happy to hear,” said a grateful volunteer in Cleveland. “I am still shaking and occasionally bursting into tears of joy.”

This woman was holding a sign as she prayed – a sign with the message “Women regret abortion.”

She watched as a car with a young woman and two young men pulled out of the abortion center. One of the men nudged the woman, so she stopped and rolled down the window.

“She told me that she decided not to have an abortion,” the vigil participant said. “The look of pride on her face filled me with such joy. We really are making a difference!”

Pray that those standing in peaceful vigil will extend mercy and grace to others as they remember that Christ did not treat us as our sins deserve.


"You have heard it was said, 'you shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."

-- Matthew 5:43-44

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Perhaps it is obvious by now that not everyone thinks this campaign is a great idea! In fact, those on the front lines standing in peaceful vigil are perhaps being cursed and hated for what God has called you to do.

Because we are all fallen creatures, our natural response may not be as Christ-like as we would hope it would be.

So, how do we keep our natural response in check, while allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us to love, bless, do good, and pray for those who hate us or would do us harm?

Consider first the Holiness of God.

It seems that sin has clouded our ability to think clearly about God's nature. We simply don't have a clue of how outraged God is by our sin, what an insult sin is to His person, or how sin fires the flames of His wrath.

Praise God that He didn't leave us in our depravity destined for His divine wrath!

Ephesians 2:4-5 says, "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in sin, made us alive together with Christ; by grace you have been saved."

Because of God's mercy and grace towards us, we who receive Him receive eternal Hope.

Those who curse you, hate you, spitefully mistreat you and persecute you need that same Hope.

That is the only way we can ever expect them to behave differently.

Ask the Holy Spirit to love them -- through you -- so they are drawn to the Hope that is in you, that is Christ Jesus.


Heavenly Father, may we reflect your character of grace and kindness to those who hate us and curse us.

Guard our hearts and our tongues as we respond in love to words and actions meant to rile us or cause us

Let others see the Hope that is Christ in all we say and do. In His precious name we pray, Amen.

Printable devotion:

We pray for the grace to be strong when others ridicule or oppose us.


Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

--Luke 14:27

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

To stand up for what is right means we stand against what is wrong, and that means that those who love what is wrong will oppose us, just as they opposed Christ. Taking up the cross means we continue speaking and standing for the right even when that opposition comes.

We experience this, in particular, when we are out on the streets, where people are not expecting the pro-life message and where they did not go to hear it. We must remember to never take the opposition personally.

When people ridicule or yell at us, we might get a guilty feeling or be tempted to think we did something wrong. We did not.

The insults are not being hurled at us personally, but rather at the truth of what we are standing for, and at the demands of the moral law.

There are many who are trying to run away from those demands, or who have managed to tuck the abortion problem away into a distant corner of their minds where it can no longer disturb them.

By standing publicly for the cause of life, we have short-circuited that denial and frustrated those efforts to ignore the issue. Therefore, some will be angry, perhaps not fully realizing why.


Lord, thank you for the grace of being pro-life, and of standing strong when others may ridicule or oppose me.

During this 40 Day campaign, may your peace fill my soul, especially when I may endure the opposition of others, and may I become more like your crucified and risen Son. Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day29print.pdf
This is a great recap for today... I'm sure many of you are getting the emails or participating but I'm enjoying these devotions... :yep:

Dear ,

Babies saved … babies adopted … pastors participating … abortion center owners miffed.

Yes, those are things we hear about at 40 Days for Life vigils on a regular basis. But the blessings are REALLY flowing in one particular location that has experienced ALL of those things!


Volunteers in Lansing have shared the joyful news of lives spared from abortion – but there are many other ways their prayers have been answered during this campaign.

For one thing, there is active clergy involvement at the vigil. Pastor John Hayden of Columbia Road Baptist Church is one of the church leaders who take regular turns at the vigil, stopping by for an hour of prayer each week before heading off to his day’s work.

“He stops to pray and be a witness to hope,” said Cecelia in Lansing. He stands near a very busy corner, holding a “pray to end abortion sign.” He hasn’t counted cars yet, but just watching all the traffic, he estimates "we're reaching a thousand people an hour."

Pastor Hayden occasionally gets an earful from a passing motorist, but he greets that negativity with a positive response. "When drivers get angry and make comments from vehicles – mostly it's the men – I give them a thumbs-up."

About 50 people who gathered for a noontime prayer hour met Kathleen, a young mother, and her two young adopted sons – twin boys.

Kathleen and her family had been praying at a previous 40 Days for Life campaign (an abortion center that is now closed!) after she had lost a child through miscarriage.

Not long after that, a foster care agency asked her if she wanted twin brothers whose abortion-minded mother had changed her mind. She prayed about it and sensed that God was telling her to adopt the boys. So she did!

