2016 Hair Growth & Weight Loss (july-dec)

I want some prorein powder and some super greens powder. Anybody use either and can make recommendations?
I like and drink MusclePharm protein and they have the best tasting protein bars I've ever had, not chalky and thick like they'll choke me. That's how other brands have affected me :barf:

As for the super greens powders, I haven't tried those but would like to learn some more about how they taste. Taste is going to be a deal breaker for me because I want them to taste like I can eat them for life.
This evening after work I came home and did Julian Michaels' 30 day Shred Level 1. This was my first real exercise since November last year. I don't want to overdo it. When I'm extremely strong, I would 2 levels back to back, not today though :nono:.

For dinner I prepared lightly pan fried Salmon in coconut oil (coconut oil helps in fat loss by the way) served on a bed of asparagus, carrots, portabella mushrooms, red & yellow bell peppers, red onions, sea salt and herb season to taste. I drizzled a tiny bit of sun dried and balsamic vinegar marinade (fat free) over it. It was really good.

As for my hair, I'm bunning this week so I'll moisturize my ends and head to bed in a bit.
Thanks for this. I can tell you when I was taking chlorella, it tasted and smelled straight up like grass! I could bear it, but it certainly wasn't pleasant!
I like and drink MusclePharm protein and they have the best tasting protein bars I've ever had, not chalky and thick like they'll choke me. That's how other brands have affected me :barf:

As for the super greens powders, I haven't tried those but would like to learn some more about how they taste. Taste is going to be a deal breaker for me because I want them to taste like I can eat them for life.
I gotta warn you about that 30 day shred! I did that thing and all those jumping jacks darn near crippled me!! By about day 5 or so my calves were so extremely sore that it was painful to walk for days!

Knowing what I know now, I should have been stretching and massaging my muscles after every workout. Doing that now saves me after strenuous workouts. I use a foam roller now and hold it on the painful muscles 30-40 seconds at a time.

This evening after work I came home and did Julian Michaels' 30 day Shred Level 1. This was my first real exercise since November last year. I don't want to overdo it. When I'm extremely strong, I would 2 levels back to back, not today though :nono:.

For dinner I prepared lightly pan fried Salmon in coconut oil (coconut oil helps in fat loss by the way) served on a bed of asparagus, carrots, portabella mushrooms, red & yellow bell peppers, red onions, sea salt and herb season to taste. I drizzled a tiny bit of sun dried and balsamic vinegar marinade (fat free) over it. It was really good.

As for my hair, I'm bunning this week so I'll moisturize my ends and head to bed in a bit.
I gotta warn you about that 30 day shred! I did that thing and all those jumping jacks darn near crippled me!! By about day 5 or so my calves were so extremely sore that it was painful to walk for days!

Knowing what I know now, I should have been stretching and massaging my muscles after every workout. Doing that now saves me after strenuous workouts. I use a foam roller now and hold it on the painful muscles 30-40 seconds at a time.

Actually It's not so bad if I just stick to one level for now. Remember I'm accustomed to doing two levels back to back but because I haven't worked out in a long while, I don't want to just jump in like I never stopped working out. That would be disastrous and indeed counter-productive. I don't want that at all:nono:.
Day 2 of boot camp done. I won't lie ya'll, when I rolled up and saw those giant tractor tires, I almost reversed right out. It was a tough workout, but I'm pleased I finished.

My hair needs rinsing, but I'm going to wait until my AHA liquid is delivered today. I want to make sure my scalp is well exfoliated.
I'm currently using protein world slender blend, only when i work out so haven't used in 2 weeks :look: but it has 20g of protein per serving and I have the chocolate one with water only and I think its nice

Oh lord I forgot I have a whole 5lb bag and a half of this. Have been totally under the weather for the past few days and have not worked out but that just gave me the adrenaline to go make a shake and pop in my tape.
Sorry for being MIA ya'll-- you guys will be glad to know that I kept my promise and did yoga! I also did some ab work over the weekend. I am waiting until I can afford a better sports bra to do any running or jumping jacks, but for now I'll do yoga, squats, hip thrusts and other bodyweight excercises.

I also want to say to ya'll that I am going to spar with my husband tonight!
I didn't feel like going to the gym last night so I did a 3 mile walk with ankle weights on. I'm not feeling as tired like yesterday so I may do a 45 kickboxing class tonight after work.

I also signed up for weight watchers so I can change some of my eating habits.. no need to go hard in the gym and then undo all of it by eating horrible.
Breakfast was 2 cups of coffee with almond coconut milk.

