25+ Would you rather... A gent with a good career or you never shedding a tear?

Which would you rather?

  • Make that money!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We can work together :)

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • I'll buy but rub my feet

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I want it all: don't cheat, be sweet, and bring the bacon home for me

    Votes: 43 76.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
My galpal and I always go back and forth (she's married) about how what a man does has nothing to do with his commitment to the relationship or whether he'll stick around... Her stand is as long as he can support a family she's good. Now in my later years (lol when I was younger I could probably understand her better) I look at stability as far as will he care for me when I'm sick? Will he hold me when I'm sad? Will be faithful even when I'm old and (not going gray)? So I ask, honestly what's more important to you?
I want it all. I want a faithful, kind, caring, fun loving man who has a good job and deep commitment to lead and take care of his family.

I feel at 25+ I have too much knowledge to just settle.
I want it all. I want a faithful, kind, caring, fun loving man who has a good job and deep commitment to lead and take care of his family.

I feel at 25+ I have too much knowledge to just settle.

Completely agree. This is what I want for myself.

I never knock anyone else's choice though because not everyone is seeking the same things from a relationship/marriage.
I want it all. I want a faithful, kind, caring, fun loving man who has a good job and deep commitment to lead and take care of his family.

I feel at 25+ I have too much knowledge to just settle.
I'm with you. I don't play these "would you rather" games because they erode into the subconscious that you can't have all of the basics.
By some force of nature bigger than myself, I subconsiously pick the brokest dude in the room and fall in love with him! Errr....yah. I wish money mattered more to me. :ohwell:
Preach. You can have a broke men that always there but be annoyed that..... he's always there...:look:
You can have an ambitious man that is never there and you're annoyed that he's never there...:look:

Either way, you'll be dissatisfied and probably divorced. So what's the point?

Wait for the person that gives it all to you not just part.

I want it all. I want a faithful, kind, caring, fun loving man who has a good job and deep commitment to lead and take care of his family.

I feel at 25+ I have too much knowledge to just settle.
A good career aka a rich man has never and will never be a trump card for me in relationships. Strange how I'm one of the few women consistently expressing that perspective.
Finacial stability is vital for me....as is dependability, loyalty, trust and all that other good stuff. I'm with someone who has all those characteristics but if I wasn't, i'd be more than willing to be single until I found such a man:)
Kind of in this situation now. We dont talk all day, every day, but if I need him he's there. When we are together, I have his undivided attention. So personally, I believe you can have it all.

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I want it all. I want a faithful, kind, caring, fun loving man who has a good job and deep commitment to lead and take care of his family.

I feel at 25+ I have too much knowledge to just settle.

Yup, all or nothing.

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It all is relative.

Sending BeautifulFlowers from my iPhone

I agree. In real relationships, stuff happens. I don't expect my husbsnd to never cause me to cry. Hell, if I'm pregnant and up 85 pounds and my husband even alludes to my roundness... I might just cry.

Everyone I've ever loved has had me shedding a tear (or bawling) over the coarse of our relationship. My close NE friend has never made me cry, but I've certainly cried for her losses and/or pain. I've had a group of friends for about 20 years, one hard drug addiction, a few thefts, a couple of abortions, 2 stints in jail, 2 lawyers, 10 or so lies, 3 mental illnesses, 2 violent boyfriends, 3 attempted suicides, and 1 recluse. Tears have been shed.

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