Rita, a member of the 40 Days for Life leadership team in Lansing (second from left in this photo), shared another adoption story – her own! Rita was adopted when she was three months old.

"I will be eternally grateful to my birth mom for letting me be a gift to a family who wanted me so much,” she said. “One of the pro-life signs that I've seen over the years reads: ‘Adoption – the loving option.’ It can be such a beautiful gift.”

Rita said if abortion had been legal at the time, she might not be here today.

As is often the case, the peaceful vigil is having an effect on the abortion center staff. A man who identified himself as the owner left the building and approached the people praying in the public right-of-way.

“I own the sidewalk,” he told the volunteers. “If you stand on the sidewalk, you have to keep moving. You may not put signs up in the grassy area. I own it.” He added – in rather crude terms – that if the vigil participants harassed his employees, he would throw them all off his property.

A quick call to the city attorney’s office confirmed that the sidewalk and the grassy area are public property, and there was no requirement to keep moving.

It sounds like just another abortion business that can’t wait for Day 40 to get here – and just another reason to keep a regular, continuing prayer presence on the public sidewalk for Day 41 and beyond!

Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing these posts. This is vital and God rewards your steadfastness. :yep:

This is Ministry and the Breath of Life to many whom we will never know yet they will live. :love3:
We pray for the grace to be strong when others ridicule or oppose us.

Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

--Luke 14:27

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life
To stand up for what is right means we stand against what is wrong, and that means that those who love what is wrong will oppose us, just as they opposed Christ. Taking up the cross means we continue speaking and standing for the right even when that opposition comes.

We experience this, in particular, when we are out on the streets, where people are not expecting the pro-life message and where they did not go to hear it. We must remember to never take the opposition personally.

When people ridicule or yell at us, we might get a guilty feeling or be tempted to think we did something wrong. We did not.

The insults are not being hurled at us personally, but rather at the truth of what we are standing for, and at the demands of the moral law.

There are many who are trying to run away from those demands, or who have managed to tuck the abortion problem away into a distant corner of their minds where it can no longer disturb them.

By standing publicly for the cause of life, we have short-circuited that denial and frustrated those efforts to ignore the issue. Therefore, some will be angry, perhaps not fully realizing why.

Lord, thank you for the grace of being pro-life, and of standing strong when others may ridicule or oppose me.

During this 40 Day campaign, may your peace fill my soul, especially when I may endure the opposition of others, and may I become more like your crucified and risen Son. Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day29print.pdf

Reading this made me think of the following verses:
John 3:19-20 KJV
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. [20] For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

We live in a dark world. This is why they hate having their deeds exposed by the truth. Although abortions (murders) are done in the darkness of the womb I appreciate things like this that bring it to the forefront because it reminds the saints of God to pray against this spirit in Jesus name.
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UPDATE: Abortion workers quit

Dear ,

In the first days of a 40 Days for Life campaign, when abortion workers watch your peaceful presence outside their building, they do NOT like what they are seeing. They view us as enemies and a nuisance. Over time, however, they witness your prayers, love and compassion ... in the rain, snow or heat. Eventually, some begin to question the work they are doing.

Of the 76 workers who have had a change of heart and left their jobs, many have done so in the last two weeks of the campaign. This time, it's a first for an international 40 Days for Life campaign.

We’ve just learned that an abortion center worker in Sydney, Australia has quit her job and left for good!

This now makes 77 abortion employees who have decided that they cannot continue with their work and walked out during 40 Days for Life campaigns.

Pray for opportunities to share with an abortion-minded woman that the newness of life she is seeking is found only in Christ.


If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.

-- 2 Corinthians 5:17

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

An unexpected pregnancy is perceived by many young women as the end of their life as they know it. News of an unexpected pregnancy pulls the rug from under her well laid plans.

Sadly, these women may choose abortion as a matter of self-preservation, believing that an abortion will help return life to normal and give them opportunity to start anew.

They don't see abortion as killing a child, but rather as saving their own life. Of course, abortion will not bring the newness of life they are seeking, but instead will bring death to their child, lifelong regret, and unexpected -- possibly devastating -- consequences to their own life.

Abortion will be the choice made if we don't meet them at the crossroad between life and death with a better way.

Almost without exception, these young women are looking for love, acceptance, and to be valued.

In their efforts to have those needs met, they have become promiscuous. Most, if honest, will admit the needs were only met momentarily, if at all, during their brief encounter, and afterward the needs returned unmet.

The truth is, only Christ loves them unconditionally with an everlasting love. Only Christ will accept them as they are, and only Christ sees them for their true value in Him.

