2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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Hi ladies...this is my first time actually reading through this thread...in what seems like a word of naturals it's nice to see beautiful heads of relaxed hair!!!

I am 7 weeks post and plan on relaxing July 1 at 13 weeks...other info? I had a super major setback in 2011, lots of stress and post partum shedding took me from full BSL in jan to SL in oct =( so now I'm in the APL in 2012 and MN challenge and doing my own personal challenge of bunning for a year with a few passes...I always roller set but I'm Gong to try to start air drying... On my new journey Ive turned into a major product junkie, I need serious help...but other then that I'm hoping to reach BSL by my daughter 2nd birthday on dec 1 and WL in 2013... Hope everyone reaches their goals HAPPY HAIR GROWING
Cool @shortdub78 - I have a roller setting blog entry and can add a little sum'n sum'n to your thread. I know @sunnieb roller sets occasionally and um, yeah @Ms. Tiki, did deep you got some talents. Henna? I'd love to learn more as I mentioned to you before, this topic stumps me.

You would find something for me, wouldn't you? OK, I'll take all things Indian for $1000 Alex. Am I the only one in here that steams?
I will be the poster child of not doing at home trims with shears. I will stick to my split ender from now on. I'm lopsided. BTW, my hair is damp and uncombed. The lopsided isn't as bad when it's flat iron but it's still a pain. The black line is my waist. Thank God for being short

:cry: I go to bed way tooo early.....all the action happening in here while I sleep:grin:
Ms. Tiki I steam too, twice a week (well usually twice a weekend friday and sat or sun).

Yes I do cowash daily...and divachyk I think its a good idea at the very least I vow to be a more active poster in help required threads:grin:
divachyk - just callin' errybody out up in here! :lol:

Ya'll know I'll do my part for my fellow relaxed sistas! I have a few topics that I thought were goofy, but I'll post them.

Divachyk needs to start the relaxed bunning thread though! :look:

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@divachyk I was a bit taken aback by that thread. To be honest, I am quite happy with the way things are. Us relaxed heads know where to find information when we need it.

However if the relaxed ladies feel the need to have more presence here, then by all means we should go ahead and start up new threads. We could do one on stretching and/or moisturizing new growth as that is a major concern for relaxed heads. We could also do one on hair candy as I for one need all the help I can get in that area.
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PSA -- plz read....

Ladies, the recent thread of the young lady has me thinking. We should come up with other topics and start new threads to keep our threads well thought out and free from variety clutter. Meaning, we shouldn't embed a variety of topics within one thread. We should break out our threads by subject matter.

I love the buddy thread because it's very similar to a RT but for relaxed hair.

Any suggestions on some good thread ideas? The catch is, we must all participate so that we don't leave a fellow sister out there looking like she's started a thread for no apparent reason. That's a sure way to get bashed by other forum members.

Topics that come to mind are cowashing relaxed hair, finger combing relaxed hair, two strand twisting relaxed hair, flat twisting, etc etc...Do you honestly think this idea is yay or nay? Be honest, my feelings aren't easily hurt. I know there are many other threads that discuss these topics but perhaps we can gear our threads toward relaxed hair to set us apart. What say you?

Well, I haven't mastered anything yet :blush:. I'm learning so much from all of you. I do have a suggestion. So many of you have beautiful, thick, long, and healthy hair; it would be nice to see a thread of pics and tips of the beginning of your hair journeys to now. I would love to see pics of @sunnieb, @divachyk, @Nix08, @Ms. Tiki, @shortdub78, KhandiB, and anyone else who has gone from EL/NL/SL to APL/BSL/MBL/WL. I need some inspiration and encouragement to get through this phase of NL-->SL. In particular, what styles, products, regimens did you incorporate to go from short to long. So if you have links to fotkis, photo albums, blogs, ... it would be nice to see it all in one place for newbies and ladies with shorter hair. Thanks!:grin:
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I will represent but I'll be the one looking for pictures for inspiration as oppose to posting them, LOL! I'll see what I can come up with though.
Hey, ladies! Decided to join in. Need to get back into serious mode with my hair! I'm not sure exactly how many Weeks I am (I Will start getting better about that), but i'm almost 3 months post. I intend to relax by this weekend! :yay: I will be reading this thread!
xu93texas - Im flattered to be even mentioned in this :lol: - I think this is a good idea. For me a thread on relaxed protective styles would be great, I keep losing length because Im cutting due to not having what I think are cute styles outside of braidouts and buns… Im finally ..after ALL these years…realizing wearing my hair out every day all day, is not good for my ends …

