2013 MN Challenge

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@jprayze - I just saw your 12/23/13 to 2/15/13 growth - that is fantastic growth. ~~~CONGRATULATIONS~~~ How much growth is that? You should be very excited. I actually use MN in a sulfur/oil mix nightly. Not seeing your type of growth. But I have committed to sticking with my current regimens (hair product use and vitamings for 6-8 months) to see results. I should receive my length shirt any day now. So I will do a length check every 6-8 weeks.
jprayze that is good growth. I bought a length check tee too. Took my first pic with it a couple days ago. I should use that pic as my March check in since I doubt i'll see much change in 2.5 weeks.

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[USER=306389]ilong[/USER];18049381 said:
@jprayze - I just saw your 12/23/13 to 2/15/13 growth - that is fantastic growth. ~~~CONGRATULATIONS~~~ How much growth is that? You should be very excited. I actually use MN in a sulfur/oil mix nightly. Not seeing your type of growth. But I have committed to sticking with my current regimens (hair product use and vitamings for 6-8 months) to see results. I should receive my length shirt any day now. So I will do a length check every 6-8 weeks.

Yes length check shirts are great! Because I wasn't really measuring, just kind of estimating. Now I can see its about an inch per month. I trimmed/dusted just barely an 1/2 this week though so conservatively I will say 3 inches in roughly 3 months. Since the beginning of the challenge, I've gone from a nice APL to almost BSL. I'm amazed too bc I thought it was going to take much longer. January was the first time I've used sulfur and I think that has boosted my growth. Ive been using it roughly every other day.

I like that you are using your regimen for so long to assess it. I was tempted to make a change but I think I will just stick to what I have going since I see results.
So i had a big set back I lost inches on my hair due to a bad doobie and I believe partially someone cutting my tracks out wrong and taking my hair with it as well so now im going to try wigging it and applying mn and wild growth oil every other day I will post pics of my damage when I get a chance hmph :(





as promised where do I begin?? If I thought it was thin before idk what it is now and half of one side of my hair is completely gone. Nobody deserves this!!
jprayze I don't even think mn will help this I mean.. Damn
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[USER=322749]ladieluv2010[/USER];18059039 said:
So i had a big set back I lost inches on my hair due to a bad doobie and I believe partially someone cutting my tracks out wrong and taking my hair with it as well so now im going to try wigging it and applying mn and wild growth oil every other day I will post pics of my damage when I get a chance hmph :(


as promised where do I begin?? If I thought it was thin before idk what it is now and half of one side of my hair is completely gone. Nobody deserves this!!
jprayze I don't even think mn will help this I mean.. Damn

So sorry you had to go thru this! It is going to take a while to grow back but the MN and wild growth should help. Do you still have enough hair to bun? I think that would be good so you don't really have to look at the length for a while. Also roller sets might disguise the unevenness. Again, I feel for you and hope your hair grows back stronger and longer than ever.
Hi Everyone, I would like to join this challenge now. I've been kind of stuck in a rut with my hair growth and need to get back to a healthy regimen.
My current length is between SL and APL.
I have used MN before with good results, last used in Fall 2012.
I usually mix my MN with a leave in conditioner, castor & coconut oils, shea butter & EVOO.
I will apply every other night.
I will also be periodically using megatek conditioner
I will co-wash tonight so I will start this evening!
Starting pic with curls about 6 weeks ago before relaxer, I relax every 3-4 months.


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Thanks actually last night I went on a cutting spree and cut my hair really really short like little shorter bob length all around. I needed it because my ends weren't in good condition anyway and I still feel as if I should keep cutting but I have faith in my hair that in due time it will grow back.
Thanks actually last night I went on a cutting spree and cut my hair really really short like little shorter bob length all around. I needed it because my ends weren't in good condition anyway and I still feel as if I should keep cutting but I have faith in my hair that in due time it will grow back.

Well enjoy your bob while you have it...
Check In: Been applying my Liquid Gold every other day. I think I'm finally getting used to the smell. It can be quite strong. Maybe because I apply too much on accident.
Once I finish this bottle, I'm off to MN mixture again. So far I like this plan. Can't wait to see some good results and even compare growth from the Oil mixture with growth from MN.
I purchased the NJoy oil. I'll use it for about a month, then probably alternate just like a previous poster.
Due to shedding I must drop out of this challenge. I went 4 weeks no MN and had less shedding during recent wash. MN helped give my hair thickness, I hope u ladies continue to be successful!
I'm still in it to win it. I have been slacking on applying my MN, since I only manipulate my hair once a week. But I finally remembered to apply my MN before pinning my hair up. Like the other posters stated, I plan on buying the Njoy mix and try to either apply the njoy mix and my MN mix every other week and then gradually increase usage.
I'm still in it to win it. I have been slacking on applying my MN, since I only manipulate my hair once a week. But I finally remembered to apply my MN before pinning my hair up. Like the other posters stated, I plan on buying the Njoy mix and try to either apply the njoy mix and my MN mix every other week and then gradually increase usage.

Sounds good...I'm realizing you don't have to use MN that frequently and you still get good results.
I'm planning to finish alternating every other day with the MN mix and liquid gold until the end of the month. For April I am going to use the MN mix only and gradually use less. Then May is I use only liquid gold oil.
I am wondering if its really the MN that's giving the growth boost or is it the jbco that is really doing the work... I ran out of JBCO so I was just using plain mn. Not seeing the same growth although I had not measured. However, now that I reupped on my jbco inventory and using it faithfully, my cornrows feel loose already. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same. Most people mix the mn with some kind of oil right? What are your thoughts?
I am wondering if its really the MN that's giving the growth boost or is it the jbco that is really doing the work... I ran out of JBCO so I was just using plain mn. Not seeing the same growth although I had not measured. However, now that I reupped on my jbco inventory and using it faithfully, my cornrows feel loose already. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same. Most people mix the mn with some kind of oil right? What are your thoughts?

Yes most ppl are mixing with some kind of oil. Are you thinking to just use JBCO and forget about the MN?
I am using mn and JBCO right now but I don't have much mn left. So before I buy some mn, I just wondered if I should try the jbco alone for a while. Have you tried just jbco? Also, I am using the jbco with ylang ylang. It supposed to be the strongest kind for growth.
I am using mn and JBCO right now but I don't have much mn left. So before I buy some mn, I just wondered if I should try the jbco alone for a while. Have you tried just jbco? Also, I am using the jbco with ylang ylang. It supposed to be the strongest kind for growth.

Yes I would give it a try alone. I haven't, but it's all about finding what works best for you to give you maximum growth.
Used my one year heat pass today. Omly used heat with the flat iron, my sister can work magic with a blow dryer on the cool setting. Thanks to no heat and bunning (and mn!) since December im getting way better retention then I was when I didnt this time last year. Closing in on MBL !


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Used my one year heat pass today. Omly used heat with the flat iron, my sister can work magic with a blow dryer on the cool setting. Thanks to no heat and bunning (and mn!) since December im getting way better retention then I was when I didnt this time last year. Closing in on MBL !

Yes!!! Beautiful! You are closing in for real!
Hey everyone! My check-In:

My Hair is Still in twists, applying Sulfur hair growth oil every other day. It's been about 2 weeks or so and I still haven't noticed any new growth, but for me it's way too early. Been really forcing myself not to slack on putting this stuff on, cause persistence/consistency is what will pay off. And, as you can see, I really need it. I was thinking about a visit to the hair shop to get it flat-ironed. Maybe on my B-day in April. Since I cut my ends, I am wondering how long it is straight.

@jprayze- Did you buy your 'Length Check' shirt or did you make it? Also, I noticed in an earlier post that you mentioned In april you were going to Use MN only and 'gradually use less' MN. I was just curious as to why you plan to 'gradually use less'.

Note: I recently discovered (much to my horror), that my hair grows much, much slower than normal. Even with using MN I would receive approximately 3/4" in 2 months. It had not always been this way, I remember years ago getting nice patches of new growth monthly. Now I can go a whole month with no, or not much visible growth. Not sure what happened. So, that's why now I have been asking a lot of questions and getting tips from others of what hair growth aids work for them. I am also planning to buy some Biotin or something, so I can have an 'internal' hair growth aid as well.
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