He has a perfect plan for each woman and her child if only she will allow Christ to transform her life as she surrenders to Him.

No, an unexpected pregnancy is not the end of life, but rather can be the beginning of two beautiful lives if God's plan for them is given opportunity to unfold.


Heavenly Father, you give us a new song, a new purpose, a new direction, a new perspective.

You remind us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.

Give us boldness to share this Good News with those at the crossroads. May they choose life for their children and enjoy newness of life in You. Because of Christ we pray, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day31print.pdf

May we come to know that divine life, in relationship, creates human life.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

-- John 1:1-3

REFLECTION by Rev. Paul Stallsworth, Lifewatch

"In the beginning" was God.

Always, before all times, there was God.

This particular God -- the God of the Bible, the God of St. John's Gospel -- is different from all other gods. This God is alive and full of life.

This God is not the picture of deadness and death, aloneness and isolation.

This God is the picture of life, relationship, and unity. For within this God, within this one God, there are three divine persons who live, who love, and who work -- together. This is the glorious mystery of the Trinity.

The Trinity means divine life. The Trinity means three, living Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- who relate to each other. The Trinity means mutual love and service among three Persons.

The Word was always with God the Father. This Word was, is, and will be the Trinity's second person. The Word is also the Son of God or, as revealed in time, Jesus Christ.

God the Father and God the Son live, love, and work for each other. As one, they create "all things" together: the Father creates all things, including all human life, through the Son.

So the Father, through the Son, creates all human lives. The little one swimming in his mother's womb, the infant smiling in his father's arms, the child crying in pain in a hospital bed, the energetic teen running another mile, the old man gasping for his last breath -- all were created, at their beginning, by the Father through the Son.

No exceptions. Divine life creates human life.


O God, may we always be quick to call you Father. And when we call you father, let your Spirit remind us that we, and all people, from their beginning to their last day, are your children.

We praise you, Father, that you sent your Son to reveal to the world that all people are His brothers and sisters, that all people are your children. Through Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day32print.pdf
Enjoying today's entry... "If you subsidize an activity, you get more of it . . ." (Wendy Wright)


As we pray for the end of abortion, let us pray for the expansion of the pregnancy help center movement worldwide.


The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne.

-- Revelation 12:4-5

REFLECTION by Rev. John Ensor, Heartbeat International

You don't need to be a theological scholar to get the essential point of Revelation 12. Something BIG is afoot. It has something to do with the birth of Christ and the children of God.

It involves a war in heaven, with powers and principalities beyond our expertise. But the battles are fought here on earth.

The crux of the matter centers around the babe of Bethlehem and the cross of Calvary.

It continues to unfold down through the ages, through us, the children of God, who put their faith in Christ and take up their cross and follow him.

We are waging a war of love against all things that destroy body and soul.

The intensity waxes and wanes, but like labor pains, they grow and culminate in new life.

The unleashing of legal abortion nearly 40 years ago stirred up prayer (lamentation really). Many were then led to start pregnancy help centers and maternity homes. Today there are over 3,000 such ministries that did not exist 40 years ago.

They reflect a movement of God on our watch: Christians driven to give their time and charity to end abortion one woman at a time.

Let's pray this movement expands worldwide. Let's pray for thousands more Christians to start, serve and support pregnancy help centers.


O God, from generation to generation, you have called your people to be the very aroma of life amidst a culture of death. Now it is our turn. Prepare me. Send me. Use me. I am eager to do my part. Stir your people everywhere to take up this great work.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day33print.pdf

Pray that all believers participating in this 40 Days for Life campaign will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace
(Ephesians 4:3).

And the glory which You gave Me, I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

-- John 17:22-23

REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life

Christ prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be united in single purpose and spirit, just as He and the Father were united.

I find it convicting to consider that those who would run to Jesus with their sins, seeking forgiveness, and falling in love with the Savior, often run from Christians today.

Is it because they see division and dissension instead of unity and peace?

No doubt Christ is pleased to see the body unified and praying together during these 40 days.

This is exactly what we see when we read about the beginnings of the church. Both the unity and the prayer are conspicuous, along with the results of unified prayer.

Acts 2:46-47 tells us, "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."

No doubt the enemy is disheartened to see the unity in prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil, and he will continuously try to disrupt the bond of peace among brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let us guard our hearts and minds, exhibiting the love of Christ that He so graciously gives us, so that those watching will see the love among us and know that He must love them too!


Heavenly Father, give us grace in every situation to work toward unity. With humility, gentleness, and patience, may we endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

There are hurting men and women Lord at the crossroads of life and death who are looking for love and peace in their lives.

