2021 Dating & Relationship Thread

Hi ladies,

It’s been a very busy summer planning our wedding.
We got married two weeks ago and just came back from our honeymoon.

Our love started in 2018 and here we are, learning & growing together.

I thank LCHF for all the tips over the years.

(I'm trying to upload a pic but it's not working)
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My SO got into an car accident and didnt tell me till 3 days later when he was at the doctor's office and he sent pictures of the crash thank God he made it out alive.
He did not like my reaction and said he does not want me to worry one bit because he is strong and a man. He said he hates for me to worry he wants to please me. My texts were on delivered but not read and when he did answer he said hes been sleeping (feeling down and on meds)and then he finally told me he got into car crash and has not been to work. Dang why didn't he tell me a when it happened I reacted in shock and concern. I wasnt worried just concerned.
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The chemistry with my ex was amazing. He just never wanted to get on the fully committed side. I feel I wasted 7 years. I'm not about to do that dumb lets go with the flow for another 7 years just because there never was any issues. He always made me feel like a feminine woman. I was so submissive in his presence. Never felt the need to be aggressive at all. I loved that feeling. He ticked off every box for me, except he didn't want to commit.

I've been seeing new guy for three weeks and he's already told me what his end game is. THREE weeks. Nah son, you saw me last week looking good and now you trying to get another 7 years out of me because it was easy. I refuse to be an idiot again.
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Crazy how life can change so much in a year!

From dating Aug 2022 to engaged April 2023 to back single August 2023.. sheesh!

& my beloved pup passed away January 30, 2024.. a couple of weeks before his 14th birthday :(

Life be life-ling.. but I'm trusting the journey, standing on all my decisions and hopeful for a beautiful forever love story sooner than later :)


So he apologized :look:

He's never had a dog (Nigerian), and is not a dog person. We are moving forward & my furry bff is coming along for the ride :heart3:.

I still think he's a hater lol.

Sooo he asked me to be his wife yesterday evening..and I said YES. I'm getting married yall :)

:love4: :bouncy:
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The ex is doing his polite dance around. We frequent a lot of the same places so he’s been looking for me.

OAN, dating can be stressful. I’d like to turn my brain off because the thoughts and feelings emotions that occur, whew.

I’m infatuated, real bad. All that melanin. I just find myself staring and drooling.