2016 Coffee Tea Acv Avj Ayurvedic Clay Powders Challenge

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Hi LT!:wave:
It's not the Tea it's Fresh Ginger Root from the Produce Section that I've been cutting off a piece(s) and steeping it. It smells so refreshing.

It feels wonderful.:love: So does the Tahitian No-ni mixed with warm water as a rinse.

I should be drinking them.:shhh:

Hi LT!:wave:
It's not the Tea it's Fresh Ginger Root from the Produce Section that I've been cutting off a piece(s) and steeping it. It smells so refreshing.

It feels wonderful.:love: So does the Tahitian No-ni mixed with warm water as a rinse.

I should be drinking them.:shhh:
@IDareT'sHar omg, nice you have gotten to be a true mixlogist! where as me i'm not mixing anything much anymore.
Finally got around to adding rosemary to my list of tea herbs, bringing the list to rosemary, slippery elm, hibiscus, nettle, fenugreek, and horsetail.

Also in the middle of infusing those same herbs into some hazelnut oil to add to my DC. Will use both the tea and the infusion in my wash tonight.
Coated my hair in vatika oil last night and then made a tea mix for my scalp with black tea, onion and garlic. I've been noticing less shedding ever since doing this mix (granted the previous times were with green tea) so I'm hoping it continues. Ended up using the tea twice, first as a scalp treatment and then as a rinse before my DC.
I read in a previous post in another thread that you were doing an Aloe mixed with Oil Rinse.

I tried it yesterday but added a little water to the mixture.

Was your mixture just straight Aloe Juice and Oil?

I'd like to try this rinse again. Next time maybe I'll just try the Aloe Juice and Oil for research purposes.:brainy:
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