2018 Oil Grease Butter Creme Lotion Pomade Challenge

Batch #1 Whipped Up:
Unrefined SB
Horsetail Oil
Matcha Green Tea Powder
a Drop of Pure VitaminE

Batch #2
Unrefined SB
Ginger Root Oil
Chebe Powder
a Drop of Pure VitaminE
Wanna tell you Sis - my Lavender EO did not, I repeat DID NOT cover up the scent of Neem!:orders:

Lavender is the absolute skrongest EO in my Stash, but it was no match for Neem.:barf:
:giggle: I can live with small portions and DH has not complained yet, even when asked. I am thinking neem with coffee grounds and chlorella. I will let you know.
Used Sarenzo's Twist Cream
Application was okay. It doesn't have castor oil in it and I felt the difference. Castor oil based creams glide right on. Good thing I didn't pay for this in case it doesn't work lol...
Last Sunday I used softee grease as a sealant on top of curl activator spray. I didn't have to moisturize again all week. I washed my hair today and did the same moisture routine. I sealed with the softee grease again so I hope it works as well as it did last time.
Moisturized with Donna Marie Super Butter Creme sealed with my diy Shea Butter blend. MY hair is feeling super moisturized right now and I don't think I will need to M&S again for another 2-3 days :lick:.
Just moisturized and sealed my ends with Donna Marie Super ButterCreme and my DIY Shea Butter blend. My hair is really loving this combination.