Dh made some crockpot chicken soup and it's soooo good. I'm probably just going to have a salad and grilled cheese for dinner.

I know that's not enough food, but I over ate yesterday :(
Hey guys! Just wanted to update you on my progress:

Hair update:
Washed my hair last night following Naptural's shine method. I shampooed and then DC'd. I then sprayed my hair with aloe vera juice, sealed with oil and did a curl former set. This morning I took them out and the shine is incredible!

As a side note, I ran out of shampoo (I shampoo once a week because I use Wen) and while at Target today I noticed a new low-porosity line from Shea Moisture. I always stayed away from this line because of the protein in their products but this has none and I'm excited to try the shampoo I bought.

Fitness Update:
DB and I joined the gym today. We were out cruising and he just randomly drove us to a gym and was like let's do it. I'm excited because this one offers daily group exercise classes which I prefer. We're gonna start tomorrow! There's a class tomorrow a.m. and my butt will be front and center!

Sorry for the long post y'all lol
Hey guys! Just wanted to update you on my progress:

Fitness Update:
DB and I joined the gym today. We were out cruising and he just randomly drove us to a gym and was like let's do it. I'm excited because this one offers daily group exercise classes which I prefer. We're gonna start tomorrow! There's a class tomorrow a.m. and my butt will be front and center!

Sorry for the long post y'all lol
I love that, front and center. You go girl.
I haven't been in here in a while. Life is just getting back to normal and I'm starting to feel like myself.

I blow dried and dusted my ends last weekend and forgot to take pictures. I will lost a picture when I do my length check in August.

Got off target with my eating when I had house guest. I'm 1 lb above my pre vacation weight. I hope to drop back to it by the middle of next week.

I'm 145.8 now and going to drop to 143. I will decide when I get there whether I want to continue to 140.

Not doing much exercise. I need to get on it. Fortunately just following FMD keeps me in a weight loss mode.
We spent hours at the furniture store, so there was no time to cook dinner. I ended up getting chicken pasta. It was very good, but I had enough willpower to only eat half.

I'm off today so my goal is to clean up, start packing and get over 15000 steps.
I think I only worked out a good 2 time this week and I've barely been getting my 10k steps in. I synced my fit-bit to the weight watchers app so at least i'm still getting my fit-points (which I don't plan to eat back).
Workout today was minimal but good. I did 50 leg presses and 30 calf raises. I'll be doing 30 squats at home tonight.

We just got a dog who's very active and playful. I cant wait to be able to take him for a walk. My kids love doing it because they say he really makes them work!

Yesterday I had over 600 calories leftover from my 1700 allotment. I don't know where my appetite went! Today is more back to normal.
So my workout yesterday morning was super intense. It was a 50 minute total body workout and I took today off to recover. However, there's a class tomorrow that I'm going to take.

I also made a hair cream following Naptural's Shea butter receipt except I used mango butter instead of Shea butter and also used my own oil mix. I'm a low-po girl and Shea butter just sits on my hair. I'm in love with mango butter tho. Anywho, I'm planning on do a twist out tonight with it and I'll let you guys know how it comes out.
Finally made it back to the gym. I'm easing back into it slowly so I don't hurt anything. lol Cuz it doesn't take much! I also discovered Uncle Funky's Curl magic...and man...never had swing before on dry hair. I see lots of wash n gos in my future....
This morning I'll be finishing up my last bit of Redken Time Reset Shampoo.

I'll be oil rinsing with a mixture of avj, evco and evoo.

Deep Conditioning with Macadamia Nourishing Moisture Masque

Used CRN Curl Maker with Wetline Xtreme gel and some oil on my bunned hair.

No exercise today. I'm recovering but I need to do something tomorrow for sure. I did 3 days of exercise this week. Hopefully I can increase that to 4 days next week.
Finished my 3/3 routine for this week and I'm super proud of myself . Two weeks in a row ! May not seem like a big deal to most but it's soooo hard for me to stay on a gym schedule because working out is soooo boring to me:cry3:

I definitely have to credit this thread so far and Shaun T's Cize! This week's routine was even more fun then the first and girl I was all up in it like nobodies business half didn't want it to end
My first week I did ok. I started exercising. I am doing 21day fix by beach body. I plan to do a few rounds. This round I am doing everything with the modified girl. Although it's kinda basic, I kinda like it. My muscles are sore so it's doing something. My eating was only ok. I will do better this week. But I did go down 1 pound so that's my goal one pound a week with a few hit or misses planned.

On the hair side I went to a salon because I did not feel like doing my hair but I should have just stayed on home. The hair wash with all the massaging was great though. However the blow dry was rather rough.