2012 HYH Challenge (Jan 1st - June 30th)

Almost forgot I was in this challenge. I'm still hiding my hair though. Under a the Tammy Halfwig right now. Hiding my hair has become almost second nature to me. I'm way to paranoid about having my hair rub against my shoulders.
Just got a set of Senegalese twists installed on Monday for my vacation next week; I want to keep them in for 8wks which means I'd be rocking this same set until mid-April...wish me luck !!!
I committed myself to wearing my hair up for 30 days, so not just in a protective style (currently in twists), but no ends showing or very minimal exposure. Luckily I can finally use my hair sticks and other toys to get my hair into a french roll. Its been fun trying to figure out how to change it up every day.
Man! I have been one lazy bum lately. All week I wore my hair in a ballerina bun, and today, I have a puff. Every weekend I have had the intentions of installing mini twists. And every weekend I've punked out.

I'm such a bum...
I'm thinking I gonna start getting my hair braided with a fake bun so I can hide/baggy my ends. Wear that for two or three weeks, then wear Bori for two weeks with either the old braids or Celie braids for three weeks, then braid again. How does that sound?
5 weeks into my install. Things are going smoothly. Curling every morning is kinda time consuming so I've started just pulling it back in a pony. Lazy me. I've got good growth also but thanks to the net the weave is still very secure.

I'm on my savings plan to get my onyx Mongolian kinky curly hair for my April install.
@ojemba do your work out? how does your weave hold up?

I am going away for a week in the summer and want to get a weave so that I can be carefree while I am gone. It is hot as Hayall there and I'd like to be real free of doing hair. LOL and not having a style that will make me feel like I have a rug on my head!

Plus how is the transitioning going? :)

On another Note, I have been hiding my hair.

I have been trying to wear my hair out (meaning not under wigs) more by CF sets or Soft roller sets.

I am going to be limiting the hair on my head as well as getting my 3 month trims like clock work. Super long hair isn't really my top priority. I'd like to wear my hair in styles and learn to have style options that I don't feel are a drag, or make me look like a drag. LOL

I was blow drying every wash, but will reduce it to maybe twice a month! BIG REDUCTION FOR ME!

Wigging it for 2 weeks out the month
Curl Former set, Rod Set or Soft roller set, possible bunning as well. :)
I even am thinking about a weave but I know I wouldn't leave it in there long :perplexed
Here's me from last week with a super sloppy bun-thingy...33wks post relaxer.
JJamiah no lady I don't work out but I should lollll.

The transition is going well as long as I'm not dealing with my hair. I'm planning to keep this in for another 7 weeks. I'm praying I don't have any detangling nightmare.

I'm not sure if ill get bored and want to wear my own hair in ps, but for know I'm planning to weave/wig it until I BC.

QUOTE="JJamiah"]@ojemba do your work out? how does your weave hold up?

I am going away for a week in the summer and want to get a weave so that I can be carefree while I am gone. It is hot as Hayall there and I'd like to be real free of doing hair. LOL and not having a style that will make me feel like I have a rug on my head!

Plus how is the transitioning going? :)

On another Note, I have been hiding my hair.

I have been trying to wear my hair out (meaning not under wigs) more by CF sets or Soft roller sets.

I am going to be limiting the hair on my head as well as getting my 3 month trims like clock work. Super long hair isn't really my top priority. I'd like to wear my hair in styles and learn to have style options that I don't feel are a drag, or make me look like a drag. LOL

I was blow drying every wash, but will reduce it to maybe twice a month! BIG REDUCTION FOR ME!

Wigging it for 2 weeks out the month
Curl Former set, Rod Set or Soft roller set, possible bunning as well. :)
I even am thinking about a weave but I know I wouldn't leave it in there long :perplexed[/QUOTE]
I was just wondering if this challenge was 3 months and that it was close to reveal time but noooooooo it's 6 months. Oh boy....where did I put my wig? :nono:
Still wiggin it, and thats a huge help with lowering manipulation because when I start watching yt hair vids and start getting the itch to mess in my hair I put on my wig and abuse the heck out of it instead!
im still here sick of wearing my buns.really want braids but i vowed never to braid my own hair again :nono: think i will shell out the money for senegalese twists to hide until may...hmm
Did a yogurt DC yesterday, made all of my knots melt away. I did a light blow dry and now I'm sporting a french braid with the ends tucked. It's not my best work but oh well.

Made some more flaxseed gel, and now I'm trying to psych myself into starting on those infamous mini-twists. T_T
Tried my hand at a two pony side bun. It didn't turn out too bad, considering I was feeling like crud and rushing. I'm going to tie it down tonight, and hopefully, get another wear out of it tomorrow.:yep:
Wow, I haven't checked in at all with this challenge. I'm still wigging it, but I'm getting so burnt out on wigs. I've been wigging for the last two challenges plus this one and even before I became part of the official challenge. So, after about two years or so, I've finally gotten tired of wigs.

After I wash my hair this weekend, I'm planning on bunning it for awhile. I need a change for sure.
I was just wondering if this challenge was 3 months and that it was close to reveal time but noooooooo it's 6 months. Oh boy....where did I put my wig? :nono:

Oh em geeee. All this time I've been saying cant wait until april 1st ti reveal. But now I have to wait until june
Good thing is, I know it.ll be worth it!!!