2016 Hair Growth & Weight Loss (july-dec)

Well, Ladies, can we do it? Absolutely! We're getting a bit of a late start to the year but it's never too late to get.your.life.

Challenge runs from July 1 - December 31, 2016
We will do updates end of September and December.

Special note: Sometimes the scale can be a liar!
You're working your butt off, eating right, lifting weights, cutting sugar and reducing carbs and that scale won't budge! The remedy to that is to not rely solely on the scale to determine your progress. I strongly recommend taking at least one accurate body measurement like your waist, thigh, or hips to see if you are losing inches. To make sure you're measuring in the same place each time, have someone take a picture while you hold the measuring tape.

Here are some links I've found helpful recently:

The Ultimate Weight Training Workout Routine
What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off?
Beginner Workouts – The Best Workout Routines For Beginners
The Beginner Weight Training Workout Routine

We need to hold each other accountable! Please post any challenges and successes, particularly any non-scale victories (NSVs!)

If you want in, just like this post and submit your stats (photos are optional)

Hair Goals
Current Length:
2016 Goal Length:
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
How you will achieve goal:

  1. Aggie
  2. Prettymetty
  3. HappyAtLast
  4. Nightingale
  5. mzteaze
  6. demlew
  7. KinksandInk
  8. alex114
  9. k_enitan
  10. W04andia
  11. APrayer4Hair
  12. Fab79
  13. trclemons
  14. charmtreese
  15. silenttulip
  16. apple_natural
  17. IronButterfly
  18. destinyseeker
  19. ClassyJSP
  20. Royalty8790
  21. blackgurll
  22. sharifeh
  23. faithVA
  24. Mane Event
  25. Shiks
  26. THicknLong
  27. AlexandriaKiera
  28. myfaithrising
  29. Ajna
  30. morgandenae
  31. Beany
  32. Suchalady
  33. periwinklepeach
  34. mccray689
  35. Shelew
  36. strenght81
  37. blackeyes31626
  38. Missjaxon
  39. Patriciabp
  40. Beachy
  41. assiyrabomb
  42. PerfectlyFlawed
  43. CurliDiva

Group Goals

(Pre-challenge) Goal June 22-June 30
  • Substitute water for at least one sugary drink per day (soda, southern ice tea, sugar-filled coffees - you know, all those lattes, frappes, cappuccinos, etc)
  • 3 workouts per week (minimum of 30 minutes)
I wanna join!!!
I have not been eating very well, but I have been doing a lot of walking and yoga. I have also been trying to stay consistently hydrated. I plan to do yoga, hip thrusts and abs tonight.
Current Length: Shoulder almost armpit length
2016 Goal Length: Armpit length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed
How you will achieve goal: More protein. Stop shedding. Do trial and error on hair products to find what works. September is my one year anniversary of my telaxed hair journey.

Current Weight: 280
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 115-130
How you will achieve goal: Excerise 5-6 days a week for at least 1-2hours. Don't drink calories. Use calorie counter app. Don't skip meals. More salads and fresh foods.
Current Length: armpit length
2016 Goal Length: Still hoping for bra strap
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: deep condition, inversion, bamboo tea, protein when needed, figure out why I get SSK's.

Current Weight: 160
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 125-130
How you will achieve goal: Excerise 5-6 days a week for at least 1 hour. Wear fit bit. Drink more water.
Just checking in. I've fallen behind on my workout regime but I will get back to my exercise classes this week. On the flip side, my hair is thriving! This is literally the best my hair has looked and felt since...ever. The only change that I made to my routine was adding pure aloe vera juice and my coconut oil mix (coconut oil, mango butter and a few essential oils). I did a w&g last week and it lasted a week. I only applied a few spritzes of aloe vera juice in the morning to refresh it. Washing my hair was a breeze...no tangling, nothing:headspin:
I completed 7 days of inversions for July and still working on getting my weight down. I did cut a few hundred daily calories so my weight loss will be a little slow in coming but it's coming:yep:.
Drinking fresh pineapple juice after my workouts has been helping with my recovery. The only downside is the amount pineapples I'm buying every week lol.

ETA: Currently DCing with DB PSC under a headwrap.

I'm going to try your pineapple juice method. Never heard of it.
Here's a little science behind it @assiyrabomb (and whoever else is interested)

Taken from http://www.thatsitfruit.com/buzz/why-eating-pineapple-before-and-after-surgery-is-important/ (you can Google pineapple+recovery and find some other websites as well):

"Pineapple contains bromelain, which is a powerful enzyme that has many surprising and helpful properties. Bromelain speeds healing by reducing inflammation. It minimizes the occurrence of bruising, which is particularly beneficial for recovery from cosmetic surgery. Bromelain also serves as a digestive aid by easing nausea, and it even fights congestion from bronchitis. Pineapple consumed specifically to support healing from surgery should be raw and unprocessed, as canning or pasteurizing will damage the important enzymes."

Taken from http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/other40.htm:

"Bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory with analgesic properties, encourages healing, promotes well-being and has many other health benefits. Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains by reducing swelling, tenderness and pain.

This powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect can also help relieve osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and reduce postoperative swelling.

