<<<<<<<<< 2yrs anniversary + trim (PICS) >>>>>>>>>>

By end of summer, August 2009, you will be MBL again. The hair is lovely. You're going down as my hair idol.
Hi Hairdrama,

I was looking at your hair in another post it looks great! :cup: You will be waist length in no time. You were very brave to cut those ends. I would have held on to them for dear life,:ohwell: but the trim looks neat.
YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS! I was nice before the trim, but now it looks like something out of Pantene relaxed and natural commercial.
Beautiful hair! Your ends didn't look like they needed to be trimmed but you know your hair better than me.

Your hair is beautiful, such inspirational progress! I love threads like these.

Are you changing your screenname to hairdramafree:-) ?
Giiirrrrrrllll I would have killed for those ends...but I know it's all relative.

Congratulations on making it so far -- your goal is right around the corner!
Your hair is so pretty! It look super-healthy & shiny. I'm definitely going to check out your fotki.

It's really inspirational to see someone who started out at SL make so much progress in only 2 years!
Your hair is beautiful, such inspirational progress! I love threads like these.

Are you changing your screenname to hairdramafree:-) ?

Love it :lachen:.........Food for thoughts! But don’t want my cousins to think I’m full of myself…..lol, same 'ol me, with or without the drama…….lol
Love the hair! Love the length and I especially love those fresh ends. You'll be at your mark my December, bet! I didn't think your ends looked bad at all before the trim and I'm a neat freak when it comes to ends. Great progress!
Did you trim it yourself? Or have a trusted stylist?

No, my BF did it for me using the Creaclip:


I used the white one on my length, the blue one is for bangs or layers (should you have them). Both clips come in the pack :yep:.