***2013 Up Your Water Intake Challenge ***


Here I grow again!
Ok, here we go again!

We all know that proper hydration from the inside benefits our entire bodies - hair, skin, organs, err'thang! And yet, most of us walk around dehydrated on the regular.

It is said that you should drink half your body weight in ounces. By that I mean, if you are 150lbs, you should drink 75 ounces of water daily. Further, if you're not drinking enough, it takes 3 days of drinking the proper amount to properly rehydrate your body.

Think of your body as a plant. Now compare a plant that doesn't get enough water regularly with a plant that does. One's gonna look healthier and grow better.

So let's see... healthier and faster growing hair, softer and clearer skin, organs functioning as intended, weight loss and increased metabolism, maintaining proper ph balance in the body, removes toxins from the body, helps transport nutrients throughout the body and increased energy, just to name a few benefits.

I know that drinking water had always been a chore for me. I had to ease my way into drinking the proper amount by starting low and working my way up. I also had to start out by adding flavor to my water. Lemons were my choice. But through the challenge, I've graduated to drinking my proper amount in plain water. I say that to encourage anyone who feels she can barely get one glass down, let alone the proper daily amount.

THAT'S what this challenge is for. To help us get on track and stay on track. *singing and waving on beat* "We fall down, but we get up".

We all know that it's needed. Now who's willing to commit to doing it? Let's do it in 2013!!!

If you were in the 2012 challenge, I'm tagging you but not automatically adding you. Anyone wanting to join, please thank this post and also post your goal in ounces and your plan for getting there.

Thanks ladies! Drink up! (water, that is. :lick:)

Challenger's List

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I'm in again! Lately, I haven't been as consistent with my half gallon consumption, so that is my goal for the next three months.
My current water jug that I use for work is 40 oz, I need more water during the day.

I could drink 2 cups of herbal tea in addition to my 40 oz of water. That would get me up to a good 56 oz during work. I could get in 16 oz in the morning and 16 at night when I get home (if I will remember).

My worst time for drinking water is in the evenings and on weekends. This is where I get the "needs improvement" mark.
I'm in! Drinking water is very difficult for me, but my good health depends on it. Be back with my goal amount and plan.
Thanks for the tag! I'm in again. My goal is 100 ounces. I really need help with a plan. I start a new job where I have to go 3 hour stretches without using the restroom. I have no good ideas yet for how to do that, maintain my water intake and not get up all night to relieve myself. If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears!
Alright, alright, alriiiiiiight! The Players are showing up! Thanks, Ladies. Who's next? :drunk:
Thanks for the tag! I'm in again. My goal is 100 ounces. I really need help with a plan. I start a new job where I have to go 3 hour stretches without using the restroom. I have no good ideas yet for how to do that, maintain my water intake and not get up all night to relieve myself. If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears!

Try smaller amounts during the workday and hit the larger amounts immediately afterwards. Luckily, the increased potty runs are most prevalent when you first up your water intake. Eventually, the body seems to adjust and things level off. At least that's been my experience and what I've been hearing from a few others.

In any case, where there's a will, there's a way. You can do it! :yep:
I'm in :) I've fallen off in the last couple of weeks actually. But I'll definitely be back starting next week. During the work week is great and if I can keep the momentum going, the weekends are pretty good too.
I'm in! I'm supposed to drink 103 oz. per day. I do pretty well, during the week during the weekends and when I'm on vacation I am wayyyyy under. I am committed to correcting this so I have been carrying large sized water bottles with me to sip all day (33 oz.) and using a water tracking app on my iPhone.
Try smaller amounts during the workday and hit the larger amounts immediately afterwards. Luckily, the increased potty runs are most prevalent when you first up your water intake. Eventually, the body seems to adjust and things level off. At least that's been my experience and what I've been hearing from a few others.

In any case, where there's a will, there's a way. You can do it! :yep:

I guess I have a week to practice. I think it's because I drink in large spurts since I often forget and then I have to run to the restroom. Good suggestion!
I'm in :) I've fallen off in the last couple of weeks actually. But I'll definitely be back starting next week. During the work week is great and if I can keep the momentum going, the weekends are pretty good too.

I guess I have a week to practice. I think it's because I drink in large spurts since I often forget and then I have to run to the restroom. Good suggestion!

Oh good. Definitely get started and use that week to let your body adjust. I think you'll do fine.
I'm in- I'm shooting for 64oz/day. I drink (or try to) 1-8oz glass of water every hour, so it's not o overwhelming.
I'm in! Lord knows I've got to do better! My goal is to reach two (2) 1L bottles of that good ole Fiji water/day (added Silica ladies!). Right now I feel good if I finish one. Will stock up on my BJ's run this weekend.
I'm in for 64 ounces. I've fallen off terribly so I'm probably going to have to drink a lot of cucumber water and herbal tea. But I'm I'm! :grin:
i suck at challenges and fell off something terrible on the last one lol. but i will try my best to stay engaged this time. as i type this i am sipping on a medium sized dr.pepper :spank: smh
I'm 140lbs so i guess thats 70oz a day for me. Let's get it!
Thanks NJoy I'm in!

My water intake goal is to drink a gallon a day = 128oz. I plan to work my way up to that little by little. I'll start by drinking 20-32oz when I first wake up and be sure to drink a bottle of water before having anything else to drink (i.e. tea, coffee, juice).

**Off to get a big glass**
I'm in. Hoping to stay on track this time. I need this for overall health anyway.

If we are to drink half our body wt, that would put me at 90oz:look: umm, not gonna' happen. Therefore, I will work my way up to that. If I can't drink the regular 64 oz required, no way can I start off drinking 90 oz. :nono:

For the first week I'll start off at 40 oz, then increase 20 oz for the next week, and so on.:yep:

Thanks NJoy
My goal is 64 oz but seeing how I probably don't even get 16 oz down in a day, this is definitely going to be a big challenge.
I was a complete failure the last time around:nono: I hope to do better this go around. I will start small and hope for 24oz a day.
I'm in! Thanks for tagging me. I will need to drink about 60oz. a day. Not really sure how i'm gonna get there because sadly i rarely drink water. I have to have a "taste" for it.
Also i will try to incorporate a large portion of my intake during work hours. Perhaps 8oz. every two hours.

8oz.x7cups=56oz.+4oz(1/2 cup)=60oz.
8hours@wrk=4cups(32oz.)+8oz.(extra cup)=40oz.
20oz. outside wrk=2cups+40z.(1/2 cup)
I think i'll have to make a set schedule...it'll work out, lol.
I think I need this challenge. I like water, but go for long stretches sometimes without drinking it or not drinking nearly enough.

I would have to drink 115oz! :perplexed:shocked: almost a gallon! Even when I'm doing well I generally don't drink anywhere near that much - closer to half that - so I'm sure I'm plenty dehydrated.

I'm in- I'm shooting for 64oz/day. I drink (or try to) 1-8oz glass of water every hour, so it's not o overwhelming.

Good idea doing it in small chunks - I think I'll adopt a similar method for myself. I'll combine this with Njoy's suggestion of timing peak drinking times to...ummm....schedule flexibility. :look:

Since I'm not used to so much water I'll start slow - consistantly get in 64 oz and work my way up to 115oz.
i'm in for 70 ounces, thats 9 glasses a day. I think if i cut out juices and cordials and replace it with water or tea, I could rehydrate myself and cut tonnes of calories too. Those thing are sooooo bad for your teeth too. water for meeee
I'm in. My goal is at least 64-80oz a Day. I use to drink plenty of water, I just fell off recently. Hoping I can stay consistent.