May they see Christ in us and be drawn to the abundant life that only He can give. It is in Christ's precious name that we pray, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day35print.pdf
Remember in your prayers the Christian folks who are participating in the peaceful prayers; we are fully aware many people don't like this movement, even some Christians, but we pray against any violence toward those on the sidewalks. They are protected by God! There is no condemnation toward them, nor judgment from them toward the women, the abortion workers... I've learned that it's a bigger picture than that! Amein~


I’m in Baltimore today, speaking to a group of young 40 Days for Life volunteers. I just got back from a visit to Connecticut.

When I spoke at the Bridgeport vigil, I noticed that some of the abortion facility workers came out to listen to what I was saying.

Since we are in the last week of the campaign, I talked about how the abortion workers who leave their jobs during 40 Days for Life usually do so during the last part of the campaign.

I also shared how we are there for these workers ... and how our message to them is one of hope and love – two things they will not find inside an abortion facility.

Earlier during this campaign, I told you about a number of Planned Parenthood locations that were closing – including two in Iowa. A 40 Days for Life coordinator in Iowa now says other Planned Parenthood facilities are seeing a downturn in business – and cutting their hours of operation.

“Across Iowa, we've seen great results this spring,” said Jim in Cedar Rapids. “The Planned Parenthood abortion facility here quietly reduced their hours by 25 percent, which included remaining closed on Thursdays, after being open at least five days a week for many years.”

Jim said the center also cut its hours on Mondays and Fridays. “When Thursday came,” he said, “many clients encountered locked doors. They eventually saw the sign.”

Statewide, he said, about half of their sites have scaled back their hours – in addition to the two that closed last week. “Those closures cut over 45 more hours from their statewide hours,” Jim said. “This makes standing in the colder-than-usual weather worth it.”

The Sioux City facility, where 40 Days for Life vigils have been held in the past, was cut by 10 hours per week. “They also discontinued surgical abortions, due to the lack of an abortionist,” he said. “Medical abortions, likely via webcam, are still listed.”

Planned Parenthood in Red Oak, Iowa has also cut its hours and is now open two days each week instead of three. "Currently," said Rod, the local 40 Days for Life coordinator in Red Oak, "they are only open 11 hours per week."

“When God gets involved, the one thing you can count on is that He will keep changing the reason for closures and scaling back of hours,” Jim said. “He doesn't tend to use the same method twice in a row. It will cause the collapse of the abortion industry.”

Recently, I told you about the four times in recent weeks that ambulances were called to the Planned Parenthood center in Orange County, California where a 40 Days for Life vigil is under way outside.

There are reports of five ambulance calls at the Marie Stopes abortion center in London's Ealing section, where 40 Days for Life volunteers are praying.

A similar story now comes from Wilmington, Delaware – where four times in five weeks, volunteers have seen ambulances drive up to the Planned Parenthood abortion center … and drive away with women who were taken out of the building by paramedics.

This story has a twist. In the latest emergency call, a 40 Days for Life prayer volunteer – a 63-year-old grandmother – was using her phone to make a video recording of the ambulance.

While she was doing that, a woman (apparently not an employee) came out of the building, heading straight toward the vigil participant. This woman then shoved the volunteer to the sidewalk and took her phone.

The attacker got away – but police are trying to find her.

The volunteer received medical attention, but she said she’s okay. We're not sure about the four women who left this Planned Parenthood center by ambulance.

We are the defenders of true freedom. May our witness unveil the deception of the "pro-choice" slogan.


Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

-- 2 Corinthians 3:17

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Norma McCorvey (the former Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade) used to work at an abortion mill named "A Choice for Women." She now realizes what a cruel irony that title was.

She saw first hand, just as pregnancy resource center counselors see, that women don't get abortions because of freedom of choice, but rather because they feel they have no freedom and no choice.

They feel trapped, abandoned, desperate and afraid, and have been led to believe that abortion is their only option.

As Frederica Mathewes-Green has written, no want wants an abortion like she wants a Porsche or an ice cream; rather, she wants it like an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." That doesn't mean that the Spirit allows us to do whatever we want or to decide for ourselves what's right and wrong.

Rather, it means that the Spirit gives us the freedom to do what is right, the power to choose what is good, when we see it before us and yet feel pulled in the opposite direction. Liberty means that we no longer have to feel doomed to do what we know is wrong.

We are the people of the Spirit of the Lord, and when we take action on behalf of life, especially by being present at abortion mills, we are acting on behalf of true freedom, and imparting to those who are in bondage the power to do what is right.


Come, Holy Spirit. You are the Spirit of freedom, the source of all that is good, the power to do what is right.

Fill us, and fill those who are in bondage today, feeling doomed to do what is wrong.

Set them free, and help us to hasten them on the road to freedom, where your grace overcomes every temptation.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Printable devotion: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/spring2013day37print.pdf