25 and NEVER had a boyfriend

Hmm I'm like you 24 going on 25 in July never been in a real relationship. (So take what I say with a grain of salt lol). Personally I think in order to avoid dating someone that's just going to waste your time you should ask them what they are looking for.

You can also tell your friends not to introduce you to guys that aren't interested in serious relationships as well.
No prob!

I've never had the issue of being the "homegirl." To me though, perhaps always maintain a level of playful flirting with guys you're interested in? Liking sports and activities is great, but if you're walking around in b-ball shorts, dapping dudes up, and saying "mah Negro, what's poppin'?" or any guy-ish sayings, then cut it out, LOL.

Just dressing femininely and being your best, sexy, but classy self should eliminate being placed in the homegirl category.
LOLOLOL!! Oh goodness, I pictured a girl doing this.
I'm 25 too and I've noticed that this is not as rare as you think. I have a couple of friends my age who have never been in real relationships. It seems to be a phenomenon amongst women our age
Do you have any guy friends you can ask? I think that would be your best bet because most of us aren't too knowledgeable on how and why they do what they do.

The two things I can think of: they wanna get some and you're not giving it up so after 2-3 months they move on, OR you're unknowingly saying or doing something that they don't want longterm. It could be anything: the way you dress, your conversation, your approach to money / finances . . . I have a pretty friend in your situation (she's 27) but I have a hunch that she sends off a gold digging signal & guys pick up on that.

I hope you figure it out soon, OP! Let us know.

The bolded ... if your question is really what you're doing wrong in the eyes of these guys ... then I think it's best to hear it from the horse's mouth. Other than your guy friends, are you still on talking terms with any of the guys you've dated? If so, and you think they can be honest with you, I'd ask something like "I have a bit of an awkward question for you ... I know we dated for a bit and it seems you lost interest in the end. Just for my own personal development, I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me how come?" I don't know ... just a suggestion.

I know everyone in this thread is being encouraging/ positive, which is great ... but there is the possibility that you're doing something that's not conducive to fostering a relationship (with the guys you've dated in the past) ... maybe.

Now, if you find out what that is and it's something you're willing to work on for yourself, then I guess there is your solution. BUT if its one of your standards and you're not willing to change it, DON'T. Never change for someone else. If you're doing things the best way you know how, you want someone who will accept you as you are. Listen to mum and wait till that person finds you.
Ashlee5125 Dont be discouraged! I am only 20 but I feel the exact same way. It's just gotten to the point where I dont even mention it to my BFF anymore because I am sure she is tired of hearing it and in all honesty I am tired of talking about. I cry sometimes then I suck it up and pray. God has him. He just isnt ready for you two to meet yet. :kiss:
I actually can relate to this thread! I just turned 22 in February, and I have not had a REAL relationship. I date around and what not, but I've just never gotten into relationship territory. I have plenty of friends who are married and/or engaged, or in serious relationships, and sometimes I'm like WHAT THE ***!!! But I also have a couple of friends (mostly high school friends) who have also not been in a real relationship, so I don't think it's completely rare.

Personally, I think I am mostly at fault. I have had opportunity a couple of times to go into the whole girlfriend/boyfriend territory, but have just always backed away for one reason or another. I am a very individual type of female, meaning I get smothered easily and find excuses to dislike people sometimes, lol. I've turned down 2 particularly good guys in the past, because, in both cases, we were going to be stationed at different bases within the coming months (I'm in the military), so I thought it was pointless to keep dating and go on into long distance relationships. Looking back, I regret walking away from both in a way, because they were both genuinely good guys, grrrr. Then there are a couple of times where I've dated someone a couple of times, and just nitpicked things wrong.....I have stopped seeing a guy for some pretty stupid, petty reasons I don't even want to list, because I'll feel like a complete jerk! I think part of it is, by now, I feel as if since I'm 22 and I've never been anyone's girlfriend (officially), I sort of don't know how to start or where to begin, even if I want to (particularly after watching chick flicks, haha), and so I am kind of self-sabotaging myself when potential boyfriends present themselves. Does that make sense?

I am actually dating 2 guys right now, just very casually and low-key, and both of them are very nice guys, and I feel as if I am stringing them along. One flat out said he wants a relationship and asked me what I wanted, and I told him I want to be single and "be independent". >.< While it's true I like being single, I do think I kind of just answer that I want to be single by now without even thinking. Kind of like it's natural to me, so I just blurt it out. Again, I almost am my own enemy when it comes to dating sometimes. So far, dude has stuck it out.....we've gone out a couple of times, and he's certainly tried to steer us into that direction, but I'm just not going to let it happen. I already know, lol.

