2015 MN Challenge

Hi I joined the forum specifically to join this challenge. I believe I am BSL? I just finished pressing my hair I have it wrapped I will upload a photo soon.

I did do some experimentation with using MN for 20 days and although I haven't really been keeping track of my length. I did get some satisfactory results and definitely will continue using. I mixed half a tube of MN with Water, Olive Oil and Rosemary. It's a 4oz concoction.
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I applied my mn/aloe mix today. Now I'm inverting. I don't want to straighten my hair again until I hit Bsl...that may take a few months, but it's ok. I can apply my mix daily now without worrying about reversion. It'll be worth it when I finally straighten :grin:
I've been applying my mn for the past 4 days, just been forgetting to post. My mom finally did my cornrows so I'll just be applying around the perimeter and between the braids. Can't wait to see my growth. My hair looks so thin :sad:
Hi I joined the forum specifically to join this challenge. I believe I am BSL? I just finished pressing my hair I have it wrapped I will upload a photo soon. I did do some experimentation with using MN for 20 days and although I haven't really been keeping track of my length. I did get some satisfactory results and definitely will continue using. I mixed half a tube of MN with Water, Olive Oil and Rosemary. It's a 4oz concoction.

Welcome BlackRinse!!! Glad to have you with us! Hope you enjoy LHCF and see great results!
I put off washing my hair yesterday so today is wash day. I can't wait to try my new Kerastase conditioner :grin:
What is your current length? - APL

Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used MN? - Less than 1 Month

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? -Mixed

What frequency will you apply it? Every other day

Any other growth aids that you are using? - No.

Anything else you care to add? - I am hairstyle challenged and only know how to apply MN with cornrows/wigs but it gets boring. Need tips.

Don't forget a starting pic!
Here you go:

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So if you're in...thank and answer these questions:
What is your current length? close to or a little past APL. Idk, my hair has been in PS (loc extensions) for 12 weeks.
Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? No it is not, I've never been consistent with it though.
How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? I will mix it with grape seed oil or castor oil, Idk. I'll use it all year as long as I'm getting results.
What frequency will you apply it? I'll apply the mix daily for my massage for inversion and then 3-4 times a week after that. (7days the first week, 3-4 days a week for the rest of the month)
Any other growth aids that you are using? I steam my hair, castor oil, different leave in conditioners, it works hair skin nail vitamins and manetabolism. I do a protein treatment every 6 weeks when my hair is out, every 8-12 weeks when it is in a PS.
Anything else you care to add? Not at this time.

This pic is from August 2014. I do not have a current length pic becaus. My hair has been in a PS for the past 3 months.


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What is your current length? About an inch from APl
Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I used it last summer and the summer before while transitioning to natural
How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed: either with sulfur 8 or Doo Gro/Dr Miracles gro oil/ Hair Trigger Growth Elixer
What frequency will you apply it? most likely every other day or every few days until it gets warm and i can wash my hair more often, then every day
Any other growth aids that you are using? nope
Anything else you care to add? i plan on doing box braids with my own hair for a while to give my hair a break for heat so i figured this would work perfectly while i have them in, when i used Mn before i didn't see results right away but when i finally did i went from apl to bsl in about 3months so hopefully i can get the same results again.

im currently pre pooing so after i wash and dry ill post a picture
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I washed my hair yesterday and used Kerastase Oleo Relax and Alter Ego as a dc. After airdrying and redoing my braids I was too tired to apply my mix. I plan on applying the mix today.

As crazy as it sounds, the 1/4 inch that I trimmed last week has already grown back. I did a pull test and I am getting closer to Bsl. As in a few strands are already there :grin:
I ran out of mix so I mixed up a few more ounces. This is my last tube so I better go to the store this week.
I haven't applied in a few days, because washday took all of my energy (Monday) and I was busy all day yesterday. I'm back on it today :yep:
It's almost here...Length check!!! Can't wait to see all your results especially those who have been using MN since January!
I'm excited about length checks too. I hope that I am Bsl so that I can start gradually trimming my straight ends. If I chop them all at once I will be back to Apl.
Best Days for Beneficial Haircutting in 2015

March 18-19 — Spring Equinox — are the best dates to cut for spring and the ultimate date for lengthening
June 17-18 — Summer Solstice — are the best dates to cut for summer.
September 21-22-23 — Fall Equinox — are the best dates to cut for fall.
December 21-22 — Winter Solstice — are the best dates to cut for winter.

I can't miss the Spring Equinox trim...especially because I've been needing a trim anyway.
I just trimmed last month on a lengthening day. I only took off 1/4 inch. If I trim again this month it'll be a dusting (1/8 inch).
[*]What is your current length? Between SL -:APL

[*]Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? NO. I was using in 2 years ago just stop

[*]How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed with. Megatak

[*]What frequency will you apply it? Mon, Wed, Fri

[*]Any other growth aids that you are using? Megatek and vitamins. A lot of different conditioners

[*]Anything else you care to add? I stop combing my hair and focusing on co washing every other day.

Starting pic
[*]What is your current length? Between SL -:APL [*]Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? NO. I was using in 2 years ago just stop [*]How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed with. Megatak [*]What frequency will you apply it? Mon, Wed, Fri [*]Any other growth aids that you are using? Megatek and vitamins. A lot of different conditioners [*]Anything else you care to add? I stop combing my hair and focusing on co washing every other day. Starting pic

This is my starting pic.
I'm supposed to wash my hair today, but we are going to the rodeo so... I may have to wait until tomorrow.
I applied my mix today. I'm looking forward to next wash day so I can do a moisture dc. I have been using protein after each wash for about a month now.
Hi ladies! So sorry I've been away for so long! I still owe you all a length check. I'll try to post tonight. I need to reinstall the app on my phone. Hope all is well. Hey @Prettymetty...thanks for continuing to update!
I will apply my mix tonight. I use it on Wed, Fri and Sun

My new wash schedule is Mondays and Thursdays. It's getting hot and I'm working out more.
Hopefully it's not too late to join! I've been using my MN mix for about 5 days and i have noticed some new growth...i thought it would be nice to join this challenge for motivation

  • What is your current length? BSL

  • Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? Never used MN before

  • How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? mixed in 80z bottle JBCO, jojoba oil, almond oil, alma oil, 1 tsp of sublimed sulphur and 1 tube of Gyno daktarin (2%)

  • What frequency will you apply it? Everyday mostly or 2 times a day

  • Any other growth aids that you are using? None for the time being

  • Anything else you care to add? Couching everyday as i hate the feel of oil on my hair, plus my mix makes my hair dry

  • Don't forget a starting pic