2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

I tried my ayruvedic bland but this time added bhringraj and brahmi to the mix. My hair feels even softer after adding the two herbs.

I also used a rice water spray daily: brown rice, rose petal tea, silk peptides, and some glycerine.

Those are two of my favorite powders. In addition to hibiscus and shikakai, I really don't need any others.

I do like adding neem and amla to shikakai for a cleanser. I've been considering dropping henna though.
Those are two of my favorite powders. In addition to hibiscus and shikakai, I really don't need any others.

I do like adding neem and amla to shikakai for a cleanser. I've been considering dropping henna though.

I had to give up henna as a paste. As I love how it makes my hair feel, my hair is extremely sensitive to the lawsone dye so it turns my hair red and my grays orange. So I cannot use it as a paste without following it up with indigo. And I HATE the way indigo makes my hair feel...like absolute straw which takes weeks of deep conditioning to get it back to normal. It also irritates the heck out of my scalp. I be scratching like a crackhead looking for a fix. The last time I used it, I straight up scratched a sore into my scalp. I was like nah, I'm good.

So now I infuse henna into oil and use it that way. I still get the benefits without the color, and I don't have to use that devil indigo. LOL
My last batch of Flaxseed Gel lasted a long time. I froze it in small silicone molds and just used as needed.

Time to make some new, new. I have 1 tablespoon of Rosemary and 1/2 cup of Whole Flaxseeds soaking in 2 cups of water. Will leave it in the fridge overnight to encourage the gel to go ahead and start seperating from the seeds. Tomorrow, I'll pour it all in a pot to boil and finish up the process. I want it to be THICK. LOL
My last batch of Flaxseed Gel lasted a long time. I froze it in small silicone molds and just used as needed.

Time to make some new, new. I have 1 tablespoon of Rosemary and 1/2 cup of Whole Flaxseeds soaking in 2 cups of water. Will leave it in the fridge overnight to encourage the gel to go ahead and start seperating from the seeds. Tomorrow, I'll pour it all in a pot to boil and finish up the process. I want it to be THICK. LOL

The consistency of this turned out just the way I wanted, but I just loathe the smell of flaxseed gel. I've tried covering it up with nice smelling herbs and essential oils, but it still just comes thru...I know I'm being petty but :angeldevil:ewwwww :lachen: