It Happened To Me: " A Stylist Added Relaxer To My Conditioning Treatment "

If there were flies in my house I would be catching them with my mouth right now.

I have to keep shutting my jaw because it kept on dropping while I was reading this absolutely crazy, unbelievable story.
I really believe that if the person is convinced they won't get caught, they may do anything. Especially when they work with a population that largely doesn't know much about their own hair. A license is a minuscule factor considering all the underground kitchen beauticians out there that have never been caught. People get over on the ignorant all the time. My grandma is a licensed stylist since the early 50's and some variation of salon f***ery has always gone on.


I believe that these stories exist. (Not every story, but many...) I have heard the stories about stylists putting products in expensive looking bottles, etc. I shivered to think that this could happen. I didn't transistion for almost 2 years to get a relaxer for ANY reason...

We have to keep in mind there are soooooo many people that think natural hair is ugly and unruly. It doesn't surprise me that some salons/ beauticians agree. If the ignorant stylists (not all) learned proper techniques for natural hair care, this would not be a reality. This is way worse than short changing customers with cheapie shampoo's.
This is absolutely insane. i believe it though. There are so many bad stylists out there, and I just don't think that heat damage can be as severe as some cases proclaim to be... sometimes it just seems like it had to be something more traumatic.

Also the whole chopping off hair just so they dont have to detangle got me thinking.. I wonder if thats what happened to me... came in and the lady cut off a ton of my hair almost to ear length ( I was SL relaxed) because it was a bit fuzzy and stuff.... but idk. blocked out bad memories. ugh ugh ugh ugh. I hate that we can't trust our own... own meaning fellow people who 'love' hair, or pretend to... (and also fellow black people! WTF!)
wow... know what, this reminds me of when i did really bad heat damage to my own hair (on accident of course lol) people asked if my stylist possibly relaxed my hair with out me knowing. i thought it was the weirdest question i ever heard and didnt even know how to answer it lol but now i see why it was asked.

i bet this kind of stuff doesnt happen at super cuts!
Oh my god, that's absolutely AWFUL. I can completely, completely sympathize with the woman in the story. I have my own horror story salon experience and I know what it's like to be totally screwed over by a supposed hair "professional" putting what's EASY and GAINFUL for them over their integrity and work ethic. It's absolutely disgusting. No excuse, either. CLEARLY, when a client comes to you to do their hair, and say they request something like just a wash or just a cut, it is the stylist job 100+ % to do that specific request. NO it is NOT okay for them to mix in extra ingredients they know the client does not want in their hair, and no it is not okay for them to do crazy cuts or heat application if a client does not want them to. These are damaging things for hair, and the fact that these stylists guilty of as much are knowingly doing them anyway, just because it's easier and the "good" results get them a devoted clientèle, is flat out outrageous. It's like a surgeon taking some sort of shortcut on a procedure because it makes his work easier, or a chef adding some salt into a big cooking pot despite you not wanting salt simply because it's quicker for her to make the whole thing one way, etc., etc., etc. Any sort of situation where you're a customer or client and you're paying for that service and you're putting your trust in that professional, you should be able to know they will do it properly because they have integrity. Sadly, you can't even though you should.....

I know me, my personal daily job, there are SO many ways I can cut corners and make my work load easier, but I do things correctly, because even though it sucks having to turn that pilot away from his sortie because his active medical clearance expired or his sept training has expired, and I can go into the system and add it in manually and illegally , I don't. I would never. It sucks for that pilot that loses out on his sortie, but I'm doing him a favor if something should go wrong pre/in/post flight. I'm rambling, but what I'm saying is, as a professional in whatever your job is, you should NEVER put what's easy for you the employee before what's right for the customer/client/etc. NEVER.

.....okay, I'm done. Can you tell I take this subject personally? Lol. I hate this sort of thing so much. Personal experience and what not. >.<
I'm wondering if anybody does (or has done) this on purpose to lightly texturize their hair? If so, does it work or just cause breakage like this person claims?

I believe that these stories exist. (Not every story, but many...) I have heard the stories about stylists putting products in expensive looking bottles, etc. I shivered to think that this could happen. I didn't transistion for almost 2 years to get a relaxer for ANY reason...

We have to keep in mind there are soooooo many people that think natural hair is ugly and unruly. It doesn't surprise me that some salons/ beauticians agree. If the ignorant stylists (not all) learned proper techniques for natural hair care, this would not be a reality. This is way worse than short changing customers with cheapie shampoo's.

ITA ladies this is crazy..period. ^^^Your siggy :lachen::lachen:!
I'm not gonna lie...I'm starting to think a lot of these "salon horror stories" are made up for attention. I know it's not coming from you OP, but one of your readers and you are simply re-posting, but I just don't believe that a stylist would risk her license to relax someone's curl without her permission. Now, heat damage I can believe, even though some of those stories are shady, too.

I was a faithful salon goer for so many years and I never heard any of these crazy stories until I joined LHCF.

I'm sure there are some which are made up or in the very least, exaggerated, but that goes with everything. It's almost one of those "given" type of things that doesn't really need to be mentioned.

