2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

Been using an Ayurvedic Hair Oil from MyHoneyChild that has:

Bhringaraj, Amla, Neem Brahmi, Sage, Lavender, Frankincense and Myrrh. In a base of Sunflower, Coconut, Almond, Apricot in Jojoba Oils. Also Organic St. John's Wort infused in Cold Pressed Olive Oil

@ElevatedEnergy (FYI)

That mixture sounds divine! I made a Henna & Bhringraj oil with a little Rosemary EO in it. It is super strong and potent so it stanks a little bit. LOL

I cut my hair the last time I posted in here over 2 weeks ago so I've been enjoying not doing anything. When I do, I'll update the thread.

Yesterday, I did make some Yucca Root & Homemade RoseWater pops and stuck them in my freezer for when I'm ready to wash.
That mixture sounds divine! I made a Henna & Bhringraj oil with a little Rosemary EO in it. It is super strong and potent so it stanks a little bit. LOL

I cut my hair the last time I posted in here over 2 weeks ago so I've been enjoying not doing anything. When I do, I'll update the thread.

Yesterday, I did make some Yucca Root & Homemade RoseWater pops and stuck them in my freezer for when I'm ready to wash.


OMG!! If that's your new "cut" in your avi, that is NOT a cut, sis! You CHOPPED!! From HL/TBL?? Amazing.

I used to shave my hair off every year to refresh my spirit so I'm not judging, AT ALL. But I've NEVER cut off that much hair!

Do you mind sharing why you've done it? I'm so fascinated.

OMG!! If that's your new "cut" in your avi, that is NOT a cut, sis! You CHOPPED!! From HL/TBL?? Amazing.

I used to shave my hair off every year to refresh my spirit so I'm not judging, AT ALL. But I've NEVER cut off that much hair!

Do you mind sharing why you've done it? I'm so fascinated.

A few reasons....about 80% Spiritual Reasons...
About 20% was just because I wanted to :lachen:

This freedom has been liberating....I've had long hair for as long as I can remember, so this change was good for me. Now I'm excited to grow with my hair as it grows back as well.
5E4682B5-5562-44CE-ADDE-E4EC45ABD0B4.jpeg I made conditioner yesterday with fenugreek oil, saw palmetto/horsetail/burdock root oil, Shea butter, BTMS-50 and water with a tiny bit of ACV to get the pH in range, and preservative. I added some slippery elm, marshmallow root, and Irish moss to it as well...side affect of having too many ingredients I wanna try, lol. It feels really slippery between my fingers so I hope it has some nice slip. Gonna try it out later today.
Please keep us posted on your Conditioner:drool:


Just used it. It’s very creamy, has good slip and I was able to finger detangle with it. Clumped my curls nicely while it was in. My hair was soft and defined after rinsing it out, but part of me wonders if it the soft water my apartment has. Maybe a combo of both. Applied my Camille Rose Curl Maker after rinsing, and threw a plastic cap on over it to marinate over night (I like this method for my wash n go styler applications, make my curls even more defined and it dries faster when I take the baggy off in the morning).
A few reasons....about 80% Spiritual Reasons...
About 20% was just because I wanted to :lachen:

This freedom has been liberating....I've had long hair for as long as I can remember, so this change was good for me. Now I'm excited to grow with my hair as it grows back as well.

Your hair is beautiful!! This is just the start of a new journey that will lead you to new and greater lengths and spiritual satisfaction
Using Dominican Scalp Drops that has (Natural Botanical Extracts):
Rosemary - Stimulate Growth
Wheat - Provides nutrients and minerals to prevent dry itchy scalp
Coconut - Provides moisture while restructuring scalp for growth
Cinnamon - Increases Blood Circulation
Aloe Vera - Helps to balance PH of the Scalp
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