2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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We'll be in Amsterdam together in about 4 days and it'll be out first little holiday together. I get to meet some of his friends from when he lived in A'dam, plus get to see my friend who just moved there.

It should be interesting (and hopefully fun!) as we're staying together for five days. I think the absolute max we've been together non-stop is something like 2 days. Neither of us will be able to escape back to our respective places. :lol:
He didn't give me my Christmas present yesterday. Said it wasn't finished and I would get it today. What's with all these components and parts, just give it to me. Last minute arse...
Lounging around on the coach listening to music and having drinks and snacks while talking about life. This is bliss. DOLCE FAR NIENTE "The sweetness of doing nothing"
Still spending time with his family. I'm having a good time! It's turning out better than I expected:lol: I was too nervous.

Christmas Eve we went to a neighbors house for carols and a neighborhood potluck. Many of the songs were American carols, and my BF's family is German, so it was a tad awkward for them. They said I had to take the lead for our part (grouped by guests). I don't even think I've sung American carols before:lol: though I know the tunes from listening to them on the radio, but I did us well! We did so well that people came up on congratulated us at the end:) I was so nervous about that carols outing but it turned out to be so much fun.
Why is it that when people break up folks respond by saying something along the lines of "sorry it didn't work out." A break up doesn't mean something didn't work out. In fact it worked exactly the way it was suppose to. The key is finding/learning the lesson.
A relationship that DOES work out = marriage, no?

Random thinking....
So....he's going to drive down 7 hours to spend NYE with me. He's dreading the drive already but says he'll be ok. I'm worried because he's leaving late at night.

Guess we'll be on the phone quite a bit. Can't wait to see him :D
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Lounging around on the coach listening to music and having drinks and snacks while talking about life. This is bliss. DOLCE FAR NIENTE "The sweetness of doing nothing"

My boo and i did this yesterday. Didn't leave the house once--just working out, eating, and napping. It was heavenly.
Does anyone else feel a lil tingle when their man says they could never date a white woman? :love:

I love this! I got those sentiments all the time from my ex, and I miss that. My current SO isn't like that at all. In fact, his preference is mixed chicks. I'm pretty pro-Black, almost militant so I don't know if I want to stay in this relationship. But I'm not sure if that's a silly reason to end things when everything else is going fine.
I love this! I got those sentiments all the time from my ex, and I miss that. My current SO isn't like that at all. In fact, his preference is mixed chicks. I'm pretty pro-Black, almost militant so I don't know if I want to stay in this relationship. But I'm not sure if that's a silly reason to end things when everything else is going fine.

I understand completely!
My last relationship had me feeling like I didn't fit his preference. This one is a 180. Hopefully there's nothing more to how you feel.
As much as I loveee SO, I wasn't raised in an affectionate household whatsoever and my parents are the worst example of a healthy and loving relationship. Sometimes I really don't know how to express my feelings for him while he is so vocal and affectionate. I really hope he doesn't get the wrong idea. Any tips?
Him and I just love long drives, especially when it's just because. We had the most wonderful Christmas.

Oh, and doing nothing with the one you love that loves you back is definitely heavenly.

He's so doggone good at spoiling me, and I don't mind one bit. When he says 'you're so spoiled'. I just say 'thanks to you' or 'thank you baby' or 'I love you too'. :kisslips:
I really wish I had that. This torments me every single day. I'm trying to push these feelings aside and enjoy what I do have.

Oh no Libra08! If you have someone that makes you happy and treats you properly it shouldn't bother you. I just know for myself and my future it would never work. I'd let my vagina fall off first.
this weekend we hung out in houston with friends and did some stuff i can't talk about on this forum.:lol: but OMG it was amazing. euphoria for hours.:reddancer:
My BDay was this past Friday. He texted me what time to be ready and never told me where we were going. We went to a really nice restaurant, one that I've never heard of or been to (he complains that I've been to every restaurant here lol!), and it was really nice. Good food, good drinks, and just a nice time with him in general. He got my TV all set up this weekend too. I couldn't ask for a better Christmas/BDay.
We looked at a few apartments last weekend and found 1 we really really like! We applied today and got approved. Yay! Our move in date is 2/19. :D
My 99 year old grandmother and her 98 year old sister are putting him to work making tea for them! I'm in the bedroom eavesdropping. It's hilarious! They are play fighting and dragging him in....they are giving him directions like crazy...get this water, put this water, get that sugar. And he's following like a good soldier. I'm sitting here reporting to y'all lmao!!!!
Tonight will be epic! We are going to go to Dave and Busters for games and drinks then head to a fancy dinner and then to the beach to watch the fireworks in Waikiki, Hawaii then head out for a night of dancing. I am at work counting down the hours until I see him again...which is not that far off. He has a breakfast with his boss and coworkers and invited me so I brought a change of clothes to slip into right after work.

S/N: It's something about that gaze that he keeps giving me that makes me melt. He won't say anything at the time just play with my hair or rub my leg and look at me and smile. What is this man thinking?! I wish I knew!
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I'm pregnant and tired and I don't want to go over your relatives smoky house to make sure we kiss when the ball drops:sad:
I just want to eat and sleep!!
I'm not into new years at all and had work in the morning, but glad he made me stay up for sentimental times lol. We really turned things around this year and it's nice to mark it :)
I hope everyone had an awesome New Year's Eve. We sure did.

We went out for a lovely dinner. We drank wine at home. We went to sleep (and I set the alarm for 11:50pm :giggle: ). We kissed at midnight. We went out for breakfast early this morning (thank goodness we're morning folks lol). We'll be in chill mode until it's time for work on Monday. I just love extra long weekend. Ahhhhh.
I need to vent and I wasn't sure what thread so this will have to do.

This is not about me.

I have been hearing about someone's relationship and I am disgusted. My initial reaction to all of this: at what point do you demand better for yourself? I mean where is your self-respect? Not to mention demanding respect from others!

So here goes.

Dating Black couple. Everyone is well-educated, good backgrounds, good on paper, both come from two-parent homes, yada, yada. Dating for about a year I think. They have had their ups and downs with random bs (like throwing gift to her halfway across the room in front of her family instead of handing it to her like everyone else :rolleyes:). I would have dropped kicked him a LONG time ago but that is another story.

While they were around her family recently, dude had a runny nose. He kept wiping his nose on his sleeve. When his sleeve was no longer satisfactory to him, he wiped his snot on her. (<--YES!!!!! You read that correctly!)

That is just nasty! I am livid and he didn't even do it to me! Yet, she is still dating him and hoping for a ring. Her brother said something to him about it but half-heartedly. Her father didn't see it and didn't know until after they left town apparently.

He has done other random BS that every time I hear about the latest thing he did, I think "that took the cake" but after the snot incident, I can't believe she is still with him! I can't get it out of my mind that a grown assss man would do something like that and that a grown assss woman would put up with it.

I have spoken to someone close to her (bc I don't know her that well) and told them to step up for her. That even if she doesn't demand respect for herself, her friends/family should demand it for her! If our friendship is over bc you feel I overstepped some ridiculous bounds, fine but I will not be silent about other people being treated badly, esp. people I care about.

I am too through with their situation and lightweight don't even want to hear anymore about it bc everyone involved (incl. her people) are at fault at this point for witnessing this and not saying something. :perplexed
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