Well, I haven't mastered anything yet :blush:. I'm learning so much from all of you. I do have a suggestion. So many of you have beautiful, thick, long, and healthy hair; it would be nice to see a thread of pics and tips of the beginning of your hair journeys to now. I would love to see pics of @sunnieb, @divachyk, @Nix08, @Ms. Tiki, @shortdub78, KhandiB, and anyone else who has gone from EL/NL/SL to APL/BSL/MBL/WL. I need some inspiration and encouragement to get through this phase of NL-->SL. In particular, what styles, products, regimens did you incorporate to go from short to long. So if you have links to fotkis, photo albums, blogs, ... it would be nice to see it all in one place for newbies and ladies with shorter hair. Thanks!:grin:
Ok, I'll do it later today. This will be my first post I start, so ya'll better represent!:lol: I don't want to keep bumping for replies!:lol:

i'll post! i haven't updated my pics in awhile, but from Jan 2010-present i came from bald fade to my current length. i reached APL in Sept 2011 but i had to cut some progress off, then i had a nasty setback earlier this year from protein, so i had to cut off 2 inches. my growth rate is pretty average. 1/4-1/2 inch a month. i realized that less is more. all of the oils, prepoos, etc... doesn't work for me. i just need to make sure i wash and condition. and low manipulation. i can't be bothered with PSing everyday of my life. i want to enjoy my hair.
Ok ladies -- we can either bump a thread we think is relevant or we can create new ones. I'm down either way.

I started a bunning thread long time ago and I'll bump that for now. If we feel we need to establish another thread about bunning, then I'll do it. @sunnieb :yep:
To be fair, I searched what threads we could bump first without starting new ones. Found a few.

Relaxed protective styles...let's post our pics/instructions there.

@Ms. Tiki, I tagged you on a henna thread that you might can latch on to. Check it out.

Here are some threads I found that I didn't bump that some of you might can bump - hint hint. I don't want to be the only bumper and it be having me looking all foolish.

University of Relaxed Hair

Divachyk's Bun
Ms. Tiki, if you don't feel comfy, real talk, you don't have too. I was just tagging you so that you can take a look and see if it qualified for a good bump thread vs. you creating a new one. :look: I sowwwy.
:lachen: I really don't either but if I bump, I want someone to at least post and not let the thread go back to being stale. We're getting some good relaxed participation as of late.
@Ms. Tiki, if you don't feel comfy, real talk, you don't have too. I was just tagging you so that you can take a look and see if it qualified for a good bump thread vs. you creating a new one. :look: I sowwwy.

@divachyk I need you not to be sensitive. Have not caught on that I have a sarcastic sense of humor. We are all good.:bighug::bighug::bighug:

I will say that we need a new thread b/c that one was mainly about henna around relaxer time. It really doesn't lead into henna at any other time or recipes for henna and other Ayurveda products and powders.
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So I just relaxed. :lol: I couldn't take the new growth anymore. :nono: it's late, so I just blow dried and plan to flat iron/style in the morning. so I'll take pics then.
So I just relaxed. :lol: I couldn't take the new growth anymore. :nono: it's late, so I just blow dried and plan to flat iron/style in the morning. so I'll take pics then.
I will be relaxing tomorrow too. Sorry to abandon you guys:bighug:. I will then get medium sized micros in 3 or 4 weeks.
Relaxed today. Transitioning was too much work!!! 2 years and the NG was driving me nuts.

I'll gladly take long healthy and relaxed.
Hey Buddies..

Just wanted to post pics of my Fake Ash Roller Set, :lol: I use a curling iron because I stink at rollersets.. but now that I have these, I hope it will get easier


This is the best my hair has looked in a long time.
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