2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

Currently doing an ayurvedic gloss. I sprayed a rice + rose water tea on my hair first.

Are glosses "safe" to do overnight or should I wash this out before bed?
AVJ Treatment (Chicoro's famous AVJ/AVG Pre-Poo Treatment)

JMonique Naturals ACV Rinse
DIY Tea Rinse
Curls & Potions Fermented Rice Water (FRW and Bamboo Hair Rinse)
Picked up an ayurvedic shampoo bar at TJ Maxx earlier. I usually like the liquid version but I have to order that online. I did an acv rinse last night using avj instead of water. Not sure I like avj rinses on my hair anymore but my scalp feels loads better.
Pre-poo: Shea butter + ayurvedic oil
Washed: Kaolin clay + goats milk powder
DC: Rice water mix under Eden Body Works + 1 tsp kelp powder + 1 tsp glycerine + 1 tsp honey powder + 1 tsp aloe vera powder