2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

Going to soak some fenugreek tonight for a spritz. I'm so glad I realized I can get it locally. My Sprouts also had dried chamomile, lavender, and hibiscus. I got the hibiscus. Think I might do an infused oil. I'll rely on shea butter for online but everything else in my regimen can be found OTG.
So I decided to do a blend for my hair spritz this time. FRW mixed with Neem and Bay leaf tea. Sprayed it last night and I'm glad because the tea seems to have tempered the FRW somewhat. Enough that I don't feel the need to use as much of the Fragrance I have. Which is great because it can easily get cloying.
Sounds interesting to do a Tea Rinse in lieu of Conditioner. Let us know how that works for you. Is this your 1st time doing it?

It isn't. I've done it a few times. It's green tea, with rose petals, calendula, and a few other things mixed in. I dilute it 2 oz tea with 6 oz water before using it. I don't use it every week, but I've been including it into my wash once every 3 to 4 washes for the past few months.
Fenugreek spritz + hibiscus oil infusion every other night just in the front of my hair. Babying the sections that thinned out during the hair loss. Still getting tests done to figure out why it was suddenly falling out like that. Thankfully seems to be normalizing now though.
DIY Rosemary Tea Rinse
JMonique's Dead Sea Mud Wash
JMonique's Bentonite & Rhassoul Clay Detox Mask
JMonique's ACV Leave-In Rinse