3 Month High Protein Challenge(May 1st-August 1st 2007)


Well-Known Member
Well ladies, the challenge for the 1st protein challenge is about to end and I looking to continue to the success that I've encountered. I am continuing on until August 1st. If anyone is interested just jump right in. I still have my weave in and probably will not be taking it out until Mid May. I will post progress pics then. At this point, I have almost 2.5 inches of newgrowth! Take care!

:orders: We will be striving for 100 grams or more a day:orders:

I've acheived myriad success with eating eggs, drinking protein shakes, and occassional cans of tuna. I attribute it to the thickness of my hair, which I had been working on for some time. Imo, there's nothing like a healthy thick head of hair which has been one of my goals more than length. So.....now that I have the health I want, I am on a quest for length. I already take protein from time to time but I just want to make it an everyday thing.

I also think we should take before and after pictures as I strongly believe in documenting progress because a picture is worth a million words. My starting pic is in my siggy. I am aiming for 3-4 inches during a 3 month span. This is not for the faint at heart. I'm on a mission!!!!!!

The challenge will start on May 1st and commence on August 1. Also, you can post what you have consumed on a daily basis.

************((((((((((((Remember your DIGESTIVE ENZYMES!!!!!))))))))))))***********

**** Here a link to calculate your daily minimum protein intake. http://www.healthcalculators.org/cal...rs/protein.asp***

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I fell off bigtime a while ago. I still eat my yogurt every morning but I'm not doing the high protein thing anymore. :ohwell: Maybe I should give it another try.
I want to be down, you said see above I don't see any specifics, I hope I'm not having a jessica moment lol
bmoreflyygirl said:
I fell off bigtime a while ago. I still eat my yogurt every morning but I'm not doing the high protein thing anymore. :ohwell: Maybe I should give it another try.

You can do it!!!! What's so funny is that I ended up consuming more tuna, beans, eggs, and some nuts more more than anything. I actually slacked off of drinking shakes and continued with the tuna.
guesswho said:
I want to be down, you said see above I don't see any specifics, I hope I'm not having a jessica moment lol
You can follow the link to calculate your protein intake according to your weight but I always strive to get 100 grams or more a day!
I want to try this. I don't eat nearly as much protein as I should, I'm a pasta/salad bar gal. I already got a jump start this past weekend. I already had a serving a salmon and 2 eggs today!

My DH is going on the atkins diet, and while I can't do this diet my DH agreed to stick with lean protein so that I don't turn into a greasy pig trying to support his diet. There is plenty of protein in the house! I will take starting point pics after my next wash, maybe on Tuesday.
WhipEffectz1 said:
You can do it!!!! What's so funny is that I ended up consuming more tuna, beans, eggs, and some nuts more more than anything. I actually slacked off of drinking shakes and continued with the tuna.

Hmm... I might have to try that. I do eat a lot of pepperonis and those string cheese sticks. I might just have to snack on those things throughout the day.
Hey girl. Yea I fell off after the first month :look: but that first month I acheived an inch...I plan on sticking through this whole 3 months
bmoreflyygirl said:
Hmm... I might have to try that. I do eat a lot of pepperonis and those string cheese sticks. I might just have to snack on those things throughout the day.

Just find something that you can tolerate and stick with it. You will love the reward!

jaded faerie said:
Hey girl. Yea I fell off after the first month but that first month I acheived an inch...I plan on sticking through this whole 3 months

I'm glad to hear that good luck!!
WhipEffectz1 said:
You can follow the link to calculate your protein intake according to your weight but I always strive to get 100 grams or more a day!

thanks chica, sign me up, so we are starting the 1st correct? let me go get some protein shakes and tuna at the grocery later so I could stock up, what shakes do you'll recommend?
jaded_faerie said:
Hey girl. Yea I fell off after the first month :look: but that first month I acheived an inch...I plan on sticking through this whole 3 months

Hmmm... really? :scratchch That's great! I never know how much growth I get in a month. I've never really though about it inch wise. I just know it's growing faster now than it ever did as a relaxed head.
guesswho said:
thanks chica, sign me up, so we are starting the 1st correct? let me go get some protein shakes and tuna at the grocery later so I could stock up, what shakes do you'll recommend?

You might also want to pick up some digestive enzymes too!!!!!
What is an Enzyme?
Enzymes are proteins produced by all living organisms, and, like all proteins, they consist of amino acids. What makes these proteins different from other proteins is how they behave in the body. By definition, enzymes are catalysts that make many essential biochemical reactions ‘happen’ and are not used up or chemically altered in the process. As a catalyst, they help a chemical reaction take place quickly and efficiently. Some reactions would either happen very slowly or not occur at all without enzymes. So a little bit of enzyme can effect a big change.

The same variety of amino acids that occur in all living things make up enzymes. The amino acids connect in particular sequences to form protein chains. The amino acids in the chain often bond together creating folding patterns and twisting into certain shapes. The particular folding pattern of each enzyme gives it distinct characteristics and functions. When anything disrupts the specific folding pattern, the enzyme often loses its ability to function, becoming inactivated or destroyed.
Illustration of Gastrointestinal Tract

How do enzymes work?

Each type of enzyme has a special function and works in a particular way. Enzymes are essential to every aspect of life and carry out all the daily biochemical functions. They are the basic elements that activate all functions in the body, facilitate reactions that build compounds from the body’s raw materials, transport elements throughout the body, break down substances, and eliminate many unwanted chemicals in the body.

Enzymes are chemicals that facilitate other chemical reactions. Food itself is essentially just a mixture of chemicals that are broken down by enzymes. The released nutrients are the raw materials. Vitamins and other nutrients cannot work in the body by themselves. They require enzymes to transport them throughout the body and make use of them. Enzymes unlock the benefits of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and hormones and put them to work in the body. Enzymes are the workers and assist many biological, chemical, and metabolic reactions, but are not ‘alive’ themselves.

Sometimes particular enzymes need certain vitamins and minerals in order to function. Magnesium participates in over 300 enzyme reactions. These additional elements are called co-enzymes. A co-enzyme may give the enzyme the three-dimensional structure it needs to create the ‘active site’ necessary to perform its catalytic function. If a needed co-enzyme is not available, the enzyme will not function.

Why Should I Care?

Enzymes run every function in our entire body. Digestive enzymes breakdown the food we eat so it can be used as a source of nutrients and a source of energy. Every cell relies on the raw materials provided to the body by digestive enzymes. If you do not have enough enzymes you can develop a vast myriad of illnesses. All the food and nutritional supplements you consume will not do any good if they are not sufficiently broken down and absorbed by the body.

Digestive enzymes have been found to influence an amazing array of health conditions. There are many sites explaining these benefits. Here is a quick rundown:

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WhipEffectz1 said:
Your local health store such as GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, etc.

Oh man! I went to GNC and bought Spiru-Tein today and didn't know to buy the enzymes...guess I'll be going back later in the week. Thanks for the link.

I mixed this stuff with soymilk and poured it out...it was soooooo lumpy I could NOT take it. It tasted pretty good, flavor wise (strawberry).
Count me in!! I just ordered some protein powder from the Vitamin Shoppe. It should be here tomorrow. Now I need to buy the digestive enzymes. Are they only sold GNC and vitamin stores, or can you get them fromt he vitamin section at Walmart, Target, etc.?
jnicole said:
Count me in!! I just ordered some protein powder from the Vitamin Shoppe. It should be here tomorrow. Now I need to buy the digestive enzymes. Are they only sold GNC and vitamin stores, or can you get them fromt he vitamin section at Walmart, Target, etc.?

I don't know dear. They might though!
I dunno y'all...I tried the shake again (after using a blender)...It is SOOOOOOOOO thick I had a hard time getting it down! I'm strugglin...I'm strugglin...LOL!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated (I can't drink it with water)!
jaded_faerie said:
I am ready for the challenge to begin!

Me too! 100g is a lot. After eating what seemed like endless protein today, I only got up to about 70g. Maybe I will have to do a supplement because if I eat more I'm going to get fat:lol:
CAPlush said:
Me too! 100g is a lot. After eating what seemed like endless protein today, I only got up to about 70g. Maybe I will have to do a supplement because if I eat more I'm going to get fat:lol:

You are too funny. I am a pasta girl too but try the barilla plus kind to get extra protien and omega 3s