Additionally, bromelain can relieve indigestion. The enzyme contained in fresh pineapple helps break down the amino acid bonds in proteins, which promotes good digestion"

*I'm definitely not saying that I'm not sore after working out, but I'm not AS sore for AS long anymore.
Here's a little science behind it @assiyrabomb (and whoever else is interested)

Taken from http://www.thatsitfruit.com/buzz/why-eating-pineapple-before-and-after-surgery-is-important/ (you can Google pineapple+recovery and find some other websites as well):

"Pineapple contains bromelain, which is a powerful enzyme that has many surprising and helpful properties. Bromelain speeds healing by reducing inflammation. It minimizes the occurrence of bruising, which is particularly beneficial for recovery from cosmetic surgery. Bromelain also serves as a digestive aid by easing nausea, and it even fights congestion from bronchitis. Pineapple consumed specifically to support healing from surgery should be raw and unprocessed, as canning or pasteurizing will damage the important enzymes."

Taken from http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/other40.htm:

"Bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory with analgesic properties, encourages healing, promotes well-being and has many other health benefits. Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains by reducing swelling, tenderness and pain.

This powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect can also help relieve osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and reduce postoperative swelling.

Additionally, bromelain can relieve indigestion. The enzyme contained in fresh pineapple helps break down the amino acid bonds in proteins, which promotes good digestion"

*I'm definitely not saying that I'm not sore after working out, but I'm not AS sore for AS long anymore.

Wow! Thanks for the great information. I am definitely going to read up on it and try this method.
Got tired of playing in my hair. Did a hair trim and cut off about 1/2 an inch all around. Then, I put my hair under a nice U-part wig. I've been taking biotin and plan on doing sew-ins off and on until the end of the year. Braiding my hair is what helped me reach from SL to BSL and I'm going to go back to it.
Hi Ladies, the first month is nearly finished, I hope you were able to get a rhythm going, if not, no worries, as I'm sure this is a lifestyle change for most and it will take a moment to break into better habits.

What are you plans for August, mine are

Hair Goals
weekly co-wash
fortnightly deep condish

Weight/Fitness Goals
achieve 10k steps every day for august, this is easy enough when I go gym and during the week but weekends I don't always hit it, so this month every day is 10k +
Hair Goals
Current Length: Sl-APL
2016 Goal Length: Full APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: protective styling

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 230
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 180 by end of December (my goal weight is 150 though)
How you will achieve goal: completing my PT so I can heal from surgery, drink plenty of water, eating healthy, exercise and stay motivated
I'm going to try your pineapple juice method. Never heard of it.
I sure would like to also , but I'm sugar sensitive - even natural fruit juice.

Workouts have been slacking because my physical therapy is so time consuming. Ugh. Eating poorly again has set in. It's a direct correlation for me - I workout/I eat well... I don't work out/I eat poorly.

Regarding hair... I took out my braids and my hair was sooooo soft and moisturized. I credit BRX braid spray. I'm gonna experiment in using that as my regular moisturizer. I'm 6 months post, and I have measured 3 inches of new growth. Yay! I will texlax again next week.
Hi Ladies, the first month is nearly finished, I hope you were able to get a rhythm going, if not, no worries, as I'm sure this is a lifestyle change for most and it will take a moment to break into better habits.

What are you plans for August, mine are

Hair Goals
weekly co-wash
fortnightly deep condish

Weight/Fitness Goals
achieve 10k steps every day for august, this is easy enough when I go gym and during the week but weekends I don't always hit it, so this month every day is 10k +
Hair Goals
Protective style 100% of the time

Weight/Fitness Goals
Get at the gym 3 days weekly
Progress in physical therapy so I can add in upper body work.
@BellaRose - welcome, if you like the 1st post and update the following, your good to go

Hair Goals
Current Length:
2016 Goal Length:
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
How you will achieve goal:
I cannot believe the month of July is almost over, this summer is moving fast. Honestly I feel like I cannot keep up with all that is happening and that is a little depressing.

My hair is in braids and I plan to keep them in braids until December. I have no time.

My bo flex is broken and I have not made it to the gym as planned. I am still going to yoga at least once a week. I have been walking more lots of little things like walking 20 mins at lunch time to get lunch and return to the office, taking the stair and not the elevator, parking the car further away from the door.

While I have not weighed myself my belly is flatter and my clothes fit well so this is a good sign.

This month I plan to step up my game. I am sure exercising will help me manage my stress better and I need to drink more water.
@BellaRose - welcome, if you like the 1st post and update the following, your good to go

Hair Goals
Current Length: Layered- Neck, Collarbone and Arm Pit Lengths
2016 Goal Length: full arm pit length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling, finger detangling, moisturizing with Carefree Curl activator, deep conditioning, trims, multivitamins

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 156.2 lbs, 5'5"
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 140 lbs
How you will achieve goal: Starting weight training again in August, aim to drink 2 litres water daily, eat more vegetables

Thank you @Fab79. Been a long time lurker and doing the challenges on the side. Decided to get full membership to participate along with you.
So hi ladies!!!
So I am already drinking water instead of sodas. Was doing my own workouts in order to prep my body for the gym, example 100 jumping jacks and 10 pushups in the morning and night for the last 2 weeks, then I added squats now mountain climbers. Today I did my 30 minute workout in keeping with the challenge. Yay!! Plus I ate veggies yesterday and have some for today also. So far so good.
This morning I am:

Prepooing with Hairdrenalin Potion on my scalp and Hemp Seed oil on the length of my hair with a conditioning cap for 30 minutes

Shampooing with Macadamia Natural Oil Moisturizing Shampoo

Deep Conditioning with Keracare Super Reconstructor followed up with NG Mango and Coconut Water Infused Deep Conditioner

Moisturizing with Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer

Sealing with Bekura Apple and Sorghum Supple Hair Syrup.