2019 Oil Butter Grease Creme Pomade Lotion Challenge

After wash/rice water/dc/leave in/uhuru naturals Chebe Hair cream/bekura beauty moouse cream on lower length/sealed with sheaterra Black Castor oil..

•Hair In 4 braids to air dry.

Happy Hair Growing!
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Well I didn't henna my hair this weekend like I wanted to because of all the family stuff that's been going on so I put my henna in the freezer and will defrost it on Friday morning and let it sit in my window for a day and a half to warm up naturally.

Will sleep with it on Saturday night and wash out Sunday morning before church. I will finish my hair regimen after church.
Last Night:
Used WEN Hair Oil on top of my Pre-Poo

Pure Wheat Germ Oil
Camille Rose Naturals Lavender Shaken Spritz
Qhemet Biologics Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee
Curls Blueberry & Mint Scalp Tea