I have no idea why I find the idea of being a girlfriend so frightening or why I choose to keep on being single all the damn time. I vaguely am aware it is because it is unfamiliar to me, and if something is foreign I am reluctant to "try it" unless I absolutely want to, or have to. I feel like it is also partly, because I have always vehemently disliked how some people change when they get into relationships, especially some of my female friends....and I don't want to be changed. I want to be able to DO ME at all times! I swear I am Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde on this subject! :lol:

This whole thing is awful, though, because it's not like there's a shortage of menzzz near me. I am in the military! I'm surrounded by men, lol. I know plenty of bachelors who are good guys! I just....do the above! :blush:
I'm 23, never been in a relationship. I'm in law school and just finished my MA so it's not like I've had time to focus on finding someone. I just can't find anyone I like.:ohwell:
I'm 26 and never had a real relationship either. I started a thread like this on LHCF when I was 24. I felt like a "freak", the weird kind not the sexually deviant kind. The closest thing I had to a relationship was last year. I broke down and dated a guy who pretended to be my friend for two years just so he could date me. I really only saw him as platonic, but I tried him just because I was tired of being single. It wasn't worth it, I still felt single because there were no true feelings there and I felt icky kissing him :barf:. Just wait it out it's not worth being in an unhappy relationship just for the sake of a relationship. I know alot more women will be in our situation if they were patient and didnt jump into "relationships" with Tom, Rick, and Harry. Most women in "relationships" are in unhappy, fake ones hence the astronomical divorce rate, eternally serial dating non-committal black man epidemic, Atlanta-D.C. single black women meccas, enormous prevalence of "wifeys", "jump-offs", baby mamas, and babydaddies, MTV's Teen Mom,etc. Women who can't bare to be single for a while are willing to accept crap like "knowingly sharing a man" Plus, women like us are at an advantage because we won't have all that excessive baggage when God finally sends us our true man.
I actually can relate to this thread! I just turned 22 in February, and I have not had a REAL relationship. I date around and what not, but I've just never gotten into relationship territory. I have plenty of friends who are married and/or engaged, or in serious relationships, and sometimes I'm like WHAT THE ***!!! But I also have a couple of friends (mostly high school friends) who have also not been in a real relationship, so I don't think it's completely rare.

Personally, I think I am mostly at fault. I have had opportunity a couple of times to go into the whole girlfriend/boyfriend territory, but have just always backed away for one reason or another. I am a very individual type of female, meaning I get smothered easily and find excuses to dislike people sometimes, lol. I've turned down 2 particularly good guys in the past, because, in both cases, we were going to be stationed at different bases within the coming months (I'm in the military), so I thought it was pointless to keep dating and go on into long distance relationships. Looking back, I regret walking away from both in a way, because they were both genuinely good guys, grrrr. Then there are a couple of times where I've dated someone a couple of times, and just nitpicked things wrong.....I have stopped seeing a guy for some pretty stupid, petty reasons I don't even want to list, because I'll feel like a complete jerk! I think part of it is, by now, I feel as if since I'm 22 and I've never been anyone's girlfriend (officially), I sort of don't know how to start or where to begin, even if I want to (particularly after watching chick flicks, haha), and so I am kind of self-sabotaging myself when potential boyfriends present themselves. Does that make sense?

I am actually dating 2 guys right now, just very casually and low-key, and both of them are very nice guys, and I feel as if I am stringing them along. One flat out said he wants a relationship and asked me what I wanted, and I told him I want to be single and "be independent". >.< While it's true I like being single, I do think I kind of just answer that I want to be single by now without even thinking. Kind of like it's natural to me, so I just blurt it out. Again, I almost am my own enemy when it comes to dating sometimes. So far, dude has stuck it out.....we've gone out a couple of times, and he's certainly tried to steer us into that direction, but I'm just not going to let it happen. I already know, lol.

I have no idea why I find the idea of being a girlfriend so frightening or why I choose to keep on being single all the damn time. I vaguely am aware it is because it is unfamiliar to me, and if something is foreign I am reluctant to "try it" unless I absolutely want to, or have to. I feel like it is also partly, because I have always vehemently disliked how some people change when they get into relationships, especially some of my female friends....and I don't want to be changed. I want to be able to DO ME at all times! I swear I am Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde on this subject! :lol:

This whole thing is awful, though, because it's not like there's a shortage of menzzz near me. I am in the military! I'm surrounded by men, lol. I know plenty of bachelors who are good guys! I just....do the above! :blush:

Dude sounds sweet for trying.....definitely sounds like a keeper WHEN you are ready. :yep: