2016 Coffee Tea Acv Avj Ayurvedic Clay Powders Challenge

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Steeping my tea mix now for tomorrow's wash. One teabag each of nettle, hisbiscus, and horsetail, two teabags fenugreek, and 1 tbsp of slippery elm powder.
So I ended up postponing wash day until today instead of Saturday. Shampooed, used the rinse, and then DC'd.

Pros: So far this tea rinse thing is 2 for 2! My hair feels really soft and moisturized, my new growth is looking really defined, and it was easy to detangle today.

Cons: Last time I did not use the slippery elm powder and I wasn't really 100% sure on how I was supposed to use it this time either. I only used 1 tbsp for 64 oz of tea but I guess it has some sort of expanding properties or something because there was way more than 1 tbsp of sediment/goo/stuff in the bottom of the jar when I finally used it today (I made the mix on Friday). And I didn't think to strain it first, so six rinses later I still look like I have really bad dandruff. But I guess that's a testament to how well this tea rinsing works, that I can rinse my hair six times and it still feels great.
One more thing that I noticed as I was drying my hair: as I got deeper into this stretch I've been having a problem with knots causing tangling and breakage but today those knots seemed to just slide right out.
Finally clay washed my hair earlier this evening with a mix of rhassoul, c.bentonite, SAA, milk, water and a dash of ACV. I had so much she'd hair to remove smh, I felt like it wouldn't end. Reminds me why I like to maintain regular wash days.
Pulled out my Fresh Ginger Root mix for tomorrow's Wash Day. I really enjoyed using it and will use it again tomorrow.

Will "Steep" a Fresh Pot tomorrow for the next few wash days.
Steeping Yerba mate and Ceylon. Will use it in my clay wash mix and as a final rinse. Might also use it under my DC once I decide which one to use.
Going IN with the Ayurvedic treatments. :yep: I am pre-pooing with amla powder+vatika oil for 30+ minutes with the heat cap. Then deep conditioning (after shampooing) with conditioner+Amla oil under the heat cap. Finally I will be massaging either the vatika oil or Dabur Amla oil onto my scalp every night.
Yes. I started using the powders earlier this year but now I'm going to be more consistent. Is the Dabur Amla oil safe to use on the scalp? It has some baddies in it i.e. mineral oil. May just use it on the hair as a treatment to be rinsed out.

@Belle Du Jour
Thank you for joining. :welcome4:

Please keep us posted on your Powders and Other Ayurvedics.

When I was using Dabur Amla and other Dabur Oils - I used them as a Pre-Poo and Rinsed them out (mostly because of smell).
Lol at the Indian store today the man gave me free food (samosa and some dessert). :look: I probably won't go back to his store because he's a little pricey but I thought that was funny lol.
Thursday night, I pre-poo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & Ojon Damage Reverse. After shampoo session on Friday, I did an 80% R/O of ACV & V05 Free Me Freesia.
I was aiming for a less watery consistency (in the past I made gel with flaxseed marshmallow even psyllium and it was more consistent).

Once applied hair definition was poppin and the combing was okay. Will used the leftover and might add oil in it to get more slip. Also the thought of purchasing flaxseed crossed my mind will see for the next making of.

Good point is that after rinsing my hair is soft my scalp fresh and it didn't messed up with my sebum coverage.
Sooooo I'm back using henna and will be using ayurvedic herbs for maintenance. I used the Napur 9 henna today. I plan on doing henna glosses in between henna treatments which I'll do bimonthly and use ayurvedic powders in my prepoos and oils in between.
I've been shedding a lot more lately so I did an overnight treatment of neem oil, garlic tea and green tea on my scalp with vatika coconut oil on my length. I think it helped. I put the left over in the fridge so hopefully that lasts until next week or so.
I have bhringaraj powder. Last week I mixed it with clay.

Lately I've been wanting to do a coconut oil pre-poo and saw a tip online to mix the powder with it. I will mix tonight and apply tomorrow.
I applied this prepoo yesterday and haven't rinsed yet. Ummm...it smells. I'll clay it out sometime today.

I'll use it thru September and followup in October.
I steeped a Fresh Pot of Ginger Root and I also have some Oolong Tea to rinse with.

Waiting on my Indigo to come from Mehandi and I'll do a two Step Henna-Indigo hopefully this weekend.
I would just like to say indigo is the worse smelling stuff I've ever encountered :barf:.
I did a hendigo treatment but I think I'll just stick to henna and amla to give me a nice dark brown. I do like how luscious the color turned out.
I would just like to say indigo is the worse smelling stuff I've ever encountered :barf:.
I did a hendigo treatment but I think I'll just stick to henna and amla to give me a nice dark brown. I do like how luscious the color turned out.

Yeah....it's not the best smelling, but unfortunately I've smelled worse *yeah i'm talmbout you neem*:barf:

It does yield a nice deep luscious color deposit.
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