No offense to you whatsoever, it's great you have faith in general, but people are out for themselves. Sadly, if someone thinks taking a shady underhanded shortcut can make THEIR job easier, they're going to do it, especially if they think they're not going to get caught. And this isn't even just stylists (think cashiers or bankers who take money, etc., etc.). It's really not that far-fetched, especially once you see these shady practices going on with your own two eyes. For example, I know for a fact, at the salon I used to frequent, two of the girls there posing as "assistants" to the stylists (supposedly they were supposed to ONLY wash their tools, prep clients by putting moving them from station to station, etc., etc.) who DID NOT have official license to practice hair, were in fact DOING HAIR. If the stylist was busy but ended up having walk in's, rather than turning them away or making them wait, they'd have the assistant start doing their hair. And I mean, relaxer mixing/application, blow-drying, braiding, etc. I'm not saying by any means this goes on at every salon (or nearly every salon), but it's one of those things that are very real and DOES happen. Sort of like how restaurants and fast food secretly treat the food when they think no one is looking.

I'm just saying, I hate to seem anti-stylist, but I think anyone going to a salon/stylist should pay super close attention to everything, absolutely everything, going on, and make certain the person you're putting your hair in is not just in it for all the pretty pennies. I know I NEVER used to know what was going on in terms of my hair (unless a stylist, assistant, etc. was so blatantly awful it was obvious they were ****** up, i.e. small example, one lady who kept burning me when flat ironing my hair, etc.). I used to just assume the stylist would handle it, and at the time so long as my hair looked pretty in the reflection of the mirror at the end, I was happy (stupid of me). Little did I know.....:ohwell:
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Okay ya'll can stone me but I'd like to interrupt this broadcast for a sec to say -

Tamz412 you are absolutely adorable!:grin:

:look: K...back to the righteous anger now ladies.
Sometimes I'm skeptical about "stories", however I know for a fact that many stylists put Cream of Nature in a Keracare bottle, they mix up Dark N Lovely relaxer in the back room and say that it's Mizani, and mix "a little bit of relaxer" in with conditioner, therefore this story doesn't surprise me. I used to hang out at the salon where my aunt worked (and that's how I know these facts) and my sister used to work at a salon when we were younger. I've never known anyone to actually leave relaxer on for a while to the point where it burned, but I've seen it put in with conditioner and then rinsed right back out. There are many good stylist, but there are some shady ones too. I've seen a stylist lie and say that a person's natural hair was damaged, and then chop most of it off just so they wouldn't have to detangle it.

@ the bolded: That is ridiculous. They give you so much hell if you want to use a higher-end brand. Jeez, a lot of them cop an attitude if you ask for a DC.

This whole situation is just horrific--for clients & for good stylists. Thank you to all the posters who are shedding light on this situation.
So she didn't take their admission and run straight to a lawyer and/or cosmetology board on that one?!'

Wouldn't have been me..I tell you that much! All these threads popping up about conditioner/relaxers is just sickening. In the rare event I ever do decide to hit up a salon, I'm bringing my own products!

I agree something should have been done about that. The customer asked repeatedly what was going on and the stylist lied to her. If what they were doing was acceptable why weren't they upfront about it?

Some salons won't let you use your own products (I've been told before) because they can't guarantee the outcome. :sad:
I'm just saying, I hate to seem anti-stylist, but I think anyone going to a salon/stylist should pay super close attention to everything, absolutely everything, going on, and make certain the person you're putting your hair in is not just in it for all the pretty pennies. I know I NEVER used to know what was going on in terms of my hair (unless a stylist, assistant, etc. was so blatantly awful it was obvious they were ****** up, i.e. small example, one lady who kept burning me when flat ironing my hair, etc.). I used to just assume the stylist would handle it, and at the time so long as my hair looked pretty in the reflection of the mirror at the end, I was happy (stupid of me). Little did I know.....:ohwell:

That's how I was - soooo trusting. I didn't want and felt I didn't need to know all the details - that's why they get paid the big bucks. The stylist was the professional so I left it all in his/her capable hands. I wanted someone with creativity that could "hook me up". I got messed up quite a few times.
I think another problem is that they don't tell you how to manage the salon when you leave. They will tell you how to maintain the style (if you ask) but not the health of your hair. I have been to the salon 2 times in the last year for a trim. I have let a couple other people cornrow my hair. Other than that I am my own practicing stylist and haircare giver. I don't always get it right but I know a lot more about my hair and I love the way it feels. I think that it is much healthier thanks to what I've been learning on the boards and blogs.:grin:

:lachen:That is exactly what I thought when I read the part about the stylist cutting the woman's hair just so she woudn't have to detangle it. Well, maybe not quite as long, but close. :yep:
) When I finally spoke to the manager, she also feigned ignorance. I threatened police action, threatened to sue and eventually someone gave up the information I needed.

She told me that with “nappy” hair, they sometimes add a bit of relaxer to a deep conditioner and apply it. It’s the “kiddie perm” she tells me and most people don’t experience negative results. But it works well because people are happy that their hair is straighter so they continue to come back.

I posted this on my blog if you ladies would like to comment on it as well. Thanks

INCREDIBLE!!! :nono::nono::nono:
My aunt was telling me that that was something that was done for "naturals" in the area of Baltimore where she lives. She was telling me it would make my "natural" hair easier to manage. She was acting like it was a good thing. I am not natural for the syle-my hair just started rejecting relaxers and breaking off. Any type of relaxer would be a bad thing for me.
Ladies, ladies, if you suspect something like this has happened to you, please don't just go back there without a game plan. Bring along a concealed tape recorder so that you can catch the b!tches confessing their antics. Otherwise, it's your word against theirs later, even if they smugly lay out for you what really happened.