3 Month Baggie Challenge

I've been at this baggie method a few weeks and the products I'm currently using are surge,carefree curl moisturizer,amla oil,ghee,and coconut oil. Just from the brief care I can already see the difference. I use to have those kinky knots at the nape of my neck in the back which I use to cut off. But now I spray that area with the carefree and surge and the are looks beautiful now. I don't know why I neglected to take care of that area..but I'm sooo happy with the results. I will soon get a camera and start documenting my progress.I've also incorporated drinking protein shake smoothies. I have alot of delicious recipes in the my culture my food forum.For healthier hair ya gotta nourish the inside too!!
So far so good!! couldnt do baggie this weekend, because i had my hair down for a wedding I was in. Back to baggie mode today, this in addition to MTG has taken me to the full head of hair that I am now. Check out my latest pic, I'm just about shoulder length now, and its thick!!
mscolwhite said:
Me and my two daughters are in. Sorry that I'm posting late but we've been doing it now for over a week. Thanks for starting the challange. :D

Great! Are you enjoying the results?

pao_007 said:
I would like to try the 3 month baggie challenge. But I am not sure what oils or moisturizer I should put in my ends. Also in the morning, do I just rinse it off? Sorry, I am new.

Which moisturizers are you using now? A lot of people use S-Curl and vaseline. Personally I use Dudley's PCA moisturizer combined with KeraCare essential oils. I swapped up the other day with Ms. Key 10 en 1 --- That was the bomb. My hair was waaay soft. You can keep your baggie on for 1-3 days, depending on how quickly it dries out. The idea is to keep in the moisture so your ends never dry out. Welcome!
A late entry here :wave: Count me in - I started my baggie on 18 Sept. I have sprayed the ends with my own concoction of distilled water, olive oil, glycerin, peppermint, lavender & rosemary oils and then covered my ends with Profective Heathly Ends. I will be wearing a phonytail twisted into a bun.
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Hope I'm not too late!!! I started using a baggie yesterday with my new phony pony. I'm about 7 weeks post trying to hold out as long as I can. I may have to get a relaxer in a few weeks (too much breakage if I don't) but I will "baggie" it back up. I'm using a mixture of coconut oil, jojoba oil, olive oil and WGO. Then I seal the moisture in with castor oil. I want to gain some length by Christmas!!!
I started last night too. I'm wearing cornrows under a wig, but I baggied hanging ends of the cornrows and then slept with a plastic cap over my head.

Goal: spray with homemade braid spray, seal ends with hair butter, and jojoba oil to remainder of the hair. I will
- sleep (night only) with plastic cap 5 days/week
- baggie ends all day 5 days/week

I will do this for 8 weeks.
okay. I'm in. Will wear baggie for three days. I have crocheted bun covers I made called Jewels of the Nile hair covers and will wear these for a dressy look when needed. Otherwise, I will spray with homemade moisturizer spray, use a little Homemade Wildgrowth, baggie and use a cut of stocking to hold the ponytail and the bun in place. No extensions. No phony pony. Will shampoo once or twice a week as needed and MTG every three days . (It is getting very cold here.) I will wear it to bed in the bun. Tie with satin scarf night and day. Will try this till Christmas. Bonjour
I have not checked in for a while so....
I am doing pretty well, my ends are doing good.... I have one section that seems to require more moisture than the rest... I am paying more attention to this area and keeping it moisturized... I my dust that part if it continues to be too dry.... other than that, things are going good....

How is everyone else doing?
So far so good. I am 8 weeks post and my ends are doing great. They look thicker and much healthier. Funny thing though, when I wash my hair, my hair feels so heavy (compaired to what it used to look like :( ). I love the new thickness of my hair. It looks to be growing too. I have to relax in about 2 weeks (if I don't, the breakage begins :ohwell: ), but I'll be using the baggie method this fall/winter. I love that I am moisturizing my ends all day and no one has any idea :lol:
I baggie overnight mostly now with plastic cap and sometimes during the day. Just had a touchup last week, and hair is fuller and longer. I'll see if its grown even more when I get a blowout in 2 weeks. I really see shoulder length for dec, and armpit for june 2006!!
So far so go for me also. I started this challenge on 18 Sept and had a trim on 29 Oct. My ends are sooo soft since wearing the baggie which I wear all week with a phonytail. This is the longest time I have ever worn my hair up and intend to carry on until Dec.

Naija - you have made great progress since July :clap:
Hi Ladies -- Its October!! How are do you doing? I posted pics of how I wear my baggie, feel free to take a look.

Prada- I am happy to hear your great results!!

Together we will retain, retain, retain!
pradalover said:
So far so go for me also. I started this challenge on 18 Sept and had a trim on 29 Oct. My ends are sooo soft since wearing the baggie which I wear all week with a phonytail. This is the longest time I have ever worn my hair up and intend to carry on until Dec.

Naija - you have made great progress since July :clap:

Thanks lady!! I'm loving the baggie, now more or less using plastic cap at night, so my whole hair can feel the effects. I use baggie on ends maybe 3-4x a week but not as much since I started using plastic cap overnight.
I started this challenge while still lurking back on September 1st. I was wearing the baggie under my donut bun, but I stopped for a little while when I was wearing my palm tree hair piece. I'm back on it now with my braided bun.
I have been wearing my baggie since August and now I need some support. It is working but I am getting tired of it. So count me in.
SerenityBreeze said:
Hi Ladies -- Its October!! How are do you doing? I posted pics of how I wear my baggie, feel free to take a look.

Prada- I am happy to hear your great results!!

Together we will retain, retain, retain!

Girl that is a great idea!!! My hair is much shorter and much thinner than yours but I am going to try it tonight just to see if I can get away with it. Very cute style!!!! If I can't have something to look forward to if my hair reaches your length.
I have changed my mind about relaxing in December. I am going to weave my hair and delay relaxing until February so I guess, I am no longer apart of this challenge.....