2012 HYH Challenge (Jan 1st - June 30th)

@Ms. Tiki -

- Placed hair in a high pony - I use banana clips.
- Baggied ends.
- Swirl the hair upwards toward the crown in the shape of a half circle. (see pic)
- Tuck baggied ends under hair. (on arrow side - see pic)
- Place hair net over style to keep it in place.
- Pin in place on the side of the arrow. (see pic)
Note: My hair somewhat shifted while pinning in order to hide the baggy.

Did that help?


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prepooed my hair w/ayurvedic hair oil (nevretna)
will poo, tea rinse w/ earl grey black tea w/oil of bergamot (smells soooo good!) mixed w/jasmine tea
then final rinse w/fenugreek tea

back to wigging tomorrow and i'm shopping around for a new wig
I have my sulfur/jbco mix on my scalp and over that is Chicoro's moisture-drenched prepoo which I will be keeping on my hair for about 1-2 hours. I will follow up with a mild shampoo - possibly KeraCare Hydrating and Detangling shampoo.

Then I will pour some Black tea/caffeine powder rinse over my hair and scalp, massage for a few minutes and on top of that I will add a deep protien treatment (KeraCare Restorative Mask) for 20 minutes. I will deep moisture condition with KeraCare Creme Humecto.

I want to also do the LOC (liquid, oil,cream) method for moisturizing and sealing. After that, I will GHE baggy overnight with this so my hair should be super happy in the morning:yep:
Unfortunately I haven't @Ms. Tiki. The one vendor which was my go to seem to no longer carry them. I've never seen these types of clips in-store either. I will be a hurt soul once all of mine break and/or wear out. I guess I'll be forced back to using cut up stockings if I don't find a replacement.
Checking in...

Still in mini twists for the past 3 weeks but I'm going to curl them next weekend for the final 3-4weeks. I'm loving this PS!
NikkiQ, I took a dozen different pix and none of them did the twistout justice. I'll try it again tomorrow and post no matter what.:grin:

Today my hair is in eight fat twists using the same method. The curls should be nice and defined by tomorrow.:yep:
Bunning this week:) I have to practice pinning my wigs down because my edges started getting tender after 2 1/2 weeks of wearing wigs.
i am doing a protein treatment and i am going to attempt to HYH under a wig. i don't really care for them, but i really need to just leave my hair alone, if i wanna make my goal in the next couple of months.
Hair has been in the same cornrow braids that I wear under my u-part wig for 5wks. I cowash 2-3x/wk and afterwards apply leave in on my braids and put JBCO on my scalp. Been keeping it simple.
Two weeks in my weave, 20 weeks post. Cowashing hair this weekend. Things are going smoothly now I don't have to directly deal with my hair.
still cornrowed under my wig, this weekend will make 6 wks for me,:yay: I will be undoing ,deep conditoning, saturday night, trim if need and back under my wig, .. for you ladies with synthetic wigs, luster's mositurize the spray kind, does wonders for the wig, not sure why, it seems to renew it, that and a trim of stray fibers if need be, :yep:
:hiya: :hiya: Just checking in! Currently wearing the same ole wash and go pony...I do need to do a deep condition this weekend.
so i've been wearing my hair like this for the last 3 days (except mine are thick flat twists, i don't have hair out in the front and they go into a bun) and the rest of my hair (2/3) are in mini twists. I started the mini twists on Jan 23 :blush: I really need to finish, but i'll probably wait until saturday to do that. :look:
Finally decided to wear my wig. The ends are super thick/frizzy so I wore a side ponytail and I loved it (so did my SO). I'll definetly be wigging it for the time being because I'm tired of dealing with my own hair.
I gave in and took the senegalese twists out, today is wash day for me, so I'll do a protein treatment, cornrows and wig it :P
hair feels very nice. i like the combo of products i used this time around. i liked how my hair felt after airdrying. i still need to tweak it a little more to make sure my ends are really smooth and straight though. i bunned my hair yesterday and it feels nice. i may try bunning. i just know i can't do the wet bunning thing.
It's been 4 weeks and I'm tired of this weave. I can tell my hair is growing well though. I just hate attempting to get my hair to blend. I think I might switch to a wig this weekend and wear that until my next install. I'm definitely getting a curly weave next time.
Hair is being hidden away with Celies and under wigs for this entire month. So far, so good. Though it gets boring, I think hiding my hair is the best thing for me right now. Loose hair and being able to look at it all the time comparing the length to what it was before the "CUT" would drive me banana hammock.
took down my cornrows, made 6 weeks, will not do that again,:nono: it was a bit dry, so deep conditioned, and cornrowed back again, will redo in 4 weeks, and step up the mositure, :yep: