4 My Sisters With Curly Perms - Part II


Well-Known Member

Hi there - me again. So it is (almost) done. My appointment for my Wave By Design is Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. - I'm excited as well as nervous.

I tried doing as much research as possible about curly perms as it applies to our hair & the online information was so limited it was disheartening. No pictures, no style ideas, nothing.

So I've decided to start a blog for women with curly perms. My wish is to debunk some of all the negative associated with curls as well as start a community of proud, curly perm wearers.

I did my first post today - my introduction - it's somewhat long but I just wanted to share exactly where I was coming from.

Please take a look & tell me your honest opinion. Disclaimer: I'm looking for advice/tips for moving the blog forward, not negative ideas about curly perms. TIA...
I really like reading about different hairstyles and products. This may be an option for someone else as well. I just had a lot of my hair cut off and am a little discouraged so I am considering all options at this point.

Your blog is off to a good start.

Please post pics. Good luck and HHG.
I won't be getting one anytime soon (relaxed with lye). However, I love and ABSOLUTELY admire what you're doing in trying to be a resource for others! Love, love, love it!

Bumping for you! I pray the best for your endeavors! :grin:
I won't be getting one anytime soon (relaxed with lye). However, I love and ABSOLUTELY admire what you're doing in trying to be a resource for others! Love, love, love it!

Bumping for you! I pray the best for your endeavors! :grin:

Thanks LGL - I appreciate your words.

Also many thanks to the ladies on here for visiting & posting comments.
very cool. I checked it out and I'll be checking back in often. I was looking at this option for my daughter a while back. Great job!
very cool. I checked it out and I'll be checking back in often. I was looking at this option for my daughter a while back. Great job!

Thanks - I'm in touch with some of the major manufacturers. Hoping they'll see that there's interest out there & in turn update their websites. It's sad that they still sell these products but provide little or no information/pics. And then some of the sites that do have pics - it's obvious that the models don't have curls. :nono: